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    Lazy Llama

Bonkers conspiracy theories? Here's the site for you!

farmerbarleymow said:
What lovely flowers :) - although quite what they have to do with the madness of the rest of the site is beyond me.

The one of the red tulips is clearly a fake.

There's only one sun in the photo :)
This is the REAL conspiracy that the MEDIA is trying to SUPPRESS:


Now we must HIDE, in our SECRET NUCLEAR BUNKER! And buy lots of WEAPONS!
Jorum said:
Without even considering the content, that is one doozy of an ugly, jumbled and incoherent looking website.

Looks fine on my computer, though that's probably coz I'm running IE23 (Illuminati Explorer 23) ;)
farmerbarleymow said:
What is a bothan?


it's one the thing standing next to Jar Jar binks ( cunt :mad: ) . In star wars when they are planning the attack on the death star the general person says ' many bothan died to get us this information ' . I suppose the joke doesn't work if it needs explaining :rolleyes:
urb said:
Ignorance is bliss.

IF there was a second sun heading straight for us what exactly could we do about it?

Launch a giant fire extinguisher at it? or
A giant tennis raquet perhaps?

You couldn't use nukes as they would vaporise before getting close enough.

If you built a giant spaceship to evacuate the planet where would you go?

You couldn't hide in bunkers because the planet would be smashed to bits by the impact.

IF this was to be true you might as well stop wasting time worrying about it and get the most out of what time you have left. :)
urb said:
I am not able to respond with anything even remotely intelligent at this time.
Yep. I guess that the chem trails are pretty bad tonight and that the plants aren't giving out enough oxygen, eh?
Corax said:
Sure lots have come across it before, but this is a real conspiracy theorist.


£20,000 Reward Offered to Expose the Conspiracy
I am making a pledge for information directly leading to the exposing of the "BBC Newscaster Conspiracy". The exposing would specifically need to lead to a legally binding admission from Martyn Lewis or Michael Buerk of the BBC, or Jon Snow of ITN, that they were watching me through the TV set.
:eek: :eek:
me me me me me me me me

This is the problem with the internet, or one of them, so many loons can post up their loonyness for other loons to imbibe by the bucketfull. I think sites should be classified by there bullshit level, so that we can choose whether to surf them. An Internet Commisar should be commisioned to vet all sites for accuracy. I would like to propose myself for the task.
I'm not sure about how to comment on this subject but someone did tell me once that NASA once sent chickens into space to prevent any nasty alien takeover of the earth.

The assumption was if any aliens captured the space chickens, they'd decide not to conquer our planet and go elsewhere knowing we were not able to communicate properly and they could never enslave us.

I also was informed that the chickens made it back safe and well, how true this is I'll never know as the person who told me was later admitted to the local fruit and nut wing of a hospital nearby.
This is why, of course, UFO sightings have fallen off. Anoraks don't have to stay up all night on drafty hills anymore to get their kicks, they can stay up all night on conspiracy websites instead.

Hologram airliners that fire missiles or are missiles disguised, tower blocks that mysteriously collapse when a FUCKING GERT BIG PLANE SMASHES INTO THEM.

Give it a rest nerds, there's plenty of bus numbers to be spotted.
The most obvious explanation, that the claims made result from the admitted mental illness of the author, is the one which the persecutors intend be the one accepted without consideration being given to the possibility of the claims being true. The persecutors have actually been very clever about this, both in selecting as their target someone who was known from school or university as being borderline schizophrenic, and in ensuring the nature of their persecution corresponds to what often features in the delusions of a schizophrenic.

Just for a minute, forget what you think you know about the world. Shrinks claim that it's an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. This imbalance can cause voices to be heard and perception to be altered.

Shrinks hand out drugs to balance the chemicals in order to get the brain back to normal. Normal being the chemical balance of the majority.

Perhaps hearing and communicating with voices is not just imagination, perhaps people with schizophrenia are tapping into a level of communication that normal people cannot?

The shrinks have a list, and if you are "diagnosed" then they'll put you on that list.... so pretend to be as normal as you can. Do not admit to hearing voices, tell them the medication is working fine... it was just an episode which is over now and may not reoccur. Carry a mobile phone so people won't think you are mad when you talk to your voices in the street.

You cannot understand.
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