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People of Merthyr give Ian Duncan Smith a reality check

How does Britain create millions of new jobs, quickly?

By creating public sector jobs. Specifically, creating jobs improving infrastructure, services and industry. You know, useful public works.

And banning overtime whilst enforcing a 35 hour working week with no loss of pay.

Basically the opposite of what this government is doing.
Most of the qualified young people I knew in South Wales have already gotten on their bikes and gone..

Of course they have. The ones who haven't are on the dole, in-and-out of prison, or at best in crap, temporary jobs. They wish they'd left.
There are already plenty of places as bad as this right across Europe. Expect many more as the West suffers unavoidable and irreversible economic and social decline and consumer capitalism runs up against natural limits.

Eventually people will look for 'stong leaders.' Eventually we'll have war.
It might possibly be an answer for specific individuals, phil, to allow them to personally improve their own lot. But it isn't remotely the blanket answer to the problem of mass unemployment across vast swathes of the UK. You're asking literally millions of people to leave whole areas as ghost towns and somehow resettle in what is already one of the most densely populated areas of the UK, where you expect there will magically be jobs for them to justify their move. It just isn't a remotely reaslistic policy.
By creating public sector jobs. Specifically, creating jobs improving infrastructure, services and industry. You know, useful public works.

And banning overtime whilst enforcing a 35 hour working week with no loss of pay.

But surely even a delusional tinpoint revolutionary fantasist such as yourself you can see that this is not going to happen?

Right or wrong? So I don't know what you imagine you're achieving by telling everyone to stay in Merthyr.
By creating public sector jobs. Specifically, creating jobs improving infrastructure, services and industry. You know, useful public works.

You know that the public sector already accounts for something like 25 out of every 100 jobs in UK. How many jobs do you think it would be safe to create in the public sector and how much tax would be required to pay for it?
People of Merthyr should just all start massive multinational companies and thus become rich.
Thing is ...

Most of the qualified young people I knew in South Wales have already gotten on their bikes and gone..

Sounds bad. I'd leave if I were you.

Actually, if I were you I'd probably sit around on the internet ordering everyone to stay put. But I myself would leave.

And what are you saying is the answer?

And where should hey go?

Moving isn't feasible for minimum wage jobs with no security, and often these days on zero hour contracts. People move, they lose their job, they are back where they started but with more debt (if they can even borrow enough to move in the first place) and without the support structure - you know, family, friends - available to them in their home communities. And if they have kids...

I thought you were a red Phil? Seems you have bought the 'I'm alright Jack' bullshit hook, line and sinker. Knob.
It might possibly be an answer for specific individuals, phil, to allow them to personally improve their own lot. But it isn't remotely the blanket answer to the problem of mass unemployment across vast swathes of the UK. You're asking literally millions of people to leave whole areas as ghost towns and somehow resettle in what is already one of the most densely populated areas of the UK, where you expect there will magically be jobs for them to justify their move. It just isn't a remotely reaslistic policy.

It isn't, particularly as the future promises stringent immigration controls, if not, in some countries, outright bans (which will, of course, fail to work due to the strains on poorer societies that are coming, resulting in chaos and vastly intensified racial tensions.)
But surely even a delusional tinpoint revolutionary fantasist such as yourself you can see that this is not going to happen?

Right or wrong? So I don't know what you imagine you're achieving by telling everyone to stay in Merthyr.
Where might all these jobs be that are waiting for the unskilled and generally desperately poor folks of Merthyr, Phil?
By creating public sector jobs. Specifically, creating jobs improving infrastructure, services and industry. You know, useful public works.

And banning overtime whilst enforcing a 35 hour working week with no loss of pay.

Basically the opposite of what this government is doing.
And also pumping money into industry/the economy,in other ways
You know that the public sector already accounts for something like 25 out of every 100 jobs in UK. How many jobs do you think it would be safe to create in the public sector and how much tax would be required to pay for it?

Funnily enough Wetwipe, if more people were in work there would be more tax. Incredible I know.

Hmmm.....so you pay them from taxation, then take 20% to 30% of it back to pay their wages.

