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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Still you've got to wonder what they've spent so far on feasibility, market focus groups etc. etc.
I'm sure someone has made a tidy packet out it.
If I had a tenner for every time I've been asked to look at a no hope project, and told them "well, of you want me to bill you £x,xxx for telling you "no"" , frankly, I'd have spent it all on beer.
He was though, friends with Ghislaine Maxwell back in their university days

Edited nope, no they weren't
Rachel Johnson says they were:
It’s hard not to pity Ghislaine Maxwell
It’s hard not to feel a batsqueak of pity for Ghislaine Maxwell — 500 days and counting in solitary confinement. I intersected briefly with her at Oxford. As a fresher I wandered into Balliol JCR one day in search of its subsidised breakfast granola-and-Nescafé offering and found a shiny glamazon with naughty eyes holding court astride a table, a high-heeled boot resting on my brother Boris’s thigh. She gave me a pitying glance but I did manage to snag an invite to her party in Headington Hill Hall.
Buried in the middle of some pointless fluff piece about her new dog:
This car crash of a Prime Minister has now - inevitably - become a full on train wreck of a Prime Minister. Rambling away, speaking garbage and drivel, simply making even more of a horse's arse of himself than usual. Shambolic, unedifying and embarrassing doesn't even cover it. And what's even worse, he's shameless with it. Not only doesn't he care, he's letting us know that he doesn't care. He's mocking us. Like he always has done.
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