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One Rule for the Rich: heir to TetraPak empire gets off possessing 52g of Coke!

She was a mega rich addict who had never ever done anything useful in her life.

Serious question but how do you know this? I don't know much about her, but I know enough about people I've met that they often surprise me by how much they do. There is already been a bit mentioned about her charity work and donations, who knows what else she did? I'm not trying to say she wasnt everything you said I just don't know how you can be so sure.
If it was Grant Shapps or Gideon or someone like that, I'd be cheering, but it wasn't - She was a silly woman who choked on the silver spoon she was born with - I'm not upset over her death because I never knew her, I do find crowing over her untimely demise more than a little distasteful, though.
Theres a lot of assumptions made there, but sure if you want to dislike her fair enough. I'm just thinking tha to revel in somteones death, I mean to actually take pleasure from it, you've got to really hate that person or be some sort of oddball.

What assumptions am I making?
  • weren't both Hans Rausing and his wife Eva born into wealthy families?
  • haven't they spent a lot of money and time (not always their own) on drugs?
  • didn't they have far greater opportunities in thier lives than many many millions of other people?
  • don't you think that Hans Rausing's wealth and position saw him being treated very differently by the law in this country? ,
And where do I talk about taking pleasure let alone revelling? I'm glad that you grudginly acknowledge that I am allowed to dislike privilege and care more about disadvantage; to do otherwise would strike me as a little 'oddball'.

Louis MacNeice
reel yer neck in sunshine, he's talking about tons-o-fun up there who specifically stated he was glad these sad, misguided people had karked it.
Serious question but how do you know this?
I read the papers. She (or rather, hubby) threw some money at drug charities (mostly after they'd been done). But even that amount amounted to less than 1% of their 'worth.' But they were friends with Prince Charles! So they get lovely write ups.

If it weren't for scum like them, living off granddads one idea, we wouldnt need so much charity in the first place.
reel yer neck in sunshine, he's talking about tons-o-fun up there who specifically stated he was glad these sad, misguided people had karked it.


Cheers - Louis MacNeice
What assumptions am I making?

It was this line from your post:

squandering all the advantages that brings, wasting huge amounts of resources in pursuit of your own selfish desires,

I dunno whether she did, thats a personnal judgment call, or whether you actually believe there is a purpose to it. She could have chosen a different path for sure, and had she done so then I imagine that she would have garnered more sympathy in her passing, but I've not seen anything suggesting she was a bad person, the accusations are on what should she should have done and on that count I suspect a lot of people are found wanting.
She raised 4 children, I don't know anything about them but she may have been a good mother to them? Who knows what else she achieved? Squandered? Perhaps, who knows?

Obviously I should add anyone who is into cocaine has some blood on their hands but she's not alone in that.

And where do I talk about taking pleasure let alone revelling? I'm glad that you grudginly acknowledge that I am allowed to dislike privilege and care more about disadvantage; to do otherwise would strike me as a little 'oddball'.

You responded to my first post which wasnt directed at you more the people on the thread who are loving the death. For what its worth I totally agree with your sentiment.
My general point is indifference is natural, personally thats how I feel, but actually enjoying it. Weird stuff, just the other side of a very bad coin.
My general point is indifference is natural, personally thats how I feel, but actually enjoying it. Weird stuff, just the other side of a very bad coin.

There is no abstracted 'natural' reaction. There are only reactions produced by specific contexts. My general point was to highlight the Rausing's context: one of huge advantage and huge waste.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Squander: to spend wastefully or extravagantly, to dissipate, to fail to take advantage of, to lose a chance for. Doesn't seem much of a perhaps about it.

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

I guess thats what I mean by value judgment. Maybe she set out to have a bloody good time and maybe she achieved that? Maybe her life was a drug addled living hell, I've no idea.

My parents have scrimped and saved all their life going without quite a few basics, let alone luxuerys. Now the money sits in their account doing nothing, they are incapable of spending it. That for me is squandering.

I'm not a wealthy person by any means but I guess I spend what little spare cash I have on the pursuit of selfish pleasure, I suspect a lot of us do in one way or another.

Ahh what does it matter? Belboid's probably right she was probably a total git.
What assumptions am I making?
  • weren't both Hans Rausing and his wife Eva born into wealthy families?
  • haven't they spent a lot of money and time (not always their own) on drugs?
  • didn't they have far greater opportunities in thier lives than many many millions of other people?
  • don't you think that Hans Rausing's wealth and position saw him being treated very differently by the law in this country? ,
And where do I talk about taking pleasure let alone revelling? I'm glad that you grudginly acknowledge that I am allowed to dislike privilege and care more about disadvantage; to do otherwise would strike me as a little 'oddball'.

Louis MacNeice

Whose money did the billionaire couple spend?
You seem to equate material wealth as more advantageous than psychological health?
Not your comment but how are people spending their own money parasites? Or does any inheritance mean someone is a parasite?
He seems to be locked up at the moment, so how is he being treated differently?
Our money - it all came from us and from the work their grandfathers employee's did. They did nowt.
Their material wealth gives them distinct advantages when it comes to maintaining psychological health.
As said before, it's not their money, it's ours. They did nothing but take the money. Thats parasitism.
'Saw' - note the tense. No jail time despite vast amount of Class A drugs. One law for them....
Whose money did the billionaire couple spend?
You seem to equate material wealth as more advantageous than psychological health?
Not your comment but how are people spending their own money parasites? Or does any inheritance mean someone is a parasite?
He seems to be locked up at the moment, so how is he being treated differently?

