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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Oh no! Did you hear that, guys? Apparently our criticism of the Monster Twat is boring and inconsiderate to his voters.

I think he is just about to jump the shark. Unless I'm being particularly tone-deaf, and he already did. At this rate, the only people who are going to think he has any credibility left are the proverbial swivel-eyed loons.
The Tory Party fighting like cats in a sack with up to 6 MPs reputing to be jumping ship to Sir Kieth's Diet Tories, genuine terror at by-election results, and the cavalcade of cabinet-rank empty suits 'sounding one another out in general terms' to see if they think "the game is up".

Very nice Sunday morning reading

Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me, I wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed…
I wonder if this is an early sign that even the Mail is getting fed up with Johnson.

View attachment 328881

I assume it's a re-write of the Times report, which was published online an hour before, and is here - archive.ph

Not only is the idea of a £150,000 treehouse fucking obscene, but the cunt was expecting the Tory donor that funded the Downing Street flat refurbishment to pay for it, makes you wonder what Lord Brownlow gets in return for funding Johnson's lifestyle.

Some of the comments some it up well.
Yeah I think its more a sign of how much they love to 'borrow' stories from the likes of the Times.

Whenever I glance at the newspaper front pages online, which is quite often, its still been the Mail and the Express coming out with blatant pro-Johnson front page headlines on most occasions when others are saying how doomed and shit he is. If that changes it shouldnt be subtle.
The Tory Party fighting like cats in a sack with up to 6 MPs reputing to be jumping ship to Sir Kieth's Diet Tories, genuine terror at by-election results, and the cavalcade of cabinet-rank empty suits 'sounding one another out in general terms' to see if they think "the game is up".

Very nice Sunday morning reading
The 80 tory majority has taken something of a battering. Indeed, inflation has taken its toll on the backbenches as the tory majority now down 10% on 2019
There is no, "Left", there is no "Right."

There is a, clique. Who don't give a shit about ideology.

That's for the masses.

Their business, is money and power.

There is plenty of cash. Just not for you.

You got yourself's into this mess.

Good luck getting out.
In some ways labours lead and vote share is similar to millbands during the coalition midterm. The difference then is that UKIP was taking about 12% of the vote. So when it came to the 2015 election, a lot of that UKIP votes went back to the Tories (they had an unofficial pact - especially in seats with pro-brexit tory candidates) . So its now harder to see where the tories can make up their vote. A new leader and the shiteness of starmer may result in them being the largest party at the next election - but a majority may well be beyond them. Also - tactical voting is now more of a thing as disgust at the tories now probably outstrips anger at the liberal tory enabling yellow democrat filth .
What happened with Johnson as London mayor- I can't remember- did he resign in a huff and then go into parliament?

He won't resign and given last week's results the longer he hangs on the better. Unfortunately the Tory Party now seems to have realised he's a liability and I think (finally) he will be gone next spring at the very latest. Probably done in at party conference.
What happened with Johnson as London mayor- I can't remember- did he resign in a huff and then go into parliament?

He won't resign and given last week's results the longer he hangs on the better. Unfortunately the Tory Party now seems to have realised he's a liability and I think (finally) he will be gone next spring at the very latest. Probably done in at party conference.
No, he became an mp in 2015

If he's going to get done in at party conf I hope whoever does it does a better job than 1984
In some ways labours lead and vote share is similar to millbands during the coalition midterm. The difference then is that UKIP was taking about 12% of the vote. So when it came to the 2015 election, a lot of that UKIP votes went back to the Tories (they had an unofficial pact - especially in seats with pro-brexit tory candidates) . So its now harder to see where the tories can make up their vote. A new leader and the shiteness of starmer may result in them being the largest party at the next election - but a majority may well be beyond them. Also - tactical voting is now more of a thing as disgust at the tories now probably outstrips anger at the liberal tory enabling yellow democrat filth .

