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Opposition to Islam is not Racism.

Edited for sneakyness...

I think so - can't find any actual (easy) stats on it...

'late' baptisms are now much more popular. the number for 'cradle' baptisms is (I think) than half what it was 50 years ago, but a lot more are baptised aged 9 or so. Generally, it is probable, so that they can get into church schools.
I'm Anti Catholic ..thats OK apparently because I went to a Catholic School ,I have a Catholic Set of First names.

I'm Anti Baptist ..Is that OK =after all I'm not one and never have had much connection with them but they seem an intolerant bunch with their avsurd literal belief in the Bible - thats OK too it seems.

I'm Anti Islam -for all the reasons that I'm anti catholic and Anti Baptist but apparently That's NOT OK .Even though I am Anti Islam because first and foremost it oppresses its own adherants I can be set upon by people who claim that my "islamaphobia' is all about "racism" apperently because most muslims are 'brown' and I am not.

Most Anglicans are Black but I can be Anti CofE without being racist too .Anyone care to explain why ?

What's your take on Buddhism: are you anti-Buddhist, too?
The problem here is not necessarily religous outlook, which incorporates cultural, scientific, philosophical world outlooks which have an impact on the developments of civilisations and other groupings(for a better word) of peoples, but the birth and growth of fundamentalism from the late 19th Century onwards.

Zionism(Herschell brand) is seen as the first, Christian Evangelical Movements(mid-west of USA), early twentieth century, Muslim Brotherhood(middle east), Hindu Nationalism, Buddhist(Sri Lanka/Tibet) etc.

With the fall of the Soviet Union many other political movements of a similar political ilk, incorporating a form of Nationalist Revisionism and hardline religous belief system and/or a continuity from previous movements: Taliban,Sikhs(Khalistan movement), etc.
No it's not it is because you are a ferverent Zionist:rolleyes:
And Pro white western cultural imperialist,:eek:
Chauvanist against other people & cultures
Bordering on Racist.:mad:
Why don't youjust be honest about it?:hmm:

This is TOOO funny:D .I seem to have hit the resident lunatic.
What on earth can I have said that might possibly Identify myself as a Zionist.indeed I have already stated elsewhere that I don't think the Jews should have been 'awarded' palestine but should have been given Kallingrad from the Germans and Elba From the Italians. How is that zionist ?
The problem here is not necessarily religous outlook, which incorporates cultural, scientific, philosophical world outlooks which have an impact on the developments of civilisations and other groupings(for a better word) of peoples, but the birth and growth of fundamentalism from the late 19th Century onwards.

Zionism(Herschell brand) is seen as the first, Christian Evangelical Movements(mid-west of USA), early twentieth century, Muslim Brotherhood(middle east), Hindu Nationalism, Buddhist(Sri Lanka/Tibet) etc.

With the fall of the Soviet Union many other political movements of a similar political ilk, incorporating a form of Nationalist Revisionism and hardline religous belief system and/or a continuity from previous movements: Taliban,Sikhs(Khalistan movement), etc.
What's your take on Buddhism: are you anti-Buddhist, too?

The Way it's practised here I can't say that I am .Of course there is an awfull lot of money wasted on temples that would be far better spent on schools but Buddhism at least teaches Non Violence and doesn't attempt to convert anyone. Lets just Say -I'm Ambivalent
Opposition to dance hall does not make you a racist

Loathing challah bread does not make you an anti-semite

Harboring a visceral hatred of shoe shopping does not make you a misogynist

Being violently adverse to dungarees does not make you a homophobe

Standing on a political platform for the eradication of chicken chow mein doesn’t make you anti-chinese.

Wanting to murder in cold blood Ant and fucking Dec doesn’t mean you hate all Northerners.

Oranges are not the only fruit.

Fucking hell, I came up with all that profound shit right off the top of my dome and shit. Philosophy and shit like that. All them sentences above should have had threads of their own. Two words: genius.
My problems with criticism of islam? First islam isn't a solid block of thought, just as it would be absurd to use the actions of one set of fundamentalists to damn the whole of christianity, from quaker to greek orthodox, it's absurd to judge islam in the same way.
Secondly sometimes people use the cultural shadow that's cast by the religion to beat the religion.
Thirdly it's often (not saying it's the case here) a veil for bashing the new 'other' in the west, look at the newspaper articles in the 1910s about jews and you'll see they are very similar to current newspaper articles about muslims.
Having said that i'm not a supporter of the (somewhat not sanctioned by the koran, for example the hijab, lack of freedom of religion etc) strain being pushed by saudi oil money. Infact i'm not enamoured of the sexism and homophobia found in all conservative varients of the abrahamic religions. Or fundamentalism of any hue.
All eminently reasonable, but judging by your user name I imagine you have some sympathy with criticism of Islam's anti-alcohol stance? ;)
I'm Anti Catholic ..thats OK apparently because I went to a Catholic School ,I have a Catholic Set of First names.

