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More child murders and assassination threats

mears said:
Wow, amazing one can find the time to read all that good literature.
Who needs time? If you have to assimilate data quickly you learn to assimilate data quickly.
I am not advocating war with Iran. I was talking about various military scenarios. The point was no other country on the planet can project their power like the US. That is why Israel and the Palestinians take note of what comes out of Washington.
As usual you don't see further than the end of your nose. Your "military scenarios" (I believe you mentioned Tomahawks and planes) aren't "scenarios", they're what you believe should happen, the good old "bomb the bastards" fallback that has no basis in reality.
Re: Projection of power: Projection is fine, but (and I'm presuming you understand the structure of your own military here) at the moment, what with the Iraq cakewalk having turned out not to be a cakewalk, your government can only project phantoms. CENTCOM doesn't have the human or materiel[/B] resources at the moment to do anything more unless they go nuclear, and where would that leave American power?
As for your final sentence, good of you to admit that your nation's FP role is that of a bully.
Its US power that makes you angry. You don't want the US to call the shots. But no one else can call the shots. The UN can't mobilize a rapid reaction force to deal with a crisis in 48 hours. The UN can't even mobilize a coalition of troops for offensive military action.
As usual you're wrong, it's abuse of power by anyone that makes me angry. I know it's hellishly convenient to you to be able to tie everything up as anti-Americanism, but it isn't reality.
As for the UN, why can't they do those things? Take a look through the fifty-odd years of history, see who the prime mover against the UN in terms of the UN being able to enforce it's remit have been.
And you think such a group has credibility with arch enemies like the Palestinians and Israelis? UN diplomatic efforts are only credible if Washington is behind their efforts.

US power is not perfect but no one can match it, economically, militarially or culturally. Besides the hard power America has loads of the soft type. And you people get angry when I only state the facts.

You should learn to live with it. American domination of international affairs is not going to erode for some years now.
So you believe that might makes right?
Why doesn't that surprise me?
As that great science fiction writer from my home state of Indiana, Kurt Vonnegut, once said "so it goes".

Except of course that Vonnegut's context isn't yours.
Ninjaboy said:
i remember last time i noticed was cos you were trying to have a go at me while i was off out, i came back and you and dubversion were trolling a thread with nowt to say except wishing death on me.
Care to rephrase that, dufus?
After all, even a tosser like you should be able to remember reality, the reality being that I didn't wish death on you.

You know why? You ain't worth it.
i do rely on calling daft cunts a daft cunt, its a weakness
Nah, you rely on calling people daft cunts because it gives meaning to your empty life ninj..
you really are a daft fucking cunt
Even if I am, my condition is curable. You on the other hand are always going to be a cowardly empty-headed blowhard who gets his courage out of a bottle.
tangentlama said:
lamas beat ninjas

return to the topic or face unorganised silent ostracisation

The problem with returning to the topic is that some people appear to only wish to view the entire situation as a theme for a playground dispute rather than as an extremely complex problem whose solution probably lies outside of the current approaches being used.
ViolentPanda said:
The problem with returning to the topic is that some people appear to only wish to view the entire situation as a theme for a playground dispute rather than as an extremely complex problem whose solution probably lies outside of the current approaches being used.

Welcome to U75 :p
ViolentPanda said:
The problem with returning to the topic is that some people appear to only wish to view the entire situation as a theme for a playground dispute rather than as an extremely complex problem whose solution probably lies outside of the current approaches being used.

International law prohibits without exception, the extra-judicial killing of protected persons. Israel's policy of assassination clearly amounts to intentional or wilful killing, which constitutes a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention and is subject to international criminal prosecution.
The situation currently accepted is that Hamas, violence-free since August 2004, are denounced in the West as 'terrorists' whilst the Israeli Right, guilty of murder on almost every day in the last week, enjoy diplomatic drinks.
Surely this hypocrisy is evident to non-Western governments and populations ? There are sporadic voices of protest but where is the unity of protest which can make a difference to the Western press ?
I have no doubt that where the Western press lead, Western government will follow. It may just be that simple honest journalism and publicity can right the wrongs.
There aren't any.

Fred is a closet Zionist fan attempting to glorify himself in an impartial position and peeved at being knocked off balance by the truths engraved here;

Unable to self-adjust he layed into the supposed source of his discomfort....yours truly.

