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One Rule for the Rich: heir to TetraPak empire gets off possessing 52g of Coke!

Thanks for your invaluable input, as per usual.

Can't be long till you're banned again, can it?
The husband is in hospital - in the Maudsley, a psychiatric hospital. He must be in a bit of a state...
I'd love to know where he was pulled "south London" and the wife apparently was dead for some time and in Maudsley, I'd suggest money talks getting a emergency appointment at Maudsley usually takes weeks rather than hours.
So what's the Urban cut-off point for sympathy for dead drug addicts? At what salary level/house size/wealth are we supposed to cease to give a fuck?
Reminds me of a story in the Fail yesterday where they omitted the price of the house of the person they were writing about. First comment under the article read, 'come on DM, without the house price I don't know if they are middle class enough for me to side with them or not.' :D
Arf,even at retail prices £2000 of crack is 100 rocks ,personal I don't think so.

Obviously they were pushing it out to fund their habits:facepalm:

The important point is "intent" isn't it?

As for belboid comment ref body not found for a week......what are you, fucking fourteen?
She was a mega rich addict who had never ever done anything useful in her life. A complete waste of space, a parasite. Sympathy for scum like that? Get to fuck.

A wasted death for a wasted life, seems appropriate. I just wish more of them would go the same way.
She was a mega rich addict who had never ever done anything useful in her life. A complete waste of space, a parasite. Sympathy for scum like that? Get to fuck.

A wasted death for a wasted life, seems appropriate. I just wish more of them would go the same way.

Your delivery totally devalues your message. If its really heartfelt I fear a psychologist would have a field day reviewing your personality
I'd love to know where he was pulled "south London" and the wife apparently was dead for some time and in Maudsley, I'd suggest money talks getting a emergency appointment at Maudsley usually takes weeks rather than hours.

Not necessarily. Mate of mine found his way into emergency detox there in a matter of hours. He was ranting and raving and shouting at things no-one else could see, mind. And it was either that or a sectioning. And he was dirt poor. So it can happen.
She was a mega rich addict who had never ever done anything useful in her life. A complete waste of space, a parasite. Sympathy for scum like that? Get to fuck.

A wasted death for a wasted life, seems appropriate. I just wish more of them would go the same way.

^ things i strongly doubt you would say to this woman's family's face or anyone elses who died in similarly tragic circumstances for that matter. presumably you are this forum's self-appointed ITG. silly little boy.
Not necessarily. Mate of mine found his way into emergency detox there in a matter of hours. He was ranting and raving and shouting at things no-one else could see, mind. And it was either that or a sectioning. And he was dirt poor. So it can happen.
Yes it was unfair of me to knock them,the Emergency clinic is the only one in the country I think and a few years ago they were going to close it because of cuts.
Is it allowed to feel sad if the mega wealthy woman is a singer?

Indifference is one thing, enjoyment in the death of another is a bit weird (unless they have done something really bad, I guess). Being born into a wealthy family is a pathetic reason to hate someone.

What about disliking someone for being born into a wealthy family, squandering all the advantages that brings, wasting huge amounts of resources in pursuit of your own selfish desires, and using your wealth and influence to bend the legal system in your favour? Could that add up to at least a gentle dislike?

Cheers - Louis MacNeice

p.s. I'll leave Belboid to go down the road of explaining how the money for drugs was stolen from the labour of others.
^ things i strongly doubt you would say to this woman's family's face
that womans family are all equally bad, do nothings creaming it on off the work of others. Parasites pure and simple. I dont htink I'd ever be allowed to meet them, too tucked away in their private universes.

or anyone elses who died in similarly tragic circumstances for that matter.
I met someone only monday whose son had OD'd. Of course he died quietly, without any media fuss, having lived a shitty, much abused, life. He - and his family - deserve sympaythy. They are the very opposite of the Rausings.

presumably you are this forum's self-appointed ITG. silly little boy.
I have no idea what an ITG is. Silly pissflaps.
Is it allowed to feel sad if the mega wealthy woman is a singer?

Can you not see the difference? I dont have much sympathy for her, but she did at least make her money from her own talents, and her own work. Not like the Rausings.
Sorry, didnt realise you were this forums BDC (since we're just throwing around silly made up acronyms)
She was a mega rich addict who had never ever done anything useful in her life. A complete waste of space, a parasite. Sympathy for scum like that? Get to fuck.

A wasted death for a wasted life, seems appropriate. I just wish more of them would go the same way.

I am in complete agreement.
What about disliking someone for being born into a wealthy family, squandering all the advantages that brings, wasting huge amounts of resources in pursuit of your own selfish desires, and using your wealth and influence to bend the legal system in your favour? Could that add up to at least a gentle dislike?

Theres a lot of assumptions made there, but sure if you want to dislike her fair enough. I'm just thinking that to revel in someones death, I mean to actually take pleasure from it, you've got to really hate that person or be some sort of oddball.
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