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More child murders and assassination threats

ViolentPanda said:
Ah, setting yourself up as a "straight talker" who cuts through the bullshit.

Equally, it may be that what you are is actually a fool who doesn't understand the subtleties of the situation and so blunders around like a sex-crazed hog.

Its good for the boys to just say what they feel and not be embarassed about their beliefs. Otherwise things become muddled.

You either believe or don't believe in the existence of Isreal. I do. Some seem to not. But it might be hard for them to admit it.

Not exactly a profile in courage.
mears said:

Not exactly a profile in courage.

Spoken like a chickenhawk. You're not exactly Mr Courageous 2006, are you?

Do you believe in the toothfairy, mears? Do you believe in the existence of Santa Claus? :D

I speak your weight. Insert coin.
mears said:
Its good for the boys to just say what they feel and not be embarassed about their beliefs. Otherwise things become muddled.

You either believe or don't believe in the existence of Isreal. I do. Some seem to not. But it might be hard for them to admit it.

Not exactly a profile in courage.

Your belief is a matter of irrelevance, my belief is a matter of irrelevance, as is your posturing.

All that matters is the situation and that it is resolved equitably, something that won't happen while the US continues to play bagman to the Zionists.

It's all very well "believing" in Israel but it is meaningless unless you believe in a series of other things, such as the enforcement of the '67 green line and the creation of a Palestinian state within it's mandated boundaries. Without a solution that is accepted by the Palestinian people (rather than by the guys taking money from the US) then any "solution", whether formulated by Clinton, Bush or Nebuchadnezzar, will be meaningless because it won't actually solve anything.
nino_savatte said:
Spoken like a chickenhawk. You're not exactly Mr Courageous 2006, are you?

Do you believe in the toothfairy, mears? Do you believe in the existence of Santa Claus? :D

I speak your weight. Insert coin.

He believes in the almight dollar. He's said that before.
Ninjaboy said:
his tagline is sallam

he has used israels fucked up policies to justify suicide bombers, i asked him to deny condoning murder and he started attacking israel then attacking me

so he wont condemn palestinians murdering innocents because he agrees with them

hes a cunt
you know fuck all about this why are you continuing this shameful pretence of knowledge which clearly isn't there...

you are clearly the cunt...
Ninjaboy said:
i know i have been a bit OTT on this thread

but moono has been pulled up a number of times about suicide bombers and other forms of murder and has refused to condemn it

i think it is understandable that palestinian nationalists will resort to murder in response to the israelian government's disgusting behaviour, but i don't think it justifies the murder of innocent israelis
please define " innocent israelis"...
GarfieldLeChat said:
please define " innocent israelis"...

People like you or I that didn't ask to be raised in an area of conflict, refuseniks, children...

Don't get all wound up about this issue Garf - your little two week photography trip during which you saw nothing whatsoever of Israeli culture isn't enough to have given you a balanced outlook on the situation, nor all the answers.

And certainly not the right to shout down other people like Ninjaboy.
Finally, a gentleman.

It's is a pleasure to meet a person of such charm and manners on a thread such as this.

Thank you, ma'm. I'd stay and chat but I've got two infidels in a headlock . Excuse me. :)
ViolentPanda said:
Nope, to accept that an action is justified is to accept that (at least in the final analysis) the action is right or correct.

I don't. I didn't then and I don't now, but that's a matter for my conscience.

You joined the army with the belief that killing is wrong in all circumstances?
ViolentPanda said:
Your belief is a matter of irrelevance, my belief is a matter of irrelevance, as is your posturing.

All that matters is the situation and that it is resolved equitably, something that won't happen while the US continues to play bagman to the Zionists.

It's all very well "believing" in Israel but it is meaningless unless you believe in a series of other things, such as the enforcement of the '67 green line and the creation of a Palestinian state within it's mandated boundaries. Without a solution that is accepted by the Palestinian people (rather than by the guys taking money from the US) then any "solution", whether formulated by Clinton, Bush or Nebuchadnezzar, will be meaningless because it won't actually solve anything.

Why is "believing" in quotes? You believe in the existence of Israel. You don't want Israel wiped off the map.

You are right, its up to the Palestinian people but also the Israeli people. Both parties need to find a solution accepted by both sides.

But for the fun of it, lets say I am Pres of the US (I can't think of a better job). I suggest Israel move its boundries to pre 1967 borders. In exchange the Hamas led government recognizes Israel (as you recognize Israel) and gives up the right of return for the 3 million or so Palestinians living in Egypt, Jordan, Syrian etc..

Seems like a fair deal for the children. Yes the radicals on both sides will scream murder and assasins would come after both leaders. But everyones got to learn to live together anyway. Might be a good start.

Regardless of whether such a plan is feasible, could you support it?
Jordan Valley:oops:ne third of their small, poor homeland and it is closed in their faces

mears. instead of bringing fake deals to discuss, we'd much rather discuss what is actually happening:

14th March 2006 said:
In another telling answer, the soldier describes Palestinian labourers entering the Jordan Valley to work on Israeli settlements as "coming to work in Israel... these settlements are not in the West Bank".

For him the Israeli annexation has already happened.

"The Palestinians cannot use the Jordan Valley," says Najib Abu Rokaya, B'Tselem's fieldwork co-ordinator.

"It's one third of their small, poor homeland and it is closed in their faces."
Israel tightens grip on Jordan Valley
tangentlama said:
mears. instead of bringing fake deals to discuss, we'd much rather discuss what is actually happening:

I think you are wrong. Dealing with such hypotheticals forces us to take a stand. It shows who believes what. It doesn't allow for much wiggle room.

I doubt he will give a straight answer.

