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Bonkers conspiracy theories? Here's the site for you!

Blagsta said:
What makes you think you're so special and have a line to the truth that others don't?

I didn't say it was the truth. I just said it was a different form of perception.

Like a Medium talks to spirits......
urb said:
You cannot understand.
What's your qualifications and expertise in this area that give you the authority to claim a greater understanding than everyone else, urb?
editor said:
What's your qualifications and expertise in this area that give you the authority to claim a greater understanding than everyone else, urb?
Unless you've been there, you cannot understand what it's like.
editor said:
Where exactly have you been, urb?

And what is there to 'understand'?

When I say you haven't been there, 'there' refers to a state of mind in which you hear voices. The more you ignore them, the worse they get, so you have reply to them.

Understanding the gravity of this kind of situation requires experience of it happening.
urb said:
When I say you haven't been there, 'there' refers to a state of mind in which you hear voices. The more you ignore them, the worse they get, so you have reply to them.

ok I am scared now

I do believe in some things that have no logical explaination but ...
urb said:
When I say you haven't been there, 'there' refers to a state of mind in which you hear voices. The more you ignore them, the worse they get, so you have reply to them.

Are you talking just about yourself here, or do you have some special insight into the minds of all the sufferers?
I am trying to give YOU an insight, but all I'm getting are questions about my qualifications to talk about this subject.

Here's a question: If someone was posting on here about visiting Brazil and someone posted about an aspect of Brazil from their experience, would you ask them if they were a qualified travel agent or geographer?
Why is my firewall being bombarded with attacks from a UK IP all of a sudden?

Did I upset someone here? Or is it kiddie script bank holiday weekend?
do a whois on the IP address.

though tere is a certain irony in your last post considering the topic title
urb said:
Why is my firewall being bombarded with attacks from a UK IP all of a sudden?
Did I upset someone here?
Quit your fucking paranoid accusations.

Only the mods can see your IP address and - believe me - we haven't the slightest, remotest, vaguest interest in farting about with IP attacks.

I trust you'll have the good grace to immediately withdraw any suggestion that anyone here would abuse admin rights to attack important ol' you.
urb said:
I am trying to give YOU an insight, but all I'm getting are questions about my qualifications to talk about this subject.

Well, that is very kind of you, but aren't you rather jumping to conclusions that you're the only one who knows?

Here's a question: If someone was posting on here about visiting Brazil and someone posted about an aspect of Brazil from their experience, would you ask them if they were a qualified travel agent or geographer?

Here's an answer:

Depends whether they were desperately generalising to try and prove a point. ;)
editor said:
I trust you'll have the good grace to immediately withdraw any suggestion that anyone here would abuse admin rights to attack important ol' you.

I apologise to Mike (editor) and his moderators for even thinking that he or they would do such a thing. I realise that I was totally wrong to even imply that.

I'm Sorry
WouldBe said:
If you built a giant spaceship to evacuate the planet where would you go?
You'd fill it full of plants etc and make it a self-sustaining space-ship that would float around in space for thousands of years or however long it took us to find somewhere new to colonise...
TeeJay said:
You'd fill it full of plants etc and make it a self-sustaining space-ship that would float around in space for thousands of years or however long it took us to find somewhere new to colonise...

Like Battlestar Galactica? :D
urb said:
Just for a minute, forget what you think you know about the world. Shrinks claim that it's an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. This imbalance can cause voices to be heard and perception to be altered.

Shrinks hand out drugs to balance the chemicals in order to get the brain back to normal. Normal being the chemical balance of the majority.

Perhaps hearing and communicating with voices is not just imagination, perhaps people with schizophrenia are tapping into a level of communication that normal people cannot?

The shrinks have a list, and if you are "diagnosed" then they'll put you on that list.... so pretend to be as normal as you can. Do not admit to hearing voices, tell them the medication is working fine... it was just an episode which is over now and may not reoccur. Carry a mobile phone so people won't think you are mad when you talk to your voices in the street.

You cannot understand.
Here is a UK organisation that aims to support people who hear voices and promotes "alternative" (eg non-drug) approachs and a "patient-centered" point of view: http://www.hearing-voices.org/ It strikes a good balance between the two extremes in this debate (ie 'voices as illness' versus 'voices as spiritual blessing').

A New Approach

Hearing voices has been regarded by psychiatry as 'auditory hallucinations', and in many cases a symptom of schizophrenia. However not everyone who hears voices has a diagnosis of schizophrenia. There are conflicting theories from psychiatrists, psychologists and voice hearers about why people do hear voices . We believe that they are similar to dreams, symbols of our unconscious minds. Although the Network is open to many diverse opinions we accept the explanation of each individual voice hearer.

Traditionally , the usual treatment for voice hearing has been major tranquillisers, administered to reduce the delusions and hallucinations . However not everyone responds to this treatment. There are some psychiatrists and psychologists who now work with people who hear voices using talking therapies and exploring the meaning of the voices.

Although this is not yet 'the norm', this practice is increasing. As the improvement in individuals who are encouraged to talk about their voices becomes more apparent and increasing number of health professionals are beginning to understand that the key to understanding voices lies in the 'content' of the voices.
TeeJay said:
You'd fill it full of plants etc and make it a self-sustaining space-ship that would float around in space for thousands of years or however long it took us to find somewhere new to colonise...

Like that film where they were ordered to destroy the biomes attached to the ship, but one bloke killed the others and set the biomes off with a couple of robots to look after them - a sad film :(
huey, louie and dewey - after donald duck's nephews (?)

goldenecitrone said:
It's really sad when he runs over that little robot in his buggy. What was his name, Louis or Hughie or something.
i've cried each of the six times i've seen this film...

"The final images are some of the most powerful seen in science fiction films, both sad and optimistic : the forest tended by the remaining robot, with a battered watering can, all alone."

wwaaaahhhhh.... blub blub.....

:( :(
urb said:
I didn't say it was the truth. I just said it was a different form of perception.

Like a Medium talks to spirits......

Hmmmm...a couple of friends of mine have had schizophrenic episodes, and they don't think its truth, just a horrible experience they went through.
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