Bastard cop walks free after vowing to kill suspect during a high speed chase, carrying an unauthorised AK-47 on duty, shooting the unarmed suspect six times (the final shot from six inches away,) then planting a gun on the dead victim.
But it was all in the heat of the moment and poor cop was scared of the bad, bad Black man, so it's all fine. And the judge said it was legit to assume the victim was armed because "urban" heroin dealers always are.
(For those not familiar, "urban" as a descriptor is a more socially acceptable but clearly understood synonym for "African American" when used in this context. Also known as "dogwhistle.")
So now, folk are protesting the verdict and the bastard cops are trampling and cuffing little old ladies. I think things will be shitty in STL for awhile. (Sorry, could only find embeddable video via tweet link.)