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One Rule for the Rich: heir to TetraPak empire gets off possessing 52g of Coke!

That's hardly fair.

If he is middle-class, wouldn't it be kinder to marinate him in a rough red wine, then toast him slowly over a juniper wood fire, basting him with a blend of olive oil, herbs and human fat, and finally honey-glazing him for the last 25 minutes of toasting?

I've got an authentic hand made clay cheminea in the back yard that'd be perfect for that.
"She stayed with me until, she moved to Notting Hill,
She said it was the place she needs to be,
Where the cocaine is fair trade, and frequently displayed,
Is the Beuna Vista Social Club CD"
It's your mindset. You mentioned that the deceased wasn't as terrible as some of the rich because their money wasn't going into 'cycles of exploitation'.

When I pointed out that their money pretty much was going into that you threw a hissy fit and got really defensive about it. Now, I'm no expert but my experience of that happening has always been as a result of middle class liberals who think they're left wing getting the arse when asked to examine their own role in exploitation in order to seek decadence. Then you had the gall to respond by calling me a liberal. Fucking classic it was.

You are a real clueless cunt, you're fixation on consumption and it's ethics marks you out as a liberal.

I mean really having a whinge about Nike trainers, that's a middle class hobby horse and a half, and far more betraying of a middle class mindset.
What's funny is on Stormfront when they have protracted rows with each other they accuse each other of being Jews or secret communists. On here the worst thing you can say about someone is that they're middle-class. lol.
What's funny is on Stormfront when they have protracted rows with each other they accuse each other of being Jews or secret communists. On here the worst thing you can say about someone is that they're middle-class. lol.
And yet when we have done polls about it it turns out most Urban posters ARE middle class.
This is the thing though, I really wouldn't want to live like that. It'd be fucking horrible really. Unless you're the sort of person who's just a sociopathic hedonist, who can derive happiness purely from drugs and hangers-on and material goods, then having that sort of money just isn't going to make you any happier. All the other things in life that make me happy, like having mates i can trust who aren't after me for my money, or being able to participate in normal day-to-day experiences without being hopelessly detached from it all, would be compromised by being so rich i reckon.

I think those who against all possible odds happen to blag a lottery win (I'm talking somewhere around the £70K zone??, rather than the utterly impossible million or few) have at least a half way reasonable chance of being sensible enough to deal with the 'being compromised' thing.

So long as there's a rule that lottery wins have strict qualification criteria ;)
And yet when we have done polls about it it turns out most Urban posters ARE middle class.

And yet when we have done polls about it it turns out most Urban posters ARE middle class.

No doubt they are, but it's never that simple is it. I mean I'm fairly middle-class, uni educated, etc but right now I'm living on less than £40 a week, my only pair of shoes have the soles held together by araldite coz buying a new pair is just an unthinkable expense, and I've got nowt left to pawn to get a new pair.

There's plenty of middle-class people secretly going to food banks and getting other charitable support right now y'know, people who 3-4 years ago would've never even considered themselves likely to end up in that sort of position, but hey here we are.
No doubt they are, but it's never that simple is it. I mean I'm fairly middle-class, uni educated, etc but right now I'm living on less than £40 a week, my only pair of shoes have the soles held together by araldite coz buying a new pair is just an unthinkable expense, and I've got nowt left to pawn to get a new pair.

There's plenty of middle-class people secretly going to food banks and getting other charitable support right now y'know, people who 3-4 years ago would've never even considered themselves likely to end up in that sort of position, but hey here we are.

You are clearly not middle class nor are those people you talk about.

How the hell can uni educated = middle class when you look at the mass uptake of higher education since the 70's. If middle classness equated to university attendance you'd expect the last 30 years or so to see a growth in the middle class, when infact everything suggests quite the opposite, rather there has just been an increased stratification within the working class.

If you think you're middle class cos you're parents had jobs, you lived in a semi with a garage and you went to uni you'd have to be quite parochial, and like you said moving to somewhere like London would soon make you release what an insignificant little pleb you are.
You are a real clueless cunt, you're fixation on consumption and it's ethics marks you out as a liberal.

I mean really having a whinge about Nike trainers, that's a middle class hobby horse and a half, and far more betraying of a middle class mindset.

You mentioned nike trainers. Nobody else did.
and you're response was to bleat about no one "needing them" and how there wouldn't be sweat shops manufacturing them if it wasn't for me and my ilk buying them.

Which was all just a side show to what was originally being said anyway. I was responding to your use of it as an analogy of what I was saying. It's pathetic that you're now attempting to make out it was the core fucking argument or something. Coke was until only fairly recently an exclusive bourgeois pursuit. And it's only purpose is pleasure. Why not deal with my original point instead of all this needless bollocks?
Which was all just a side show to what was originally being said anyway. I was responding to your use of it as an analogy of what I was saying. It's pathetic that you're now attempting to make out it was the core fucking argument or something. Coke was until only fairly recently an exclusive bourgeois pursuit. And it's only purpose is pleasure. Why not deal with my original point instead of all this needless bollocks?

And imagine people having pleasure, the real working class would never do that...

I couldn't give a fuck what drugs people take beyond the problems of addiction etc Just as I don't whinge at people for buying chocolate (something that until the 20th century was an almost exclusive bourgeois indulgence) that isn't fair trade.
And imagine people having pleasure, the real working class would never do that...

I couldn't give a fuck what drugs people take beyond the problems of addiction etc Just as I don't whinge at people for buying chocolate (something that until the 20th century was an almost exclusive bourgeois indulgence) that isn't fair trade.

