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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Just to be clear, we are talking about Johnson here?

My guess is that he is quite deliberately sabotaging any chance of rapprochement, because it plays well to his racist core supporters.
Yeah, but I think he is finally coming unstuck, he needs to look like a alt-right loon to keep the loudest and most reactionary parts of his supporters on board, but he's slowly losing the more moderate parts of his support and although with will keep the right-wingers happy and support from the M*il and S*n. But the further right Johnson goes the even more radical they want him to go, and then lose more moderate support. As soon as those papers sense he's losing will dump him.
This stunt is not going to help him in the long term and all the time people's lives are at steak

As an personal example my parents used think he as great, but really dislike him, this has happened in less than a year.

France's interior minister has cancelled talks with UK Home Secretary Priti Patel after Prime Minister Boris Johnson called on France to take back migrants who crossed the Channel.

In an escalation of the political crisis after the deaths of 27 people in the Channel, Gérald Darmanin said France was disappointed by the letter.

"Making it public made it even worse."

Mr Johnson set out five steps in his letter to President Emmanuel Macron to avoid a repeat of Wednesday's tragedy.

"We consider the British prime minister's public letter unacceptable and counter to our discussions between partners," Mr Darmanin said in a statement.

"As a result Priti Patel is no longer invited," he added.

He really is a grade A cunt.
To prevent grade inflation a new grade of a* cunt has been introduced
Dealing with france has been very tricky, like forever. This isn’t new, that’s why we have diplomacy. This note was never meant for the french. Whether we are purposely being drawn into a siege mentality situation or it’s just happening that way because wankers, I dunno. I suggest the latter as I don’t think Johnson is up to strategically weaponising the garrison mentally we can see emerging. I just think it’s crisis after crisis precisely because there is no grand plan.
Dealing with france has been very tricky, like forever. This isn’t new, that’s why we have diplomacy. This note was never meant for the french. Whether we are purposely being drawn into a siege mentality situation or it’s just happening that way because wankers, I dunno. I suggest the latter as I don’t think Johnson is up to strategically weaponising the garrison mentally we can see emerging. I just think it’s crisis after crisis precisely because there is no grand plan.
There is a grand plan, to win the next election
Yeah, but I think he is finally coming unstuck, he needs to look like a alt-right loon to keep the loudest and most reactionary parts of his supporters on board, but he's slowly losing the more moderate parts of his support and although with will keep the right-wingers happy and support from the M*il and S*n. But the further right Johnson goes the even more radical they want him to go, and then lose more moderate support. As soon as those papers sense he's losing will dump him.
This stunt is not going to help him in the long term and all the time people's lives are at steak

As an personal example my parents used think he as great, but really dislike him, this has happened in less than a year.

The gammons are unhappy with him - calling him a left wing eco liberal who is far too keen on immigrants and any other people with darker skin pigmentation than themselves
The gammons are unhappy with him - calling him a left wing eco liberal who is far too keen on immigrants and any other people with darker skin pigmentation than themselves
I think Storm Fox is right in their suggestion that, no matter how much Johnson panders to the loony right wing of his party, all it does is to feed their desire for ever more extreme things to happen. This is a never ending spiral that is only going to end when the party becomes utterly unelectable. And when there is a viable alternative to them. The tipping point seems to be a long time coming.
I think Storm Fox is right in their suggestion that, no matter how much Johnson panders to the loony right wing of his party, all it does is to feed their desire for ever more extreme things to happen. This is a never ending spiral that is only going to end when the party becomes utterly unelectable. And when there is a viable alternative to them. The tipping point seems to be a long time coming.
While more and more people see him for what he is. He can't go back as the Right Wing press will sink him immediately, which is the power these papers run by those old men have.
He could try to come back to the centre more and call out the newspapers and right-wing loons for what they are. But he hasn't got the talent or bravery to try it and they will have so much comprising material on him he's lost anyway.
That story has pictures from the Peppa Pig World, this could be another sign Johnson running out of time as PM. This could have been easily played out in the media as a loving father taking his kid out for the day, but it's not after the CBI speech it's now seen as a joke on him and nothing to do with family.
These are the top news stories for Pepper[sic] Pig (I don't have kids). Correctly searching for Peppa Pig gives more results related to the porcine heroine and not the pork haystack.


However, I see the fully paid up 'journalists' at the Fail can't get the name right and those headlines are not favourable.
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