TBF Miliband did lose a lot of that lead, too. Around the mid-point of that Parliament Leveson 1 had reported, the disaster of Libyan intervention was starting to become apparent, austerity was being maintained for all but the usual folk and he'd managed to defeat the coalition over bombing Syria.

He should have made that the theme of the next election (that he'd made the right calls, any criticism of him was from a largely compliant and biased press and that the government was enriching its mates at everyone elses expense - a sort of super "who runs the country" argument), but of course instead they went down the mugs and menhirs route instead and got smashed.
What happened with Johnson as London mayor- I can't remember- did he resign in a huff and then go into parliament?

He won't resign and given last week's results the longer he hangs on the better. Unfortunately the Tory Party now seems to have realised he's a liability and I think (finally) he will be gone next spring at the very latest. Probably done in at party conference.
I think that, also, the vacuum of any kind of "moral" leadership he represents will lead to more tories thinking they can exhibit behaviours like groping women/small boys with impunity, which will hopefully lead to more and more by elections where he continues to deny any kind of problem within his party, which will hopefully result in further increases in perceptions of them all as repugnant.
In his interview yesterday with Mishal Husain, she challenged him on the question of morality in leadership, which ‘of course’ he said was important.

Husain: And what are the matters of principle over which you would be prepared to resign?

Johnson: Well, for instance, I think that if – ah – our government decided – er, if if if if it was put to me that we had to abandon the er Ukrainian cause er because it was simply getting too difficult and that the cost of supporting er that that people in their heroic fight for freedom was too great in terms of inflation, in terms of the economic damage, yeah, I think I would accept that I’d lost a very important argument and I would go. But I don’t, I don’t see that. But the interesting thing about all the points you make, Mishal, is that actually, in so many of these conversations what happens is that er people lose an argument and then turn their, their, fire on me. I don’t I don’t mind that. That is my job. But if you look at just – zooming out for a second – look at the, just look at the the world from the perspective of Kigali where actually I’m talking to you from, and think about what is happening. You have dozens of countries here from Africa, from Oceania, and er they are looking at this war in Europe in a very different way that we are, right? And they are saying they are seeing their prices of food going up, they’re seeing fertiliser prices going up, they’re seeing inflation, they’re worried about it, and I’m afraid to say that instead of er blaming Vladimir Putin’s aggression, they think – and I think this is wrong, I think they’re totally mistaken – that they think, a lot of them, that it’s because of the We[st]- it’s because of European sanctions and that er the whole thing’s er a misadventure, we should basically let Putin er have his way.

Later he insisted this was only an example but I reckon he was setting up his escape route, using Ukraine as a figleaf, as he always has.
So I reckon he might go, claiming an 'honourable' exit. [🤮]

From here Best of Today - Johnson: Psychological transformation is not going to happen - BBC Sounds

Above extract starts from around 14.11 minutes in.
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I think that, also, the vacuum of any kind of "moral" leadership he represents will lead to
I think that hes managed to do a great deal of damage to possibly more than just the institution of parliament with the lies, corruption and the blockhead lackies pushing illegal and immoral decisions. An example that will be mimicked by all sorts of people in all sorts of situations.
The guy does not give the tiniest of shits about anyone else, and thats an awful example to have risen to such a high office.

Hoping that damage stains the tories for a very long time is the only plus side
I think that hes managed to do a great deal of damage to possibly more than just the institution of parliament with the lies, corruption and the blockhead lackies pushing illegal and immoral decisions. An example that will be mimicked by all sorts of people in all sorts of situations.
The guy does not give the tiniest of shits about anyone else, and thats an awful example to have risen to such a high office.

Hoping that damage stains the tories for a very long time is the only plus side

Thatcherism was pretty much the same. Pushed their ideas of greed and selfishness that was then mimicked into many other areas in life ie work, housing, care, the workplace. Johnson does seem to have crashed into a brick wall though, let's hope he takes his pathetic little cabal with him.
I understand why women fall for him though. A lion‘s mane of silky blond hair, muscular physique, sensual lips, strong nose.

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