Stop moving the goal posts. You said, quite idiotically, that:

As for people whinging about how they wasted their wealth/advantages, well surely it just serves to show that alienation isn't restricted to the working class. And if we want to go down some crass instrumental moral path then surely the fact they waste their wealth on getting fucked o drugs makes them less worthy of insult than those rich who throw their wealth back into a new cycle of exploitation?

Like the drugs trade isn't a cycle of exploitation. Deal with the original point. The floor is yours.
Stop moving the goal posts. You said, quite idiotically, that:

Like the drugs trade isn't a cycle of exploitation. Deal with the original point. The floor is yours.

Of course it's a cycle of exploitation, so is the trainer trade, the t shirt trade, the mobile phone trade but there is no equivalence between those who profit from it and it's consumers, even if one is clearly predicated on the existence of the other.

Throwing your inherited money away buying coke and smack for your own use is not on the same level as throwing your inherited money into setting up a cocaine processing plant and militia in order to extract profit.

People who wank on about ethical consumption are liberal pricks with no class analysis.
You are clearly not middle class nor are those people you talk about.

How the hell can uni educated = middle class when you look at the mass uptake of higher education since the 70's.

For a number of reasons. Firstly, there's a social, cultural concept of class that would assume I'm middle class just on the basis I've been to uni, that I've lived the "student experience" and so on. Not one that I'm keen on, but it exists. No doubt the cosmopolitanism that I picked up from being at uni puts me at odds with other people from round my way who still struggle in certain social situations or when meeting other people. It marks you out as middle-class right away that sort of thing.

It also affects you in others ways. It makes you change your accent for starters, just because you're dealing with people from so many random places and so on means you can't go round talking with a broad yorkshire accent, you change your accent, and so on. That marks you out as middle-class straight away when you come back home 4 years later.

From a marxist point of view it makes me middle-class because having a degree will define my relationship to the productive base of the economy for the rest of my life, putting me in a priviliged position when compared to other people who don't have degrees. Even if I apply for a job at McDonalds someone will see that degree on my CV and it'll give an impression than i'm smarter, more able, and crucially more likely to be a nice middle class suburban white boy than someone without.

Also, I'm gonna paraphrase Daniel Bell, but in the modern, post-industrial, information based service sector economy, education becomes decisive for your class position in a way it didn't previously. Or so it's been commonly thought. I disagree with that on a number of levels but that's the premise that education policy has been written under for nigh-on 30 years now. That's why there's been an increase in the numbers attending uni.

If middle classness equated to university attendance you'd expect the last 30 years or so to see a growth in the middle class, when infact everything suggests quite the opposite, rather there has just been an increased stratification within the working class.

Yeah but when you say "stratification within the working class" you're talking about how some working class people get paid more than others, how the increase in specialisation and new divisions of labour in contemporary capitalism require people with specific, often managerial/bureaucratic skills to fulfill them. This goes way back, from Taylorism to Fordism and Post-Fordism, then Burnhams Managerial revolution, to Post-Industrialism and the Information society. All these things describe essentially the same thing, increasingly complex, alienated and specialised means of production that requires and more complex and stratified working class to carry them out. This, in turn, needs a more intensive education system than in Marxist times, when factory owners just needed any old unskilled labour. Which is why, as someone said to me earlier, a crude marxist class analysis doesn't really make much sense today, coz these are features of the later, not the early, industrial capitalism.

As education becomes more important as an avenue of recruitment into managerial occupations, the chances for those from working or middle-class backgrounds of moving into those occupations improve. This breaks down the rigidity of the capitalist class dynamic, first identified by Marx, and later revised by generations of Marxist thinkers. This definitely poses a theoretical problem for those who believe in a crude type Marxist class analysis which took as its premise that class structures were hostile to such social mobility.

What throws a spanner into all these things is de-skilling and how capitalism is always looking for ways to end it's reliance on skilled, specialised, labour. the primacy of education isn't going to matter as much as these policymakers and thinkers thought it would because of the ability to de-skill jobs so that any dickhead can do them.

If you think you're middle class cos you're parents had jobs, you lived in a semi with a garage and you went to uni you'd have to be quite parochial, and like you said moving to somewhere like London would soon make you release what an insignificant little pleb you are.

Well quite, but here's the thing - Having two parents, with jobs, and a semi with a mortgage has put me in an incredibly priviliged and lucky position compared to the bulk of people I grew up with. Now I didn't have a very middle-class upbringing when I was very young, my mum was a nurse and my dad was training to be a teacher and I remember us struggling a lot, but by the time I had hit 16 or so they'd both got stable public sector jobs and a nice house with a mortgage. Now compared to the sort of tarquins I've since bumped into, who consider anyone who's state education a fucking yob, yeah it's actually quite humble, but still it makes me solidly middle-class. If it weren't for that fact I'd be absolutely fucking destitute right now, like a lot of my mates the same age are, so having this sort of middle-class backgrounds as a support net that's currently saving my arse.

It's one of the things that fucks me off so much about the Tories getting rid of housing benefit for the under-25's coz they assume, that like me, everyone's got a stable middle class family they can return home to after they finish uni and face the prospect of there being fuck all jobs in relative comfort. It really angers me tbh.

Also, having two parents is a really important thing in this, not in some social conservative sense, but just having two incomes coming into the household put me at a massive advantage compared to a lot of my friends who had one parent.

Finally I'm not just quite parochial, I'm very parochial. I get nervous whenever I can't see Emley Moor TV mast or Castle Hill.
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