tangentlama said:this thread is, in part, about Israel issuing assassination threats to the newly elected Hamas Leader. if Europe doesn't support this man soon, they may well kill him. the only reason Arafat lasted so long was because Europe supported Arafat and condemned Israel's and USA's refusal to recognise as the leader of the Palestinian people.
it's also about more Palestinian kids who were murdered.
i wouldnt ever argue in favour of israel or the US or the EU with regards to this matter. its fucking disgusting the way israel behaves. its also disgusting (but not surprising) that the richest nations on earth will do anything about it
it's also disgusting that to get their point across, palestinian nationalists think they have to murder innocent israeli's who are just people like you and me going about our lives
the whole thing is disgusting, but i would stilll condemn anybody murdering innocent people to get their point across
its like the people who blew up london and madrid and loads of other places. there is a reason why they did it, but they are still fucking cunts