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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Meanwhile, while that meeting was going on..

He hasnt thought that through, given all the people who couldnt 'pop in' to check on their relatives even when they were dying.
Err, this is Dominic Raab we're talking about, here. Thinking things through just isn't how he rolls.

(talking of which, he got a bit of a kicking along those lines in last week's Dead Ringers :D)
If this is a play by Sunak then so be it. Anyone, anyone could do a better job right now than the fuckwit currently in No.10. When is the coup going to come.
Given he's had nearly two years in the job is Sunak not already in too deep to make sweeping changes? Aside from a reshuffle it's difficult to see him ditching all of Truss, Raab, Eustice, Shapps, Patel, etc.
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