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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

I think even if someone told Boris in advance about Pincher's behaviour before he appointed him, I suspect Boris wouldn't care anyway. I think Boris is probably the sort of person who thinks sexually inappropriate behaviour when drunk is just a harmless prank.

I'm sure he doesn't give the slightest fuck. Even aside from that though a smarter politician would have been aware that appointing someone like that was a pointless risk and one not worth taking - he's not even a competent cunt.
Even though the infection has set in.

It's possible.

That all these distraction's are a clever ploy to keep us talking about nonsense. Keeping us distracted and divided.

While they drain the people and the country of its finance's and resource's.

Cleverly implementing law's that will be beneficial for themselves, before the big market crash, anticipating the public's reaction of outrage,
when the public realise they have been hoodwinked by the government and attempt to do something about it.

But, then it will be too late because they public will be lame.

Just curious.
Even though the infection has set in.

It's possible.

That all these distraction's are a clever ploy to keep us talking about nonsense. Keeping us distracted and divided.

While they drain the people and the country of its finance's and resource's.

Cleverly implementing law's that will be beneficial for themselves, before the big market crash, anticipating the public's reaction of outrage,
when the public realise they have been hoodwinked by the government and attempt to do something about it.

But, then it will be too late because they public will be lame.

Just curious.
What gave you the impression they were clever?
Even though the infection has set in.

It's possible.

That all these distraction's are a clever ploy to keep us talking about nonsense. Keeping us distracted and divided.

While they drain the people and the country of its finance's and resource's.

Cleverly implementing law's that will be beneficial for themselves, before the big market crash, anticipating the public's reaction of outrage,
when the public realise they have been hoodwinked by the government and attempt to do

What gave you the impression they were clever?
Who is stupid then?
Who is stupid then?

With a couple of exceptions I don’t t think any of them are individually stupid, as a collective they are incapable of the kind of Machiavellian complex multi dimensional conspiracy proposed. They mostly lack depth and are lurching from one crisis to the next chained to the charismatic Big Dog that they owe their elevation to.

(There are several Tory ministers below cabinet rank and MPs on the back benches who’s politics I verhenltly oppose, but who’s competence I would acknowledge BTW. )
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Even though the infection has set in.

It's possible.

That all these distraction's are a clever ploy to keep us talking about nonsense. Keeping us distracted and divided.

While they drain the people and the country of its finance's and resource's.

Cleverly implementing law's that will be beneficial for themselves, before the big market crash, anticipating the public's reaction of outrage,
when the public realise they have been hoodwinked by the government and attempt to do something about it.

But, then it will be too late because they public will be lame.

Just curious.
I think there's an element of truth in this. I don't doubt that for each issue there's been, inquiries are used to delay consequences until it's so long after the event that most people no longer care.

The public coffers may be sought after, but the most damage that happening is the legislation that winds back our European rights (environmental, consumer, workers, protest, etc..) and now the ECHR too. It gives business the ability do run rampant which is potentially more profitable and more difficult to rewind than simply raiding the Treasury.

It looks like they know they're running out of road. Destructive (any?) legislation is becoming increasingly difficult to pass. That NI protocol reversal bill really is nothing more than the ability for ministers to remove product/food safety regulations without scrutiny. I think the car will crash before it hits the statute books.
Even though the infection has set in.

It's possible.

That all these distraction's are a clever ploy to keep us talking about nonsense. Keeping us distracted and divided.

While they drain the people and the country of its finance's and resource's.

Cleverly implementing law's that will be beneficial for themselves, before the big market crash, anticipating the public's reaction of outrage,
when the public realise they have been hoodwinked by the government and attempt to do something about it.

But, then it will be too late because they public will be lame.

Just curious.
there are things governments do to distract from the things that aren't going to plan. foreign wars are always a great favourite. for example mussolini and abyssinia. johnson has to make do with ukraine but anyone following what's going on with that, and the british response, with even the slightest assiduity, will see that for all johnson's great trumpeting of ukraine he doesn't give a flying fuck about actual ukrainians - else the refugees seeking er refuge here wouldn't be housed with sexual predators or barred from the country. as for draining the people and the country of its finances and resources, they're not being covert or subtle about that at all - all those billions spaffed away on useless ppe, for example, money straight into the pockets of johnson's chums. but johnson's like the wily coyote, running and running and thinking it's ok until he looks down and sees he's been running on air. some day this government will be over and penguins will chortle about the time they loved the smell of johnson in the morning.
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