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One Rule for the Rich: heir to TetraPak empire gets off possessing 52g of Coke!

Dead right - Belboid is a wierdo, nothing's surer. Other posters on this thread, whether I agree with them or not, they're just people with points to make, but belboid, he patently is one of those no-mates-no-partner misfits who gravitates towards radical politics as much for the company as anything else - One can practically smell the misanthropy coming off him in waves. He's like a rogue chimpanzee who all the other chimps have cast out of the troop to wander the jungle alone, all threadbare and malnourished, with no one to pick the fleas out of his fur, frothing and fizzing with half formed thoughts of revenge on the species that rejected him.


Mind you, I can sort of see the need for him. Any political movement that countenances violence in theory has a need for such individuals, and I'm not a pacifist, so I can see that under some circumstances the Belboids of this world must be drafted into service. One of the differences between the radical Left and the radical Right is that the former is mostly made up of genuine, basically good-hearted idealists. But there's bound to be dirty work that needs doing, and so there's also a need for really nasty, sadistic bastards to do it.

Trouble is, being conscienceless psychopaths and all, such people tend to end up dominating and/or extinguishing the nice guys. That's basically the history of most C20th revolutions right there. Genies, bottles and all that.
I suspect he'd prove too cowardly to be much use in any kind of rough n tumble.

His type always are. But he's very good at hating, and at inciting others to hate, and if he ever got the chance he'd be absolutely brilliant at getting others to act on that hatred.

Such skills have their uses I suppose.
The only thing to be irritated about is the double standards in the sentencing and the ridiculous media coverage given to them.

Personally hating two people I'd never heard of prior to their deaths, for simply being rich seems a bit odd, I mean did they have a history of funding or supporting reactionary shit?

As for people whinging about how they wasted their wealth/advantages, well surely it just serves to show that alienation isn't restricted to the working class. And if we want to go down some crass instrumental moral path then surely the fact they waste their wealth on getting fucked o drugs makes them less worthy of insult than those rich who throw their wealth back into a new cycle of exploitation?

Now if it was any of those clowns from Made in Chelsea it would be a different matter. ;)
frankly would it not be better if the rest of the ruling class just fucked themselves on drugs instead of maintaining themselves and the class system?
it's the most important bit.

Well I suppose it's indispensible anyway, if you're going to have a revolution.

Of course, the good-hearted idealists and the dirty sadists can often get along well enough. They can even be the same person, albeit at different times. If you read the biography of Che Guevara, it's tragic how he turns from the sort of guy who just wants to cure the sick and end injustice to the kind of mean motherfucker who'd put a bullet into a deserter's brain before breakfast. But then again, without him, no Cuba libre.

Not that Belboid is a Che Guevara of course. Nikolai Yezhov is more like it.
And if we want to go down some crass instrumental moral path then surely the fact they waste their wealth on getting fucked o drugs makes them less worthy of insult than those rich who throw their wealth back into a new cycle of exploitation?

If the procurement of class A drugs doesn't drive global cycles of exploitation then I don't know what does. Surprised at you not doing your homework before making that statement.
If the procurement of class A drugs doesn't support worldwide exploitation then I don't know what does. Surprised at you not doing your homework before making that statement.

yeah and I suppose my buying of Nike trainers makes me as much guilty of support worldwide exploitation as someone opening up a new sweatshop in Vietnam to produce said trainers?

liberal clown.
I imagine having all the money in the world is a bit demotivating.
...it's the main reason most people get out of bed in the morning.
Fuck you lot I've just found out I'm related to Genghis Khan and I'm sending the boys (and girls) around to collect the back rent.Ahaaaa Ahaaa,doctor? no more Thorazine please.
Well I suppose it's indispensible anyway, if you're going to have a revolution.

Of course, the good-hearted idealists and the dirty sadists can often get along well enough. They can even be the same person, albeit at different times. If you read the biography of Che Guevara, it's tragic how he turns from the sort of guy who just wants to cure the sick and end injustice to the kind of mean motherfucker who'd put a bullet into a deserter's brain before breakfast. But then again, without him, no Cuba libre.

Not that Belboid is a Che Guevara of course. Nikolai Yezhov is more like it.

Thing is tho, the conscience stricken liberal doctor Che did far less to help the poor than the ruthless bastard revolutionary Che, I mean wanting to help the poor and stuff is all well and good, but isn't the point to re-constitute society on such a basis so there'd be no poor to begin with?

And here's another thing, why is someone who's sadistic also a misanthrope? Fucking hell that's mingling together things that should be seperate. And hate, sorry phil but what's wrong with hating wealth? Hating bad things is fine by me. Perfectly normal response to them.

you mentioned envy earlier on, and I can't speak for belboid ( I don't really want to tbh) but personally I don't envy the rich. I wouldn't want to live like that. It would make me unhappy. Seriously, not just saying that, having loads of money beyond what you need to fulfill your immediate material needs just causes more trouble than it's worth.