But you can
.....and kill two Palestinian prison guards and wound twenty-six others, five of them critically ?
mears said:
I think you are wrong. Dealing with such hypotheticals forces us to take a stand. It shows who believes what. It doesn't allow for much wiggle room.

I doubt he will give a straight answer.

But you can

Mears, since the question was directed at you, who is the "he" that you referred to?

I agree with tangentlama, stop playing with hypotheticals - these are real issues.

Now then, do you think that countries should respect each others borders?
moono said:
.....and kill two Palestinian prison guards and wound twenty-six others, five of them critically ?

and force grown men out into the street in their underwear to be photographed by the world?
spring-peeper said:
and force grown men out into the street in their underwear to be photographed by the world?

At least they didn't force them to bugger each other with some pig ugly freak of a woman standing next to them pointing a la Abu Ghirab...

mears said:
Why is "believing" in quotes? You believe in the existence of Israel. You don't want Israel wiped off the map.
Because whether you or I "believe" in Israel or not is immaterial to it's existence. Israel is a fact, but it's a different fact to different people.
You are right, its up to the Palestinian people but also the Israeli people. Both parties need to find a solution accepted by both sides.

But for the fun of it, lets say I am Pres of the US (I can't think of a better job). I suggest Israel move its boundries to pre 1967 borders. In exchange the Hamas led government recognizes Israel (as you recognize Israel) and gives up the right of return for the 3 million or so Palestinians living in Egypt, Jordan, Syrian etc..

Seems like a fair deal for the children. Yes the radicals on both sides will scream murder and assasins would come after both leaders. But everyones got to learn to live together anyway. Might be a good start.

Regardless of whether such a plan is feasible, could you support it?

I really don't know, I think any decision I made would be contingent on what exactly happened to the people whose "right of return" was being abrogated. If it meant they'd be left to live in refugee camps for the rest of their lives, stateless and forgotten, then no. If reparations and/or a settlement was agreed with them, by plebiscite for example (rather than being imposed) then probably yes.
pk said:
Don't get all wound up about this issue Garf - your little two week photography trip during which you saw nothing whatsoever of Israeli culture isn't enough to have given you a balanced outlook on the situation, nor all the answers.

i have previously asked you to cease this continued, malicious, deliberate, misrepresenation and out right lying.

when you acutally know me then it would be possible for you to discuss my habits as you know nothing of me whatsoever then please discuss the topic matter or don't disucss it at all, certainly don't address your further comments to me as you are goign back on ignore again. It's simpler to just override your bile and lies than to continue to attempt a dialouge with you, i simply don't care enough to attempt any form of dialouge with you...

pk said:
And certainly not the right to shout down other people like Ninjaboy.
Ninjaboy is clearly trolling which is what he does when he's bored...

Bye bye pk you, utter, utter, surplus irrelevance...
spring-peeper said:
Just re-read and you were right :oops:

Strange - from my experience you always seem to give straight answers.

Mears is one of those people who appear to have difficulty with shades of gray. You and me know that life isn't black and white, that pretty much no-one except an idiot stitches themselves into a position on something that leaves no room for manouvre (or "wriggle room" as mears called it), but for mears the world is black and white.
GarfieldLeChat said:
i have previously asked you to cease this continued, malicious, deliberate, misrepresenation and out right lying.

And I've asked you to shut the fuck up, you pompous overblown fart, I say what I like and you'll deal with it (by complaining to the police, it seems!!).

Pathetic. Can't handle a debate so you go running to the law.

when you acutally know me then it would be possible for you to discuss my habits

I don't want to know you - how can anyone know you when you're so full of shit, your life story changes depending on who you're talking to - I thought I knew you once but clearly I don't and nor does anyone else, which is why I couldn't care less about how you feel about me.

as you know nothing of me whatsoever then please discuss the topic matter or don't disucss it at all

It's well within the topic matter - you jump into a thread and call people cunts and tell them they don't know shit and everyone is supposed to assume you know all about the Middle East conflict when it's clear you only have an extremely one-sided view having hidden behind your flashy camera for two weeks in the West Bank... that doesn't give you any right to say Ninjaboy or anyone else knows nothing.

It's quite clear you know little or nothing of the Israeli side of the debate, you probably know my opinions on this but at least they were formulated over a long time, travelling all over Israel for 6 months, in both Arab and Jewish areas, I like to think I have a bit of balance... I suspect more balance than you'll ever have but then you've always come across as being decidedly unbalanced.

certainly don't address your further comments to me as you are goign back on ignore again.

Fine, for goodness sake child, put me on ignore - then you won't have to chuck your toys out of the pram and threaten me with solicitors every time you read one of my posts!
It's really that simple! And I really couldn't care less!!!

It's simpler to just override your bile and lies than to continue to attempt a dialouge with you, i simply don't care enough to attempt any form of dialouge with you...

So I'm imagining this post addressed to me then am I?

Jesus Henry Christ, you really are far denser than your faux intellectual patter makes you out to be.

As for lies - well, you've made some outrageous claims to people that have been well documented, and I consider you to be a two-faced liar given your willingness to offer up information to certain people who target this site for abuse - and when the shit hits the fan, you feign ignorance and pretend it was nothing to do with you - spineless all the way, that's you.

Ninjaboy is clearly trolling which is what he does when he's bored...

Bye bye pk you, utter, utter, surplus irrelevance...

Ahh, you even have to borrow my old insults... bless... so stick me on ignore now please, you're boring me already... I can't see where Ninjaboy is trolling per se but your hypersensitive sensibilities are shaken by the slightest tremor aren't they - maybe you should sic your solicitor onto him for not agreeing with you??

Hope you pay him well, he must love it whenever he hears your posh-boy accent begin ranting on the other end of his phone...


If you don't like debate Garf, maybe you should go and start your own boards... oh... you tried that already...
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