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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

I really don't think he's fucked. He could shamble along like this for a decade and still be voted in.
Doesnt matter if you could still be voted in if the rest of the tory party have voted to put you on the menu and chop you into thousands of pieces.
And what happens then? Gove?
There are a bunch of candidates that the press have mentioned in recent weeks, and its too early for me to narrow that field. Its a thread about Johnson, and the fact another tory will replace him unless his loss is the parties loss at an election will not stop me celebrating the political demise of this shithead, whenever that may be.
TBH. I don't see him going anywhere at the moment, it's not the kind of job where you give it a go for a year or two, particularly if you have the deluded view that you are a peacetime Churchill. Nor will the party seriously think about ditching him till Labour get 6 months of poll leads. However I agree with the underlined - he really is a lazy bastard, one of the many reasons he's unfit for the job. He'll probably knuckle down for a month or so, doing some proper speeches, learning a few - gasp - facts! But then he'll revert to type. I suppose he's, literally, what he is - a Spectator journalist used to bluffing it, combining issues with bluster and rhetoric. The real question is what happened to British politics to allow this turd to float to the surface.

The Tories dumped Thatcher and will have no qualms about dumping him if they think he will be a liability in the next election
The Tories dumped Thatcher and will have no qualms about dumping him if they think he will be a liability in the next election

I think that is so, but I also suspect they are not as confident as the Thatch-slayers that they can do without him.
I think that is so, but I also suspect they are not as confident as the Thatch-slayers that they can do without him.
I dont know as the Thatch-slayers were confident about what would come next, but they recognised when she had become a bloody liability and they were also dealing with different timing in terms of how much longer ago her electoral success high watermark had been.

They probably picked Johnson in the first place so he could ram through the dirty work of Brexit without getting bogged down in reality. How well he then did in a general election was an added bonus compared to the likes of Cameron and May failing to secure juicy majorities. But since there are lots of individuals with much ambition, and the party as a whole isnt ready to give up on the ambition of holding onto the gains made in the Johnson general election, and the party is usually quite ruthless at knifing its leaders when they are deemed surplus to requirements, Johnson cannot rely on past victories. If he resembles a spent force for long then I expect he will be toast because even if we think the alternatives are a bunch of losers, plenty in the party will convince themselves otherwise, especially if the press wont go along with Johnsons act anymore.
The thatch slayers kept the thatch going, thirty years on and it's her or Churchill they all look back to
Whenever and however her time had ended, she was always going to become a useful myth and a symbol. Being savaged by a dead sheep was not going to get in the way of such things given that she was in power during a time when politics and the dominant economic ideology underwent quite the shift, she became the figurehead for a certain kind of solution. Eventually the sheer number of Thatcherite idiots that have joined the parliamentary party since and are woefully out of step with the realities and challenges this century will bog them down too much and they will have to find someone and something new to represent a new epoch.
Which brings us to the current quandary, being faced with both a left and a right that are totally bereft of new ideas
Which brings us to the current quandary, being faced with both a left and a right that are totally bereft of new ideas
The left and right have lots of ideas, only the left isnt represented in parliament, and the rights idea is to deregulate and privatise - admittedly that one is not that new, but there's still plenty new territory for it to feast on
Downing street keeps denying that Johnson is unwell, but apparently Johnson passed a note to Macron under the table, at a meeting recently, that said " please help me." Carrie says he keeps thinking that he lives in Scotland, and when she reminds him that he lives in London he goes quiet and becomes confused.
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These tory mps who are now concerned about his leadership - where were you when he was responsible for tens of thousands of deaths last year? You were ahead in the polls for most of the period and didn't give a shit, that's where you were. Scum.
Is it fair to assume that he is making an excruciating show of how well and on form he is in PMQs today? I havent yet been able to face checking whether the attempt I'm assuming he has made is actually whats been going on today.
Downing street keeps denying that Johnson is unwell, but apparently Johnson passed a note to Macron under the table, at a meeting recently, that said " please help me." Carrie says he keeps thinking that he lives in Scotland, and when she reminds him that he lives in London he goes quiet and becomes confused.
Where's this from? Sounds promising...
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