moono said:Enjoying sex alone has never appealed to me.
mears said:"Funded by American Jews in the US, occupied by American Jews who fled there from the US after they got so far on the wrong side of the law that a kindly blind eye couldn't be turned on their activities anymore. Even the state of Israel loathed them because they're a bunch of rabid racist dogs"
What is this?
mears said:"Funded by American Jews in the US, occupied by American Jews who fled there from the US after they got so far on the wrong side of the law that a kindly blind eye couldn't be turned on their activities anymore. Even the state of Israel loathed them because they're a bunch of rabid racist dogs"
What is this?
tangentlama said:thought you knew about this, mears. thought you were aware of the pollard-spy case and the odeh-murder and more than 20 JDL bombings in the NY alone in USA - firebombing arab-american restaurant famously - and all throughout the 80s from these religious right-wingers assassinating the 'enemies of israel'. though thinking about this more deeply, maybe this was something only jewish peace activists were talking about and that news certainly didn't make it through to US easily, i feel certain of that, unless you know different. (esp. since friends in Boston heard of Katrina's devastation in New Orleans and failures by State/Federal agencies to assost from we in the UK, not from their US news, which was pretending 'everything was ok')!
why didn't you know 'this', mears. i thought you knew about the way that the illegal occupation of Palestine was funded by joint IL-US Charities? obviously, they ought to have had their bank accounts frozen in violation of International Resolutions, and for actively working against peace-processes which Israeli and Palestinians desparately need to work through. money talks. he who pays the piper. there are votes at stake. this is the dirtiest of dirty 'politics'.
it disgusts me.
As usual you assume wrong.mears said:Now this is rich.
Who is that "neutral" power? Just going to put it out there without answering your question? I assume you mean the European Union.
So, your incorrect asssumption means your big "blah blah" was a waste, doesn't it?The US has something like 290 million people with a median household income of $44,000 in 2004. I know, the links again.
This means a huge economy. Like the California economy which is nearly the same size if not bigger than the French economy. Big economy means big bucks for defense. Even though the US spends by far the most money on defence, they are not even in the top 40 of per capita gdp.
Right ahead of the French in 46th place among world countries. So as things stand the US can have its cake and eat it to. Just looking at the facts now.
No?The US military can hit Iran in the next couple of hours on a whim. It can deploy forces in the Atlantic, Pacific and Middle East. Military units all over the world. No chest thumping mind you.
The EU is not being taken seriously in the region. As I see it its just the way it is. Correct me if I am wrong. Better for the US and EU to work in tandem as they hopefully will do with Iran.
Let the Russians play with themselves.
ViolentPanda said:As usual you assume wrong.
So, your incorrect asssumption means your big "blah blah" was a waste, doesn't it?
It must be chest-thumping, because it isn't an accurate assessment of what your military (as currently deployed) are capable of, at least in regard to the Persian gulf.
What other commands beside CENTCOM can do are beside the point, that's why your military is split between the various commands.
Oh, and hitting Iran "in the next couple of hours" might stir your loins, but it'd probably mean that the price of a tank of gas would double in short order, especially once Iran decided to target tankers passing through the straits of Hormuz.
You really don't have a clue about strategy and tactics, do you?
Mmm, more irrelevant "blah blah" based on a mistaken assumption.
mears said:Thats right. There are no good guys and bad guys in this conflict. Only Idiots. Israelis bombing from the air and Palestinians glorifying suicide killings. They both are in the wrong.
Choosing sides is silly and pointless.
With their deeply dug in anti-ship missile batteries on their coast and on Abu Musa, Queshm and Sirri Islands in the straits.mears said:Iran would target tankers in the straight of Hormuz with what. Gun boats
The UN.So what other country or entity should step in? Again dude, why leave us hangin?
And with that sentence your attitude is revealed more loudly than with a bomb.Who is in a better position to handle the children?
fred said:I am sure you would join me in condemnation of the people on both sides that behave in this way. Can we agree on that much ?
moono said:fred;
No. The Israelis have murdered over 700 Palestinian children since 2000. Ex-IOF soldiers have stated that many of these killings were 'policy'. When you couple this State-sponsored brutality and disproportionality with the illegality of the Occupation you are left with a culprit and a victim. You should review the information which causes you to make allowances for the culprit. It is clouding your judgement.
Ninjaboy said:see my post earlier in the thread fred
ViolentPanda said:With their deeply dug in anti-ship missile batteries on their coast and on Abu Musa, Queshm and Sirri Islands in the straits.
