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One Rule for the Rich: heir to TetraPak empire gets off possessing 52g of Coke!

She was a mega rich addict who had never ever done anything useful in her life. A complete waste of space, a parasite. Sympathy for scum like that? Get to fuck.

A wasted death for a wasted life, seems appropriate. I just wish more of them would go the same way.

Seriously dude, see a doctor. You're a profoundly disturbed and deeply unpleasant man.
Taking 50 wraps into a party. That was all personal??? No chance!

And now you're lying to cover your shame. It wasn't 50 wraps as you and everyone else knows. You don't even have the decency to be honest about your evil remarks. Just ugh. You're disgusting.
I read the papers. She (or rather, hubby) threw some money at drug charities (mostly after they'd been done). But even that amount amounted to less than 1% of their 'worth.' But they were friends with Prince Charles! So they get lovely write ups.

If it weren't for scum like them, living off granddads one idea, we wouldnt need so much charity in the first place.

Revolting man.

There's a certain personality type that is attracted to radical politics (left or right-wing, makes no difference) not out of any kind of principle or conviction, but simply due to their warped, twisted character. Envy, hatred, alienation, resentment, seething through the cracks whenever it gets a chance, it will use politics to rationalize its sickness. I've long suspected Belboid to be one such person. I never hoped to see it confirmed in such dramatic style.

I've met creatures like this before. Give this one a very wide berth people, he's bad news. I promise.
Revolting man.

There's a certain personality type that is attracted to radical politics (left or right-wing, makes no difference) not out of any kind of principle or conviction, but simply due to their warped, twisted character. Envy, hatred, alienation, resentment, seething through the cracks whenever it gets a chance, it will use politics to rationalize its sickness. I've long suspected Belboid to be one such person. I never hoped to see it confirmed in such dramatic style.

I've met creatures like this before. Give this one a very wide berth people, he's bad news. I promise.
You've been told, fuck off. You are not welcome on this thread (as you so like telling people) - especially when all you want to do is continue your own pathetic personal spat.

Fuck. Off. Dwyer.
Revolting man.

There's a certain personality type that is attracted to radical politics (left or right-wing, makes no difference) not out of any kind of principle or conviction, but simply due to their warped, twisted character. Envy, hatred, alienation, resentment, seething through the cracks whenever it gets a chance, it will use politics to rationalize its sickness. I've long suspected Belboid to be one such person. I never hoped to see it confirmed in such dramatic style.

I've met creatures like this before. Give this one a very wide berth people, he's bad news. I promise.

wow, so the ' left or right-wing, makes no difference' line finally comes out - you're a pompous clown PD , fuck off .
wow, so the ' left or right-wing, makes no difference' line finally comes out

That's right. Makes no difference to Belboid or his ilk. It's just a matter of who gets to them first.

Don't you understand? He's not in this for the politics, you fucking fool.
doh! muddled bits of the story, wasnt 50 wraps was it?

Hey man, don't let that stop you. You just carry on gloating and rubbing your filthy hands together with your perverted glee over other people's misery and death. Might as well let it all hang out now eh?
You've been told, fuck off. You are not welcome on this thread (as you so like telling people) - especially when all you want to do is continue your own pathetic personal spat.

And now comes the rage. Don't take much do it?

Anyone who has the slightest doubt about what we're looking at here should read Dostoevsky's Devils. The hideous Belboid visage glowers from every page. There's probably one in every meeting, but they don't usually expose themselves so shamelessly in public.
What should ultra-rich people do? Well, I dont expect them all to give everything to the revolution, but they could at least do something. These two didnt. And they didnt even try to ameliorate their selfishness with acts of great altruism. They bunged a few quid (to them) at drug charities - after they'd already been done for drugs. Excuse me for being deeply unimpressed.

And, better targets? Well, okay, they aren't fascists, and they are not in political office. So there are better targets, but when it comes to exemplars of the way inherited wealth and privilege shouldn't be tolerated, they're right up there with the Queen.

You still haven't said whether anyone who inherits is a parasite?
Revolting man.

There's a certain personality type that is attracted to radical politics (left or right-wing, makes no difference) not out of any kind of principle or conviction, but simply due to their warped, twisted character. Envy, hatred, alienation, resentment, seething through the cracks whenever it gets a chance, it will use politics to rationalize its sickness. I've long suspected Belboid to be one such person. I never hoped to see it confirmed in such dramatic style.

I've met creatures like this before. Give this one a very wide berth people, he's bad news. I promise.

Dead right - Belboid is a wierdo, nothing's surer. Other posters on this thread, whether I agree with them or not, they're just people with points to make, but belboid, he patently is one of those no-mates-no-partner misfits who gravitates towards radical politics as much for the company as anything else - One can practically smell the misanthropy coming off him in waves. He's like a rogue chimpanzee who all the other chimps have cast out of the troop to wander the jungle alone, all threadbare and malnourished, with no one to pick the fleas out of his fur, frothing and fizzing with half formed thoughts of revenge on the species that rejected him.

I also suspect he only named himself belboid in the hope that other posters refer to him as bellcheese or bellwhiff or somesuch so that he might report them and get them banned. That's the level at which he operates.
Sorry, didn't think I'd need to spell everything out.

Depends how much and what they do with it, clearly.

And clearly there's no way of judging that so either everyone is a parasite if they inherit or no-one is, and you believe everyone is. Never give anyone anything..
And clearly there's no way of judging that so either everyone is a parasite if they inherit or no-one is, and you believe everyone is. Never give anyone anything..
There are plenty of ways of judging that. So the rest of your statement doesn't follow.
Oh yes, clearly. Monsieur Front-Row-Seat-At-The-Guillotine is now going to lecture us on the finer points of morality. This should be good.

You're the last person to lecture or point about others morality dwyer, how's that doctor you vist again in New York? Been repeating any more of his homophobic whisperings recently? Do tell....
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