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One Rule for the Rich: heir to TetraPak empire gets off possessing 52g of Coke!

You were talking about you, look -

"More to the point, it's no-ones business how I get my money or how I give it away"

I could have said 'how one gets one's money'. I didn't as I didn't think anyone would think I would be discussing me..
If a person inherits money and then just lives off it without attempting to work, of course they are a parasite. How could they not be?

Could turn that around very easily and take the same attitude to people on the dole, who are actually capable of working.
Anyway.. to repeat the point I was trying to make.

If any good is to come from the tragedy, it is perhaps that we may take another step towards a rational discussion of addiction. Prurient sensationalising and trivialising of this destructive condition does nobody any good. Maybe it will help us realise that as human beings we are all potentially susceptible to the grip of an addiction. Maybe it will help lessen the harmful power of the stigma of addiction.
Yes, I do. You appear to agree with me, then disagree with me. Weird.

Or you've misunderstood or I've not been clear.. whatever. Why is it your business what someone you don't know spends their money on? I'd have thought most people have better things to be getting on with in their lives.
Or you've misunderstood or I've not been clear.. whatever. Why is it your business what someone you don't know spends their money on? I'd have thought most people have better things to be getting on with in their lives.

If they're spending it keeping my local crack dealer in business, of course its my business! If they're spending it buying up cheap housing and renting it out at extortinate rent, of course its my business!

We live in a society - what we do affects others.
If you don't know these people then how would you as an individual know? All sound a bit neighborhood watch, twitchy curtain, cctv, ID cards to me..
I'd know by the affect on my neighbourhood. You sound like a Tory tbh.

I could say the same about someone who wants to stick their nose into other people's business? Or I could stick to talking about the Rausings and addiction and why people feel the need to crow over the death of someone they don't know. It's not a political issue. It's about addiction (again).
You really do have no idea what you're talking about, do you?

Were you ever going to answer my question about who debates and what the conclusions would be? I seem to recall you said £2k was the amount you chose to put as passable to inherit? Why did you choose that sum?
Jesus christ, are you really this thick? We all debate, you idiot, thats the point of society. Y'know, that thing you clearly dont believe in.
I think you may need to look 'example' up in the dictionary

What's the current limit for inheriting tax free? £320k? £325k? I'm assuming it must have been debated and set at some point? It can't be random. You've come in at £2k as acceptable. You must see why someone might ask why you chose that example?
I can see why an idiot would. Anyone else would be sensible enough to realise its a low amount that pretty much unarguably acceptable.
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