Didn't you know about that? Hasn't Fox news told you how your gasoline supplies from the Gulf can be stopped dead?
Thing is, it's safe for you to sneer, isn't it? After all, you won't be there when the shit hits the fan, and there's little possibility of you being thrown into the grinder if a larger-scale war develops.
The UN.
They can hardly do a worse job of being impartial than your benighted state has.
And with that sentence your attitude is revealed more loudly than with a bomb.
he doesn't appear to be saying that. also, are you sure he's muslimbig footed fred said:So sorry. I was so fired up to tell the twat he was a potential bomber I missed your post.
Salaam Alaikum
Peace be upon you ?
Unless you are in the way then we will just bomb the fuck out of you and your kids while we justify it with poliitical bullshit.
That sort of twat is the reason muslims get a bad name.
From Sept. 29 said:Israeli Dead: 964 killed during 2nd Intifada
In 2000, there were 19,925 road traffic accidents with 461 persons killed and 40,278 people injured.
In 2001, 542 people died on the road in Israel.
In 2002, 556 people died on the road in Israel.
From the beginning of 2003 until the end of June 182 people died in road accidents.
Stats for remainder of 2003 - end May 2005 as yet not found.
Total road accident deaths in Israel from Jan 2000 - June 2003
In 2004, a study found that fatal car crashes spike dramatically in Israel three days after a terrorist attack. The researchers examined terror attacks and fatal traffic accidents in Israel from January 2001 to June 2002. "The surprising finding was that people's driving behavior was more dangerous following attacks," While fatal accidents decreased the day following an attack, three days later deadly crashes increased by 35 percent. However, by the fourth day the number of fatal accidents had returned to normal, the researchers found.The reasons for this pattern aren't clear. Goldstein speculated that people are stressed by an attack and are more cautious for a few days. "But then life returns to normal, and you resume your everyday behavior, but you are not quite ready for it," he said.
an Israeli was nearly twice as likely to die from a car crash on an urban road, than to be killed by a Palestinian militia/solo attack.
Palestinian Dead: 3625 killed in 2nd Intifada
612 Palestinians were killed in the four years of 2000-3.
2000 - 190
2001 - 150
2002 - 97
2003 - 175
during the height of the intifada, palestinians, esp. children, were more likely to be shot or killed by explosions originating from the IDF than killed in/by a palestinian-driven car. From the beginning of 2002 to March 2002 alone, approx. 150 Palestinian children under 16 were shot, the majority of these boys were unarmed, or had only stones.
big footed fred said:So sorry. I was so fired up to tell the twat he was a potential bomber I missed your post.
Salaam Alaikum
Peace be upon you ?
Unless you are in the way then we will just bomb the fuck out of you and your kids while we justify it with poliitical bullshit.
That sort of twat is the reason muslims get a bad name.
tangentlama said:to justify suicide bombers? where?
tangentlama said:he doesn't appear to be saying that. also, are you sure he's muslim
Besides the NYT, Daily Telegraph and Times online, and the Guardian in paper form as dailies, I take the Economist, Nature, New Scientist, New Statesman, Lobster, Private Eye and the Raven in their paper versions, and Jane's News & Analysis electronically.mears said:I don't watch fox news. I get most of my news from the New York Times and the Economist, a British publication no less. What about you?
What makes me sad is that you don't have any idea what you're talking about, you're just blithely spouting US propaganda without the slightest inkling of the human cost of any action.I'm sure those anti missle batteries are a big problem for US tomahaks, fighters and bombers. Man, what a formidable military the theorcrats have put on the playing field
Except that you're, what, 3,000 miles minimum further away from any consequences?I will be as close to any war in the Middle East as you are which is no where near.
Oh that's right, everyone requires Massa Bush's permission, don't they?I don't know about the UN however. They were powerless to stop Saddam violating treaty obligations, they ran out of Iraq after the war, they stood by while genocidal slaughter happened in Rwanda. Hard to point to many UN highlights, maybe East Timor.
I'm sure the players in the region will give Kofi the respect he needs to forge a deal. But only if he has the consent of the US.
Ninjaboy said:on this thread i asked him 3 times
ViolentPanda said:Problem is that many people don't take you seriously.
Why's that, do you reckon?
moono said:It's not Midsommer Night , is it ? I've been misunderstood by a halfwit and a sexual deviant all in the same day.