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PM Boris Johnson - monster thread for a monster twat

Dealing with Parliamentary Business ................................................... 0.5 hours
Arranging PPE contracts for donors ..................................................... 27.5 hours
Meetings to advise companies of confidential upcoming legislation .... 39 hours
Seeing Christopher Chope fuck it up for them ....................Timeless
I absolutely fucking hate the term 'handsy'. (Which by my recollection only came into general use quite recently -- maybe in the last five(?) years).

Makes it sound a bit whimsical and slightly amusing and like it's just one of those things. Let's call a groper a groper. Or molester/sexual assaulter would also work. FFS.
I absolutely fucking hate the term 'handsy'. (Which by my recollection only came into general use quite recently -- maybe in the last five(?) years).

Makes it sound a bit whimsical and slightly amusing and like it's just one of those things. Let's call a groper a groper. Or molester/sexual assaulter would also work. FFS.
Yep, it's an almost perfect form of positioning for anyone who doesn't really want to do anything about sexual violence. Calling someone 'handsy' allows the caller to be simultaneously critical of the groper, whilst also transforming the whole thing into a bit of laddishness.
Yep, it's an almost perfect form of positioning for anyone who doesn't really want to do anything about sexual violence. Calling someone 'handsy' allows the caller to be simultaneously critical of the groper, whilst also transforming the whole thing into a bit of laddishness.
Makes me think of cutting their hands off as a potential solution though probably not a good idea really.
I absolutely fucking hate the term 'handsy'. (Which by my recollection only came into general use quite recently -- maybe in the last five(?) years).

Makes it sound a bit whimsical and slightly amusing and like it's just one of those things. Let's call a groper a groper. Or molester/sexual assaulter would also work. FFS.

Definitely not a recent thing - I recall it being used in the 90s and the implied meaning was always "for fucks sake don't find yourself (or leave anyone else alone) in their company because they're a mosquito's fart away from a crime scene". "Grope" and derivations thereof was considered rather old-hat and whimsical...

Not that I think it's a great surprise that the father of a priapic twat is also handsy, groping twat and Boris is definitely someone I wouldn't leave anyone alone with.

I've not caught up with it yet but apparently there's been some drama in PMQs today...?
Definitely not a recent thing - I recall it being used in the 90s and the implied meaning was always "for fucks sake don't find yourself (or leave anyone else alone) in their company because they're a mosquito's fart away from a crime scene". "Grope" and derivations thereof was considered rather old-hat and whimsical...

Not that I think it's a great surprise that the father of a priapic twat is also handsy, groping twat and Boris is definitely someone I wouldn't leave anyone alone with.

I've not caught up with it yet but apparently there's been some drama in PMQs today...?
Ah, I'd certainly never heard it till pretty recently. We used to use much more straightforward terms then (and still do).
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