I have absolutely no problem with violence where needed, I might not revel in it in a really childish indulgent way like some on the fringe left occasionally do, but it's right in certain circumstances. I don't have any problem with violence being perpetrated against the EDL/BNP for instance. That doesn't automatically make me a misanthropic sociopath or owt, to be honest I'm pretty amiable out there in the real world, so the idea that if you hold these kinds of opinions it must mean you're an emotionally crippled social outcast nursing a grudge against society is just plain wrong.

EDIT: Actually I take that bit about "not revelling in violence in a childish self-indulgent way" back, the other night I was asked why I am involved doing activism with people from the SWP/SP and I said it's because I'm determined to pebbledash my house with the teeth of dead anarchists, with me and all my murderous trot buddies, come the revolution.
yeah and I suppose my buying of Nike trainers makes me as much guilty of support worldwide exploitation as someone opening up a new sweatshop in Vietnam to produce said trainers?

liberal clown.

Well it wouldn't be opened if you didn't drive the demand would it you Thatcherite dickhead.
I think it's more the taking glee in the idea of a women's body being left to rot for aweek after a drug overdose, simply because she was rich.

I mean if it was Thatcher or someone like that you could see through a bit of hyperbole, but just some random rich person no one had heard of before they died, nah, that's pretty shitty.
I think it's more the taking glee in the idea of a women's body being left to rot for aweek after a drug overdose, simply because she was rich.

I mean if it was Thatcher or someone like that you could see through a bit of hyperbole, but just some random rich person no one had heard of before they died, nah, that's pretty shitty.

I agree with this. And addiction knows no class or racial borders. Although if you have funds then arguably you can afford all the help and (not to mention) quality drugs you like. Unlike the prole addicts who get it shit either way. But yeah, don't think this is a death to be celebrated. Nobody can help being born rich any more than they can help being born poor. It was their parents who did the exploitation. They haven't had happy lives, their money brought them misery.
Yeah, that's your options. Nike or bare feet. Coca cola or go thirsty. Middle class nobpiece.

Yeah consumer activism, buying fair trade coffee and eating organic, real prolier than thou concerns.

Okay I buy my trainers from Primark, some non label shite looking things that ensure I'm even less likely to get laid than I currently am, where do you think they are made?
Yeah consumer activism, buying fair trade coffee and eating organic, real prolier than thou concerns.

Okay I buy my trainers from Primark, some non label shite looking things that ensure I'm even less likely to get laid than I currently am, where do you think they are made?

Look, you're a middle class twerp. You calling me a liberal is like Prince Charles calling Jamie Oliver a snob.
You, by implication however, are well tasty on the cobbles eh?!

No, not at all - I was merely pointing out that a man such as belboid who appears to get a thrill which can only be described as something approaching quasi-sexual at the thought of the lonely death of a woman he's never even met is unlikely to have a great deal of backbone about him.
Look, you're a middle class twerp. You calling me a liberal is like Prince Charles calling Jamie Oliver a snob.

Do my Nike trainers make me middle class?

I'm calling you a liberal because you have a liberal notion of exploitation and ethics.
Thing is tho, the conscience stricken liberal doctor Che did far less to help the poor than the ruthless bastard revolutionary Che

True enough. I couldn't do what he did though, at least I hope not. Of course some would say that make me morally worse than him, not better.

And hate, sorry phil but what's wrong with hating wealth?

Nothing, I hate it too. I hate plenty of wealthy people too, and although I wouldn't celebrate their deaths, there are plenty of people I wouldn't mourn. But this couple seem like eccentric but basically decent types who in fact did what they could to ameliorate society, within the ideological limits imposed by their upbringing. So it's a case-by-case basis for me, which would make me an absolutely crap revolutionary.
Do my Nike trainers make me middle class?

I'm calling you a liberal because you have a liberal notion of exploitation and ethics.

Haha :D

You got shitty because you don't like the idea that all that coke you put up your nose at your middle class pretend left shindigs fucks people over in guinea bissau. Like, not the same as sweat shops you dick. Worse than that. In a dealers vs mules class system that you can only dream about western capitalism getting as bad as. Enjoy your charlie posh boy. And then complain about bankers come monday morning to ease your conscience.
Haha :D

You got shitty because you don't like the idea that all that coke you put up your nose at your middle class pretend left shindigs fucks people over in guinea bissau. Like, not the same as sweat shops you dick. Worse than that. In a dealers vs mules class system that you can only dream about westenr capitalism getting as bad as. Enjoy your charlie posh boy. And then complain about bankers come monday morning to ease your conscience.

I wish my life was how you imagine it, well I don't but it certainly has a bit more glamour to it than spending my dole money on cheap pints in wetherspoons before smuggling a quarter bottle of whiskey into a gig.

I actually think coke is shite, from the few times I've been offered it, certainly have no desire to buy the crap.
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