He might waffle on further about his neutrality but it's a sham.
i know i have been a bit OTT on this thread

but moono has been pulled up a number of times about suicide bombers and other forms of murder and has refused to condemn it

i think it is understandable that palestinian nationalists will resort to murder in response to the israelian government's disgusting behaviour, but i don't think it justifies the murder of innocent israelis
i know i have been a bit OTT on this thread

Incorrect. Understand that you are simply a nuisance. You have ambitions to be an arsehole but you haven't achieved it yet. Good luck.
Ninjaboy said:
so answer the rest of the post

this thread is, in part, about Israel issuing assassination threats to the newly elected Hamas Leader. if Europe doesn't support this man soon, Israel may well kill him. the only reason Arafat lasted so long was because Europe supported Arafat and condemned Israel's and USA's refusal to recognise as the leader of the Palestinian people

is there any chance you could discuss the topic? or are you trying to say in your clumsy way that you believe that the israelis are justified since hamas, which has observed a ceasefire with israel according to the peace plan and made no attacks against israeli civilians or military for a long time (how long again), who show no support for the mythical al-qaeda, who uncovered years of fateh finincial corruption, who have been democratically elected as the Govt. of Palestine, deserves to have the new Govt's leader assassinated by the Israelis?
ViolentPanda said:
Who needs time? If you have to assimilate data quickly you learn to assimilate data quickly.

As usual you don't see further than the end of your nose. Your "military scenarios" (I believe you mentioned Tomahawks and planes) aren't "scenarios", they're what you believe should happen, the good old "bomb the bastards" fallback that has no basis in reality.
Re: Projection of power: Projection is fine, but (and I'm presuming you understand the structure of your own military here) at the moment, what with the Iraq cakewalk having turned out not to be a cakewalk, your government can only project phantoms. CENTCOM doesn't have the human or materiel[/B] resources at the moment to do anything more unless they go nuclear, and where would that leave American power?
As for your final sentence, good of you to admit that your nation's FP role is that of a bully.

As usual you're wrong, it's abuse of power by anyone that makes me angry. I know it's hellishly convenient to you to be able to tie everything up as anti-Americanism, but it isn't reality.
As for the UN, why can't they do those things? Take a look through the fifty-odd years of history, see who the prime mover against the UN in terms of the UN being able to enforce it's remit have been.

So you believe that might makes right?
Why doesn't that surprise me?

Except of course that Vonnegut's context isn't yours.

Attacking Iran is absolutely not what I believe should happen. You can't point to me advocating an attack on Iran. Have you already run out of steam? You have to now make things up?

The US has the capability to inflict more damage on Iran than any other country or organization in the world. The US would not have to go nuclear. They could bomb Iran for a month straight. No electricity or running water in the country and economy in shambles. That is why the US has to take over dealing with Iran when the EU fails.

Might counts in the Israeli, Palestinian conflict. I think maybe the Bush administration would agree with you initially. The children started killing each other again after Clinton tried to broker a peace deal and send everyone to their corners. Than the intifada. The Bush administration came with the intention of not micromanaging the conflict like Clinton. I mean look what happened after Clinton got involved.

And everyone turned out to be angry about this. EU, UN, Muslim countries stated America's involvement in the peace process was essential. How can AMerica not stay engaged, don't they know the anger this conflict causes among millions of Muslims? The Bush administration needs to be involved they said

And when twe get reinvolved the complaining starts again.

Poor people, can't live with the US can't live without the US.
Ninjaboy said:
i know i have been a bit OTT on this thread

but moono has been pulled up a number of times about suicide bombers and other forms of murder and has refused to condemn it

i think it is understandable that palestinian nationalists will resort to murder in response to the israelian government's disgusting behaviour, but i don't think it justifies the murder of innocent israelis

That's just it, NOTHING, no excuse or reason whatsoever, can actually justify the killings by either side. The taking of a life isn't a justifiable act.

what we should, as human beings, do is to examine why people do this, and measure their act accordingly; we have to understand why people take these actions, whether as individuals or as part of a collective entity like an army.

And then we have to do our best to remedy the situation so that it can't recur.

That's not as easy as saying "hey, let's have a peace plan, we'll let those nice Yanks set it up, and the towelheads'll just have to bite the bullet" like has been happening for the last 25 years, but it's a lot more likely to work than the current sledgeload of shit that the Yanks are trying to serve up.
moono said:
There aren't any.

Fred is a closet Zionist fan attempting to glorify himself in an impartial position and peeved at being knocked off balance by the truths engraved here;

Unable to self-adjust he layed into the supposed source of his discomfort....yours truly.

He might waffle on further about his neutrality but it's a sham.

As it happens I am quite dislike Israel as I believe they are wrong in so much of what they do and I dislike the support given to them by the US.
I also dislike what the terrorists do to Israelis.
Unlike you I can be open as I don't have any reason to support either side in their killing sprees.
I have asked you twice to condemn murder on both sides. Do you think your mates will have you shot for agreeing or is it that allah (fuck those who kill in his name) may hear you and strike you down.

Come on you, give it a go and denounce murder without any political shit or name calling like a 5 year old.
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