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National Action to be proscribed as a "Terrorist Organisation"

Here's the rub. This thread wasn't about the IRA, but you felt the need to make it about them in a way that you knew would be provocatively disruptive. Just like you enjoy twisting discussions about Northern Ireland into two-dimensional ones about gender politics or sexuality, so that you can play to the gallery. It's narcissistic behaviour that does a disservice to a serious discussion of any of these issues. It is telling that posters who hold a range of opinions on Irish Republicanism are all telling you where to go.


Sorry, I couldn't resist the temptation to edit this post to include an image of a 'fascist' mural from Belfast (after the likes):


Perhaps we can view it as an illustration of why Sinn Féin's politics might not necessarily belong on a thread about neo Nazis in Britain, rather than an attempt to celebrate them uncritically or those of the ANC for that matter.

Cherry picking, as per usual. You'll have conveniently ignored where I say I have no real problem with Sinn Fein and have praised their TDs.

My problem is with murderers - be it the IRA or the UDA or any of their splinter boy bands. And murderers include members of the armed forces and British state. All this I've mentioned before. Always ignored.

But you're right - the thread has well & truly been derailed by young Magnus, desperately seeking to impress the alphas - so I shouldn't have dared besmirch the beloved IRA by comparing them to other terrorist groups.
Cherry picking, as per usual...

I wasn't cherry picking, I was illustrating why your disruptive trolling was irrelevant (when you called another poster ignorant for distinguishing between the IRA and fascists).
Perhaps we can view it as an illustration of why Sinn Féin's politics might not necessarily belong on a thread about neo Nazis in Britain, rather than an attempt to celebrate them uncritically or those of the ANC for that matter.

Fine. We've both made our points. I apologise for the derail & fair play to you for being patient and explaining your point of view.
Cherry picking, as per usual. You'll have conveniently ignored where I say I have no real problem with Sinn Fein and have praised their TDs.

My problem is with murderers - be it the IRA or the UDA or any of their splinter boy bands. And murderers include members of the armed forces and British state. All this I've mentioned before. Always ignored.

But you're right - the thread has well & truly been derailed by young Magnus, desperately seeking to impress the alphas - so I shouldn't have dared besmirch the beloved IRA by comparing them to other terrorist groups.

What makes you think you're older than me?
You killed the thread with your relentless trolling. And your disgusting racist stereotyping of all Irish people being IRA supporters.

I wouldn't worry about mr apron; he's been desperate to get my attention for several years - sometimes he stops and harrasses other posters - one of whom has had to take a break from posting here because of his incessant bullying.

Brave boys. Well done.
One thing that might useful to see if there are any parallels between armed Irish republicanism and groups like NA is to look at the response if proscribed Republican groups to their bans, what impact it had on their wider support networks etc. Can any of this be applied in the case of groups like NA?

I suspect not, but if we have to drag Ireland into it, then this is surely the area of interest?
One thing that might useful to see if there are any parallels between armed Irish republicanism and groups like NA is to look at the response if proscribed Republican groups to their bans, what impact it had on their wider support networks etc. Can any of this be applied in the case of groups like NA?

I suspect not, but if we have to drag Ireland into it, then this is surely the area of interest?

It's my opinion that the entire proscription malarkey is merely a public marker - a way for the state to disavow what is still essentially a racist politics regarding dealing with terror and the threat of terror, and argue that "we're doing something" about all terrorists and crypto-terrorists. Given the sort of resources that the state has deployed against "Islamist Fundamentalists" in the last two decades, measured against the resources deployed against "home -grown" far right political fundamentalists - arguably a more immediate threat given their propensity for gathering arms and explosives - there is very obviously a scapegoating operation running in parallel with any terrorism or threat of terrorism by ethnic minorities. We saw it all through "The Troubles", with republicans as a political grouping being demonised alongside any actions by the IRA. It's a tried and trusted state formula. National Action's proscription is a publicity exercise to give a veneer of neutrality to the state's operations, while allowing the state to continue it's violence in the Middle East.
Mark Collett's thoughts on the NA ban are on YouTube -

You can see why he was suggested as a future leader for the far-right at Larry Nunn/Western Spring's recent unity meeting.

I think one of the people in NA he's suggesting are only doing fascist activism to shit people up is Ben Raymond.
Anyway, to return to the original topic.