I'm Anti Baptist ..Is that OK =after all I'm not one and never have had much connection with them but they seem an intolerant bunch with their avsurd literal belief in the Bible - thats OK too it seems.

I'm Anti Islam -for all the reasons that I'm anti catholic and Anti Baptist but apparently That's NOT OK .Even though I am Anti Islam because first and foremost it oppresses its own adherants I can be set upon by people who claim that my "islamaphobia' is all about "racism" apperently because most muslims are 'brown' and I am not.

Most Anglicans are Black but I can be Anti CofE without being racist too .Anyone care to explain why ?

Am I allowed to hate yids yet?
For my first moments I visit U75 after Ramadan, this look promessing :)
For the time being, I'll watch and observe.

For the interested: The membername of our interesting new poster is in fact translated (be it that he spelled it a bit wrongly) as alcohol. Maybe that explains one and an other.

I'm Anti Catholic ..thats OK apparently because I went to a Catholic School ,I have a Catholic Set of First names.

I'm Anti Baptist ..Is that OK =after all I'm not one and never have had much connection with them but they seem an intolerant bunch with their avsurd literal belief in the Bible - thats OK too it seems.

I'm Anti Islam -for all the reasons that I'm anti catholic and Anti Baptist but apparently That's NOT OK .Even though I am Anti Islam because first and foremost it oppresses its own adherants I can be set upon by people who claim that my "islamaphobia' is all about "racism" apperently because most muslims are 'brown' and I am not.

Most Anglicans are Black but I can be Anti CofE without being racist too .Anyone care to explain why ?

I'm anti fuckwit.

Anyone who favours superstitious drivel above reason and evidence deserves all the ridicule and intolerance they get.
Here's a thought: be tolerant of other's beliefs whilst repelling pop-eyed, drooling ideologues of every stripe. Occasionally restrain yourself from asking: "Is this person correct?" Ask instead: "Is this person a good person?"

For my first moments I visit U75 after Ramadan, this look promessing :)
For the time being, I'll watch and observe.

For the interested: The membername of our interesting new poster is in fact translated (be it that he spelled it a bit wrongly) as alcohol. Maybe that explains one and an other.


If you had bothered to read post #32 then you would have seen that I had already said that .

Since I have transliterated it from early medieval Arabic exactly how do you claim I spelled it wrong.
Al Kahul aka the KBJ sockpuppet said:
Rod Liddle [alway's a bad way to start a post - didn't his wife get a ton of shit dumped outside his office or something like that? She had the right idea] Writing [you wanted lower case there] in the Guardian [look at your own link, it's actually the Times, Rod Liddle hasn't worked at the Guardian for ages] reports that the repulisve [you mean repulsive] Omar Bakri's daughter is now a pole dancer -[you needed a space after this hyphen, in fact you didn't want a hyphen at all, you wanted a full stop] Excellent [absence of a full stop means you wanted a lower case e here] news that she obviously has the same views of her fathers [double space here - very sloppy] odious beliefs [another double space here - must try harder next time] that I do. [doesn't necessarily follow - she may have more nuanced and informed opinions on the subject matter. But who the fuck knows, I'm not a mind reader, you clearly are though]

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/rod_liddle/article4837638.ece [boorish upper class "wit" here from the smarmy liddle shitbag - nothing to see here, please move forward in an orderly manner]

good on you girl ![another double space here, it kind of subtracted from the gravitas of your ending gambit. The gambit in itself was a poor effort anyhow - "you go girl" would have been better what with its resonance in our popular yankified culture. Even then it would have been bad - she's not a girl - she's 27 - and you're not a yank]

I suppose you want this to be a springboard for you to express your badly informed opinions about how it's fine for women to be treated as livestock for the pleasure of men in the West because it's 'consensual'. Well go on then, empty your bowel.
Is there a difference between hating the beliefs of the established religions be they Islam, RC or Christian and hating the followers off those religions, how does this differ from hating the beliefs of extremist political parties and their folllowers.

Why is it that many right on (Ha ha) people believe they must defend Islam by merely condemning the tyranny of established Christianity rather than defending Islam in its own right is it because its indefensible or because they just dont know about it but feel they HAVE to defend it
Is there a difference between hating the beliefs of the established religions be they Islam, RC or Christian and hating the followers off those religions

how does this differ from hating the beliefs of extremist political parties and their folllowers
If people expound vile beliefs it is natural to hate them. Not all Muslims (or Christians etc) fall into this category; most followers of religion are decent folks.
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