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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Ok. So there's a lot of sniggering about Johnson's performance at the CBI today. Shambolic, rambling, incoherent etc.

Anyone noticed that Keef Starmer addressed the conference later on in the day with some actual policy positioning on ensuring that the farcical waste of money that is the test and trace system is not repeated? Don't get me wrong, I think Starmer is a wet-wipe. Still...

Johnson may be incompetent, but he's not that thick and likes to dominate the media cycle. An "I like to paint buses" moment maybe?
Seems to me the Tory establishment is now looking to replace Boris Johnson, which makes me suddenly think that it might be best if we kept him. Whoever they replace him with might be competent, and there's nothing worse than a competent Tory. Of course I would have appreciated competence during the pandemic, but it's too late for all that, those people are all dead. I don't suddenly want competence now.
Seems to me the Tory establishment is now looking to replace Boris Johnson, which makes me suddenly think that it might be best if we kept him. Whoever they replace him with might be competent, and there's nothing worse than a competent Tory. Of course I would have appreciated competence during the pandemic, but it's too late for all that, those people are all dead. I don't suddenly want competence now.
Certainly, someone more ideological and less keen on public spending than Johnson
By God, Cameron was pigging awful wasn't he? Just seeing his plump, self-satisfied porcine face again induces utter rage. Entirely lacking in ability or talent, but an Etonian & an Oxbridge man - therefore suitable for the top job. And what will his legacy be, what will he be remembered for? Giving the green light to the EU referendum and trying to persuade the electorate to vote Remain, but typically making a ham-fisted hash of that. He told a lot of porkies about the red menace of Milliband too, when the most notable thing the latter had done was eat a bacon sandwich.

The Millipede bacon roll face makes sense given he’d be party to Cameron’s peccadilloes, “bit salty this bacon, oh fuck, call me Dave’s been at it again.”
Cameron and Johnson are descendants of George the first.
Comedy takedown without actually trying to be funny:

I think when the cunt said ‘I think they got the majority of the points i was making (smirk)’ he was referring to his ‘fuck business’ agenda. He just turned up to mock and take the piss basically. It was ‘you don’t like me i don’t care’.
I think when the cunt said ‘I think they got the majority of the points i was making (smirk)’ he was referring to his ‘fuck business’ agenda. He just turned up to mock and take the piss basically. It was ‘you don’t like me i don’t care’.

Stop trying to make me like him!
Ok. So there's a lot of sniggering about Johnson's performance at the CBI today. Shambolic, rambling, incoherent etc.

Anyone noticed that Keef Starmer addressed the conference later on in the day with some actual policy positioning on ensuring that the farcical waste of money that is the test and trace system is not repeated? Don't get me wrong, I think Starmer is a wet-wipe. Still...

Johnson may be incompetent, but he's not that thick and likes to dominate the media cycle. An "I like to paint buses" moment maybe?

I doubt that anyone would have paid much attention to Sir Sheath regardless of Johnson's performance. His real enemies are Raab, Patel, Gove and Sunak. I think this shambles will make it easier for them to stab him in the front.
Not true :mad: it was in the Conference, look at the beginning of that piece. Fucking sycophants again - not a single "Get on with it" just embarrassed giggles at some of the worst bits.
Well it was a partial virtual conference. Normally there would be ten times the delegates but you are right, there is an audience.
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The Times has Gove as their man, so no loyalty to Johnson. The Telegraph (and the whole spectator and related establishment commentariat) is Johnson’s rag, and their front cover is pretty much alone in pretending this hasn’t happened. Once they fold he‘ll be on the way out, but no sign of getting their yet.
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