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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

In any other walk of life , Johnson would be a serial bankrupt, along the Katy a politprice / Kerry Katona / five star type. His balancing act of multiple commitments and funding really deserves granular forensic investigation
Yep, he's that 'charismatic' (yuk) twat with cultural capital, contacts and an astonishing sense of entitlement. He's the sort of shit who cons people for a few years, stealing from a business or charity, largely in public view. They usually end up in prison along with a back story of people who should have stopped all the stealing being dazzled or just bullied into acquiescence. It used to be they'd get sole control of the company cheque book or would be funnelling money into some private account - a realisation that they were fucking incompetent and that the stealing was all about chasing theri losses as much as personal lifestyle. Unfortunately, the way our politics has developed for a generation, betrayal after betrayal, pretty much designed a job advert where the PM had to be some kind of dishonest shit. And whilst I agree that a politician's relationships shouldn't generally be a public issue, there's a real sense in which johnson's private cheating and abandonments map onto his public identity.
Certain things I don't joke about, and I try not to wish death on anyone regardless, but Tories really push my buttons.

I just wish he was no longer our PM.
Yeah, I wish for actual due processes and a long stretch at one of Brenda's least salubrious hotels.
Misconduct in Public Office carries a maximum sentence of Life.
Much as despise Johnson, wouldn't wish dementia on anyone and jokes about dementia are pretty much despicable, too.
Yep and it's not even about him, it's as much about having a bit of respect for those individuals and families facing dementia. It shouldn't be the currency of jokes. Well, there's a whole debate to be had about the 'limits of comedy', so I'll just stick with I don't like to see jokes about dementia.
Renal pain, reactive arthritis pain, nerve pain are all up there for me (and my pharmacist would agree).

I think gifting him to the penguins is a kindness considering.
Kindness to the penguins…?
Or is multiple beaking from scores of furious birds attacking from all angles a merciful, swift release?
I'm currently experiencing a nerve pain attack. I have taken various neuropathic and painkilling meds. I have put a lidocaine patch on the affected area. I have now added an ice pack (a freezer block). The pain is like someone is applying a hot poker to the affected nerve, and can affect the nerve in the upper part of my arm as well as the actual affected nerve near my underarm.

It's pure agony.

PMQs: Starmer asks Boris Johnson if he is 'okay' while accusing him of introducing a 'working class dementia tax'​


"And it isn't just broken promises, it's also about fairness. Everyone needs protecting against massive health and care costs.
"But under his plan, someone with assets worth about £100,000 will lose almost everything yet somebody with assets of about £1 million will keep almost everything."
After quizzing the prime minister a number of times on the issue, Sir Keir added: "It's a classic con game. A Covent Garden pickpocketing operation. The prime minister is the frontman, distracting people with wild promises and panto speeches whilst his chancellor dips his hand in their pocket."

Well done Starmer 😃
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Renal pain, reactive arthritis pain, nerve pain are all up there for me (and my pharmacist would agree).

I think gifting him to the penguins is a kindness considering.

Renal pain especially; having had a brief experience of that earlier this year myself you have all my sympathies.
Wasn't the dementia tax thing they threw at May all those years ago? New material needed.
It was but it was partly responsible for hammering May's majority. It cut through. Though it is unlikely to cut through with the current clown in charge of Labour.
Re: trigeminal neuralgia - psylocybin aka magic mushrooms have been found to be effective for some sufferers but research hasn’t quite proved it yet
auotged from anothe thread from me/I/myself:
bojo is a pretend idot deflecting from what is happening shocker

(sorry: not a dig at you supine, just my appraisal of the twat)
reply from Supine :
I don’t agree at all. I think he is a real idiot :D

I have to agree he is a real idiot (possibly because I have an opposite view to life and humanity's "role/future" to his), but I think his actions are not idiotic and are used to deflect attention from important and nasty moves his governement is implementing while his clown acts distracts attention from the real happenings.

France's interior minister has cancelled talks with UK Home Secretary Priti Patel after Prime Minister Boris Johnson called on France to take back migrants who crossed the Channel.

In an escalation of the political crisis after the deaths of 27 people in the Channel, Gérald Darmanin said France was disappointed by the letter.

"Making it public made it even worse."

Mr Johnson set out five steps in his letter to President Emmanuel Macron to avoid a repeat of Wednesday's tragedy.

"We consider the British prime minister's public letter unacceptable and counter to our discussions between partners," Mr Darmanin said in a statement.

"As a result Priti Patel is no longer invited," he added.

He really is a grade A cunt.

France's interior minister has cancelled talks with UK Home Secretary Priti Patel after Prime Minister Boris Johnson called on France to take back migrants who crossed the Channel.

In an escalation of the political crisis after the deaths of 27 people in the Channel, Gérald Darmanin said France was disappointed by the letter.

"Making it public made it even worse."

Mr Johnson set out five steps in his letter to President Emmanuel Macron to avoid a repeat of Wednesday's tragedy.

"We consider the British prime minister's public letter unacceptable and counter to our discussions between partners," Mr Darmanin said in a statement.

"As a result Priti Patel is no longer invited," he added.

He really is a grade A cunt.
Just to be clear, we are talking about Johnson here?

My guess is that he is quite deliberately sabotaging any chance of rapprochement, because it plays well to his racist core supporters.
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