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One Rule for the Rich: heir to TetraPak empire gets off possessing 52g of Coke!

i don't care if it's their fault or not that they are rich. they deserve nothing better than a bullet in the head. this one got off lightly, as they almost always do.

I do see your point mate. But i'm coming from the angle of addiction isn't fun nomatter what your background. Neither do I think they deserved it. Terrible affliction. The bullet is kinder.
I wish my life was how you imagine it, well I don't but it certainly has a bit more glamour to it than spending my dole money on cheap pints in wetherspoons before smuggling a quarter bottle of whiskey into a gig.

I actually think coke is shite, from the few times I've been offered it, certainly have no desire to buy the crap.

Then I have no idea why you decided to defend the mass usage of it by the rich to the detriment of the world's poor. Slightly different than trainers. We all need something to wear on our feet. Drugs are pure decadence.
Then I have no idea why you decided to defend the mass usage of it by the rich to the detriment of the world's poor. Slightly different than trainers. We all need something to wear on our feet. Drugs are pure decadence.

Oh shut up you tedious cunt, how is it any different, I don't really need to buy a new pair of trainers cos they look nice, I don't have to have a mobile phone, and yet I do, we all do (well the vast majority of proles in the west atleast).

I like most of my friends have bought pills and weed knowing that the money filters through to loyalist paramilitaries.

Capitalism isn't nice, it isn't ethical and so consumption can't be. If you want to start getting moralistic about people buying drugs I suggest you fuck off and live in the in a tree hut you ethically sourced from a sustainable forest.
But this couple seem like eccentric but basically decent types who in fact did what they could to ameliorate society, within the ideological limits imposed by their upbringing.

Sorry but this is absolute bollocks. You can answer this with one word : Bakunin
i think your background makes a massive difference to how fun your addiction is.

i bet the cunt spent every day dancing the charleston in the drawing room with her face covered in charlie and sending the butler out for crack.

That'll be how the husband got arrested in the first place. Or where he is now. :facepalm:
That's exactly how I'd live if I were rich. It'd make the last days of Rome look like a sunday school picnic.

This is the thing though, I really wouldn't want to live like that. It'd be fucking horrible really. Unless you're the sort of person who's just a sociopathic hedonist, who can derive happiness purely from drugs and hangers-on and material goods, then having that sort of money just isn't going to make you any happier. All the other things in life that make me happy, like having mates i can trust who aren't after me for my money, or being able to participate in normal day-to-day experiences without being hopelessly detached from it all, would be compromised by being so rich i reckon.
Some idiotic Class War like posturing on this thread.


The point is to hate capital, not individual capitalists. If you get off on hating individuals, you're not in this for the politics but because of some unsavory psychological flaw. As usual Marx put it best, in the Preface to Capital:

"To prevent possible misunderstandings, let me say this. I do not by any means depict the figures of the capitalist and the landowner in rosy colours. But persons are dealt with here only in so far as they are the personifications of economic categories, the bearers of particular class-relations and interests.... My standpoint, from which the development of the economic formation of society is viewed as a process of natural history, can less than any other make the individual responsible for relations whose creature he remains, socially speaking, however much he may subjectively raise himself above them."

Put that in your pipe and smoke it, you would-be tumbril pilots.
.... sending the butler out for crack.

You rang?
Tetrapak's are a conspiracy against the proletariat so come the revolution there won't be any way to make petrol bombs wake up ffs! Incredibly convenient is it not? and don't deny when you read this story you didn't think oh I fancy an ounce or two of gear actually. All is not as it seems comrades :mad:
Ooh you clever man, absolved from all middle class guilt (being skint doesn't make you any less middle class btw).

Speaks volumes when you've got grit liking your posts too.

I'd like to see you define the middle class in such a way as to include me.

And I'm not saying that as some prolier than thou shit either, I'm more curious to see you make an even bigger arse of yourself.
I'd like to see you define the middle class in such a way as to include me.

And I'm not saying that as some prolier than thou shit either, I'm more curious to see you make an even bigger arse of yourself.

What, because disliking the cocaine industry because of what shit it causes compared to the benefits gained (which are as Tory as anyone could possibly define) is somehow making an arse of myself? Yet you started all this by banging on about cycles of exploitation?

You're all over the fucking place. But you're a Thatcherite. And no more evidence required than your own words and grit supporting your posts.
Citizen66 said:
What, because disliking the cocaine industry because of what it causes in terms of the benefits gained (which are as Tory as you care to define) is somehow making an arse of myself? Yet you started all this by banging on about cycles of exploitation?

You're all over the fucking place. But you're a Thatcherite. And no more evidence required by your own words and grit supporting your posts.

I think at this stage anyone I don't like I should just start supporting their point of view, urban will do my dirty work for me.

Great job c66, keep it up old chum.
he is middle class. But because he's broke he's a prole.
Dunno if I want to get into a discussion about class :D, but it depends on your definitions in the end. In purely Marxist terms, most of us on here are working class with a tiny bit of bourgeoise thrown in if we have mortgages or pension funds.
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