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    Lazy Llama

More police brutality than you can shake a stick at.

This bastard has no control over his dog, and it doesn't look like the dog has had anything like enough training. The guy's already cuffed on the ground ffs.

The dog should be trained not to bite a restrained person and to release a bite immediately when instructed. What's happening in that video is effectively torture.
you haven't had much contact with police dogs, have you

I have. I also know how people who train attack dogs make it seem like they're training them for something other than randomised brutality, and that is by claiming that the dog will only bite a specific arm, will only bite a person who is standing, and will release a bite when commanded to. In the real world of course, no animal bred and trained specifically for violence will be so easy to control. As we see with all those marvellous cases of police dogs munching on their quote unquote handlers.
Latest one, this time from San Fran PD

Scum copper shoulderbarging 17 year old on skateboard into his parked cruiser - kid to hospital with multiple injuries

Given this is going viral very quickly across the skateboard community, I imagine it'll be entering non-skateboard media fairly soon
The Australian Woman Killed by Police in Minneapolis
Justine Damond called police just before midnight Saturday to report a possible assault in the alley behind her home. Two officers responded in a squad car and, the Star Tribune reported, Damond went to the driver’s door in her pajamas; the officer in the passenger seat fired, killing her. The death of the 40-year-old Australian woman who was due to be married next month prompted global outrage as well as questions on why the officers hadn’t turned on their body cameras in line with the department’s rules.

Minneapolis Police officials say they’re looking into the shooting and released a short statement with few details: “At one point an officer fired their weapon, fatally striking a woman,” the statement read in part. “The officers’ body cameras were not turned on at the time and the squad camera did not capture the incident.”

I'm ok with this one tbh. Idiots getting in the way of bike races have been known to cause pile ups and serious injuries. The copper has only given him a gentle shove, and it looks like he's picked a spot where there's nobody else in the way and nothing but grass for the idiot to land on.
Definite misconduct the by the quite panicked looking OB they should have been performing CPR. I'd hazard a guess cause of death was choking or cardiac arrest from the wraps of coke he appears to swallow on the way into the shop.
Not sure killing them assists in arresting them

I doubt that was the coppers intent, he seemed to be trying to pull whatever it was in the kids mouth out a few times on the video.

just wondered what the official directions are for the police in that situation. they can't just let whoever it is go as soon as they pop something in their mouths....that'd be a bit -

.......at the same time they have a responsibility to make sure whatever they put in their mouths isn't going to kill them.
For extra stupid points the man they were trying to get blood from wasn't a suspect.

He was driving a lorry rammed by someone fleeing the police.

Though theres a theory if the police could find evidence of drink or drugs in the blokes system they'd be off the hook for damages:hmm:
Warning - this is full of shit that will make you angry - very angry.

Gist: a full-on conspiracy between the NYPD, Bronx DA's office and Mayor's Office, all stemming from personally a particularly corrupt cop attempting to blackmail women into sex, on pain of fitting up their teenage/young adult sons.

Soul Snatchers: How the NYPD’s 42nd Precinct, the Bronx DA’s Office, and the City of New York…

Soul Snatchers :: Part Two :: The Bronx Terrorist — Detective David Terrell

SOUL SNATCHERS: Countering the State Sponsored Conspiracy to Destroy Pedro Hernandez (Part 3)

And of course, once in The System, even when completely innocent, getting out can be night on impossible, especially if you are brown and poor. Having been fitted up by 42nd Precinct cops, young Pedro Hernandez found himself in the New Bridge Non-Secure Detention Center. Barely a fortnight after his fabricated arrest the fifteen year old Hernandez was brutally beaten without provocation by Corrections Officer Gregory Hyman. Despite the incident being caught on CCTV and handed over to the police and DA's Office almost immediately, nothing was done about it for nearly two years. Indeed, it was only because a local private investigator procured a copy of the video, and leaked it to a journalist, that anything seemed to happen at all.

And so on.

And so on.

And so on.

Finally today the City of New York dropped all charges against Pedro Hernandez. Close on three full years since the start of it all.

(Story from Shaun King of the New York Daily News, who alongside photographer Zach D Roberts has been instrumental in forcing the police and FBI to take an interest in the potentially fatal attack by white supremacists of protester Deandre Harris at Charlottesville. Two more parts still to come.)
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