1. Are you suggesting that you should be morally free to spend 'your money' (we'll set aside for the moment the question of how such wealth is created) on whatever you like; really all choices are ok because it's your cash?

2. Apart from your misuse of equate, I think what you're getting at, is that you believe I place material wealth above psychological health; where have I said anything like that? All I have said is that material wealth provides great opportunity; care to disprove that?

3. Meanwhile back at the question of how wealth is created; what contribution do you think that Hans and Eva made to the creation of the 'tetra pack fortune'? What contribution do you think the people employed in the production and distribution of said packaging made? Can you see how hans and Eva may be seen as parasites?

4. Look back at what heppened when they tried to take drugs into the US embassy; do you think the outcome would have been the same if Hans and Eva had been shop workers?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
Our money - it all came from us and from the work their grandfathers employee's did. They did nowt.
Their material wealth gives them distinct advantages when it comes to maintaining psychological health.
As said before, it's not their money, it's ours. They did nothing but take the money. Thats parasitism.
'Saw' - note the tense. No jail time despite vast amount of Class A drugs. One law for them....

Rich people get locked up. Rich people in the same circumstances. Why she didn't I don't know, but because she didn't, it doesn't mean others don't.
No-one would have any money if they hadn't invented it.. so it is their money. It's the way these things work..
No amount of money spares people from mental health issues..
As for parasitical behaviour at what point should people born into wealth renounce their inherited wealth? Surely, at best, it's something for the family to manage? And does that mean anyone who inherits anything is a parasite?
It's irrelevent anyway what they do and don't do. A dead body in a room for a week is pitiful. There's better targets in life than them.
No jail time despite vast amount of Class A drugs. One law for them....

Whilst there is no doubt they would have had a massive advantage with the best legal team money can buy, as funny as it sounds I can kind of see a decent defence in the 'personal consumption' argument which they were eventually cautioned for. The prosecution would have to get over a very key question 'why would one of the wealthest people in the country need to be selling drugs'? Now of course we all know supplying doesnt always mean selling but it wouldnt be to hard for a defence lawyer to make the case that the volume of drugs they had was consistent with their wealth.

Anybody like you or me could never afford to have that volume of drugs on us unless we were selling, so in that sense they have a defence which is feasable. Therefore it doesnt surprise me they were only done for possesion, of course you may say that they had so much they should have gone down for that anyway, but then that raises the whole question of throwing addicts into prison and what good it brings.
Theres a lot of assumptions made there, but sure if you want to dislike her fair enough. I'm just thinking that to revel in someones death, I mean to actually take pleasure from it, you've got to really hate that person or be some sort of oddball.

I bet you're one of those people who accuses others of being sick if they talk about throwing a party when Thatcher croaks! :p
reel yer neck in sunshine...
Who died and made you emperor?
....he's talking about tons-o-fun up there...

No he isn't.

who specifically stated he was glad these sad, misguided people had karked it.

They'e "sad and misguided" how? They chose their path, and they were damn well wealthy enough to buy treatment, and buy their way out of trouble. They weren't "sad and misguided", they were self-regarding, self-indulgent eternal children who never bothered to grow up.
It's always sad when a life is wasted, but my sympathy is limited when the wasting is self-inflicted.
Rich people get locked up. Rich people in the same circumstances. Why she didn't I don't know, but because she didn't, it doesn't mean others don't.
No-one would have any money if they hadn't invented it.. so it is their money. It's the way these things work..
No amount of money spares people from mental health issues..
As for parasitical behaviour at what point should people born into wealth renounce their inherited wealth? Surely, at best, it's something for the family to manage? And does that mean anyone who inherits anything is a parasite?
It's irrelevent anyway what they do and don't do. A dead body in a room for a week is pitiful. There's better targets in life than them.
What should ultra-rich people do? Well, I dont expect them all to give everything to the revolution, but they could at least do something. These two didnt. And they didnt even try to ameliorate their selfishness with acts of great altruism. They bunged a few quid (to them) at drug charities - after they'd already been done for drugs. Excuse me for being deeply unimpressed.

And, better targets? Well, okay, they aren't fascists, and they are not in political office. So there are better targets, but when it comes to exemplars of the way inherited wealth and privilege shouldn't be tolerated, they're right up there with the Queen.
What about disliking someone for being born into a wealthy family, squandering all the advantages that brings, wasting huge amounts of resources in pursuit of your own selfish desires, and using your wealth and influence to bend the legal system in your favour? Could that add up to at least a gentle dislike?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

p.s. I'll leave Belboid to go down the road of explaining how the money for drugs was stolen from the labour of others.

Another sicko.
The prosecution would have to get over a very key question 'why would one of the wealthest people in the country need to be selling drugs'? Now of course we all know supplying doesnt always mean selling but it wouldnt be to hard for a defence lawyer to make the case that the volume of drugs they had was consistent with their wealth.
Taking 50 wraps into a party. That was all personal??? No chance! They got off because they're friendly with a certain Prince (who they no doubt like because he has done even less for humanity than they have)
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