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Nigel Farage

Not doing too bad for himself.

32 grand to "represent Clacton on the world scene"? Would that be by getting his Republican buddies to make more fake adverts about his constituency? 🙄
A prime example of why an MP should not have a second job. For any other MP you would imagine a serious conflict of interests as it's clear which role you would be most committed to.

At the risk of repeating the argument this shower frequently use in a misleading way, there is nothing fundamentally wrong with an MP having another job and quite a lot of an upside to them continuing to be a doctor / lawyer / banker / fireman / railway driver or whatever. An MP with a career already is much less susceptible to party political pressure because they can afford to lose their seat, and in the main are not as determined to monetize their time as an MP - plus they generally have more relevant experience than the other sort of MP.

With Farage, I don't even think this is an issue of him devoting more of his time to his interests than those of his constitutents - the big thing for me is that essentially we have a huge and (at the moment anyway) entirely legal means of funding politics by means which almost entirely avoids scrutiny or legal redress. In effect GB News is giving more than £100 million a year to the Tories they support, without the equivalent scrutiny or public attention that would exist if it was an official political donation. This is far more than is even spent on GE campaigns, and it is on all the time benefitting one side only.

There are not many better uses of Labour's majority than to stop this.
An MP should have been elected for the good of the constituency and or the good of the country, not so as they can top up their other income by being an MP. I've heard many times how overworked they are so it must be difficult for them to have two jobs. Isn't the MPs salary and expenses not enough for them? Which job do they prioritise, the one they can be sacked from or the one they have until the next election. They can use their influence as an MP to win contracts for the company they work for. They can also use their influence to promote or prevent change to favour their paid employment. It is all too easy for an MP to be corrupt in respect of their other job.
No I think having a second job can be good to give them real world experience as they say, they just shouldn't be paid for them.
No I think having a second job can be good to give them real world experience as they say, they just shouldn't be paid for them.

Can they not get real world experience prior to becoming an MP.

I have mixed feelings about this.

Ultimately, an MP might only have the job as an MP for 4 / 5 years - or possibly less if they get in at a by-election, or circumstances mean there's an early general election.

I tend towards the idea that an MP is going to be more in touch if they continue working in a 'real' job as well - and if they are something like a doctor i'm not sure how much re-training they would have to do when they went back to it.

But maybe less keen on an MP continuing to work for an investment bank, PR lobbyist or something like that.

And not at all keen on MP's getting a 'consultancy' job because they are an MP.
And not at all keen on MP's getting a 'consultancy' job because they are an MP
In the more extreme cases they could be on the board or in a senior position in a tobacco company, an arms company, drugs company etc. which are prime examples of where they could use their influence to their employers/ companies advantage to win contracts, change or not change the law.
NO. My MP works for me as opposed to someone who moonlights as an MP.
I am not allowed a second paid employment as are many others.
In the more extreme cases they could be on the board or in a senior position in a tobacco company, an arms company, drugs company etc. which are prime examples of where they could use their influence to their employers/ companies advantage to win contracts, change or not change the law.
NO. My MP works for me as opposed to someone who moonlights as an MP.
I am not allowed a second paid employment as are many others.

As I have said, I have somewhat mixed feelings.

I'm sure there's one or two MP's who still work part time as (medical) doctors, and think that probably makes them a damn sight more in touch with the real world than the average MP.

And yes, it might be difficult to have a clear and reasonable rule about what sorts of jobs would be OK and what wouldn't.

I wonder if we really need MP to be a full time job? Most local councillors do it part time and get reimbursed for loss of earnings and a relatively small allowance. And the rules about declaring interests seem more firm.

Although you're not allowed to be employed by the same council you're a councillor for so a similar rule might make continuing to work in the NHS difficult.

I don't think it's healthy that a seemingly increasing proportion of MP's go straight from university to a think tank to being a special adviser to being an MP and never set foot in the real world at all. Although also not keen on artificial restrictions on who can / can't put up for election - you would get others arguing that only people who have run a business / owned property / had children should be allowed to stand.
Once such MP is my neighbouring MP, Dr Rosina Allin-Khan ( she took Sadiq Khans old constituency ). She occasionally works in A&E in St George's. I regret I have mixed feelings about her doing that. I'm guessing she might need to work so many hours to keep practicing as a medical doctor.
It is possible she could use her influence to win contracts at St George's or to favour St G's over another hospital or over a related service.
NB. She works very hard as an MP.
As a salary that would be twice what Huw Edwards was on and easily put him in the top ten of tv presenters...for a channel with fuck all viewership...suspect it will be production spend
As a salary that would be twice what Huw Edwards was on and easily put him in the top ten of tv presenters...for a channel with fuck all viewership...suspect it will be production spend

Being "too stupid to fill out a form" is also a defence that sort have used in the past
Didn't I hear he has fuck off to the states yet again, to support trump. His second visit since the election. It's time the people of Clacton got rid of him.
Hurry up lads and lasses, those tickets will be selling like hot cakes :D
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This came up on the Reform party thread, my reply at the time...

I've just messaged Reform -

Hi, I am interested in booking for your conference, the price seems very reasonable, considering I can have a photo with our messiah, good old Nige.

As a non-drinker, I was wondering if there's a different option to champagne at breakfast with the leaders, a milkshake would seal the deal for me.

I don't expect a reply, as I used the same e-mail address I used on the Tommy Robinson petition.

I didn't get a reply, probably because I don't have the login details for [email protected].
A man who threw "items", believed to be coffee cups, at Nigel Farage has been given a suspended sentence.

Josh Greally, aged 28, was sentenced to six weeks, suspended for twelve months, after pleading guilty to a charge of using threatening, abusive, insulting words and behaviour with intent to cause fear.

He was filmed throwing the items on June the 11th when Farage was travelling on an open-top bus in Barnsley.

Whiny hypocrite Farage said on twitter, "Today he's been given a suspended prison sentence. He will not serve any custodial time at all" then called for more prisons to be built.

Greally was also ordered to complete 120 hours of unpaid work, 20 rehabilitation activity days, pay £85 costs and a surcharge of £154.

Barnsley protester who targeted Nigel Farage sentenced
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