What am I missing? :confused:
Where might these jobs be that are waiting for the unskilled and generally desperately poor folks of Merthyr, Phil?

They're in London and the South East, sillies! Those of us already living here know there's no issue with employment, low pay or trying find housing already! Come to Lambeth, Newham or Tower Hamlets, lands of plenty! Maybe try Brighton or Hastings, the streets are paved with skilled jobs and gold!

But surely even a delusional tinpoint revolutionary fantasist such as yourself you can see that this is not going to happen?

Right or wrong? So I don't know what you imagine you're achieving by telling everyone to stay in Merthyr.

Much better to just fuck off to Turkey and live the life of an over-privileged bohemian cunt whilst preaching at the poor, innit.

Ex-pat cock.
You know that the public sector already accounts for something like 25 out of every 100 jobs in UK. How many jobs do you think it would be safe to create in the public sector and how much tax would be required to pay for it?

I'm curious to know what you think money is, where it comes from and why a closed economy that includes a private sector is somehow more viable than a closed economy that excludes a private sector.
It might possibly be an answer for specific individuals, phil, to allow them to personally improve their own lot. But it isn't remotely the blanket answer to the problem of mass unemployment across vast swathes of the UK. You're asking literally millions of people to leave whole areas as ghost towns and somehow resettle in what is already one of the most densely populated areas of the UK, where you expect there will magically be jobs for them to justify their move. It just isn't a remotely reaslistic policy.

But mass unemployment in selected areas of the UK is not a problem for your governments. It is their solution to the problem of labor militancy. As such it is not going anywhere fast.

You're asking literally millions of people to leave whole areas as ghost towns and somehow resettle in what is already one of the most densely populated areas of the UK, where you expect there will magically be jobs for them to justify their move. It just isn't a remotely reaslistic policy.

I'm not expecting "millions" of people to move. In fact I was referring specifically to the people in this film, and thinking especially of the girls who made it. Ambitious and able people like them could make a fine lives for themselves somewhere other than South Wales.

I'd give you ten-to-one that they won't be living in Merthyr five years from now.
Better answer to what. You are saying 'get on your bikes'.

Tsk, didnt you get the memo Proper Tidy. For the new caring, compassionate tory vermin it's "get on the bus". Even if that bus journy is at 5:30am, won't get you to the destination on time and there are no jobs at the destination anyway. As Liam Fox says "we don't have a moral duty to help those who won't help themselves". If the people of Merthyr can't even be bothered to do the impossible then they deserve to die.
But mass unemployment in selected areas of the UK is not a problem for your governments. It is their solution to the problem of labor militancy. As such it is not going anywhere fast.
It's not going to be fixed by all those people moving elsewhere though.

I'm not expecting "millions" of people to move. In fact I was referring specifically to the people in this film, and thinking especially of the girls who made it. Ambitious and able people like them could make a fine lives for themselves somewhere other than South Wales.

I'd give you ten-to-one that they won't be living in Merthyr five years from now.
Bully for those few individuals. What about everybody else in Merthyr?
Indeed, and that is the crux of the problem.

How does Britain create millions of new jobs, quickly?

Creating jobs quickly would mean, IMO, creating jobs that won't last. Like we see with Bosch mentioned above, any company fickle enough to be lured in with bribes (bribes which may come at the expense of the pay and conditions of the workforce) will be lured away again just as easily.

It's going to take a long time to create an economy which is not dependant on multinationals, not dependant on the retail and service sectors but which is based on the (horribly old-fashioned) concept of creating things which have value. With most of the country living hand-to-mouth or terrified of losing their job or both there's no scope for the innovation and enterprise which governments always bang on about. We are told to aspire to greatness one moment and then told we can work 60 hours a week at ASDA or die in the gutter the next.

Work is good for you, but only if it has a purpose. Working in a dead end job for a company that does nothing but sell imported shite at a 90% mark up and doesn't give a fuck whether you live or die is not good for you. Maybe there are people in this country who genuinely don't want to work, and can you blame them? Anyone would think from the rhetoric surrounding unemployment that once you're in a job you'll be treated with dignity and respect. Fat fucking chance, as soon as the balance sheet says so you're back on the scrapheap.
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