Having had a bit of a look at the ethos of this group, they well deserved being banned. I have strong doubts about them being banned as terrorists though, I think that gives them kudos that their minuscule membership does not deserve.
It's my opinion that the entire proscription malarkey is merely a public marker - a way for the state to disavow what is still essentially a racist politics regarding dealing with terror and the threat of terror, and argue that "we're doing something" about all terrorists and crypto-terrorists. Given the sort of resources that the state has deployed against "Islamist Fundamentalists" in the last two decades, measured against the resources deployed against "home -grown" far right political fundamentalists - arguably a more immediate threat given their propensity for gathering arms and explosives - there is very obviously a scapegoating operation running in parallel with any terrorism or threat of terrorism by ethnic minorities. We saw it all through "The Troubles", with republicans as a political grouping being demonised alongside any actions by the IRA. It's a tried and trusted state formula. National Action's proscription is a publicity exercise to give a veneer of neutrality to the state's operations, while allowing the state to continue it's violence in the Middle East.

Interesting points - perhaps to explore the difference between macro and micro engagement with 'Islamic Fundamentalism' - especially within the contexts of domestic and international engagement - and where responsibility for engaging within such parameters might exist - would be a very useful thing.
Mark Collett's thoughts on the NA ban are on YouTube -

You can see why he was suggested as a future leader for the far-right at Larry Nunn/Western Spring's recent unity meeting.

I think one of the people in NA he's suggesting are only doing fascist activism to shit people up is Ben Raymond.

The trouble is he contradicts himself. Certainly presents himself as being clearly spoken and articulate, initially at least, he makes some scarily sensible points to begin with regarding NA. If he is leader material he would have cut the recording there and left it at that. But he continues onwards, presumably through the liking of the sound of his own voice, and drifts into 'people behind the curtain' land which is just dog whistles for far right cranks and conspiracy loons and will just confuse or scare off anyone of a more stable persuasion. Which is what he argues against doing in the first instance.
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Does anybody on here seriously believe this same legislation won't be used against the Left?

Does anybody seriously believe that the actual targets of this nonsense are not the Left?

Will we still be laughing when this happens?

Here are a few groups of yesteryear that would certainly have met the criteria. Hunts sabs. Class War. Red Action. Anti-Facsist Action.

Does anybody on here seriously believe this same legislation won't be used against the Left?

Does anybody seriously believe that the actual targets of this nonsense are not the Left?

Will we still be laughing when this happens?

Here are a few groups of yesteryear that would certainly have met the criteria. Hunts sabs. Class War. Red Action. Anti-Facsist Action.


I haven't heard anyone on the left not draw these conclusions, although I'm in contact mostly with astute types.
I haven't heard anyone on the left not draw these conclusions, although I'm in contact mostly with astute types.

I would draw the attention of the right honourable gentleman to some of the loons above - and congratulate him on being flamed (well, more flanned) by the two biggest loons on these boards
Does anybody on here seriously believe this same legislation won't be used against the Left?

Does anybody seriously believe that the actual targets of this nonsense are not the Left?

Will we still be laughing when this happens?

Here are a few groups of yesteryear that would certainly have met the criteria. Hunts sabs. Class War. Red Action. Anti-Facsist Action.


Certainly I haven't seen anyone celebrating it. Mostly the attitude has been that it's a massive over reaction and has handed them a kudos they did nothing to earn.

Hunt sabbing is still alive and well BTW.
Does anybody on here seriously believe this same legislation won't be used against the Left?

Does anybody seriously believe that the actual targets of this nonsense are not the Left?

Will we still be laughing when this happens?

Here are a few groups of yesteryear that would certainly have met the criteria. Hunts sabs. Class War. Red Action. Anti-Facsist Action.


The Cornflake Action?
A full list of proscribed terrorist organisations can be found here:


It's rather ridiculous - they're slotted into a list of 'proscribed international terrorist groups'.

National Action - Proscribed December 2016 National Action is a racist neo-Nazi group that was established in 2013. It has a number of branches across the UK, which conduct provocative street demonstrations and stunts aimed at intimidating local communities. Its activities and propaganda materials are particularly aimed at recruiting young people. The group is virulently racist, anti-Semitic and homophobic. Its ideology promotes the idea that Britain will inevitably see a violent ‘race war’, which the group claims it will be an active part of. The group rejects democracy, is hostile to the British state and seeks to divide society by implicitly endorsing violence against ethnic minorities and perceived ‘race traitors’ National Action’s online propaganda material, disseminated via social media, frequently features extremely violent imagery and language. It condones and glorifies those who have used extreme violence for political or ideological ends. This includes tweets posted by the group in 2016, in connection with the murder of Jo Cox(which the prosecutor described as a terrorist act), stating “Only 649 MPs to go” and a photo of Thomas Mair with the caption “don’t let this man’s sacrifice go in vain” and ”Jo Cox would have filled Yorkshire with more subhumans!”, as well as an image condoning and celebrating the terrorist attack on the Pulse nightclub in Orlando and another depicting a police officer’s throat being slit. The images can reasonably be taken as inferring that these acts should be emulated and therefore amount to the unlawful glorification of terrorism.

Apparently not proofed before publication.
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