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Michael Buerk "Let fat people die to save the NHS money "

I used to go past Michael Buerk's massive house in Guildford years ago. He certainly isn't short of a bob or two.
I've made similar arguments about smoking.
Smokers fund the NHS through taxes and die early thereby saving the NHS fortunes yet people say that by smoking I'm going the cost the country in health care.

Re obesity though. NHS funded Slimming World subscriptions are a great idea. Worked for me.
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I've made similar arguments about smoking.
Smokers fund the NHS through taxes and die early thereby saving the NHS fortunes yet people say that by smoking I'm going the cost the country in health care.

Re obesity though. NHS funded Slimming World subscriptions are a great idea. Worked for me.

Isn't the sugar tax basically the same idea as the tax on cigs funding healthcare?
Smokers fund the NHS through taxes and die early thereby saving the NHS fortunes yet people say that by smoking I'm going the cost the country in health care.
Taxes raised through smoking - £12 billion. Total cost of smoking to 'the country' £14 billion.
Taxes raised through smoking - £12 billion. Total cost of smoking to 'the country' £14 billion.
Smokers life expectancy is 13 years less.
That's 13 years less in NHS costs for age related illnesses. Blows that 2 billion out of the water.
I shall Loiter in the thoroughfares of SW1 until I cross paths with the vindictive cunt and then I'll squash him against a wall. That will also help even out the imbalance between the salaries of male and female BBC presenters
I've made similar arguments about smoking.
Smokers fund the NHS through taxes and die early thereby saving the NHS fortunes yet people say that by smoking I'm going the cost the country in health care.
Smoking revenues from taxes vastly exceed the amount the NHS spends treating smokers (by many billions), and smokers who die young don't collect the state pensions they have been paying in for.

Smoking is a national profit centre for the state!
Smoking revenues from taxes vastly exceed the amount the NHS spends treating smokers (by many billions), and smokers who die young don't collect the state pensions they have been paying in for.

Smoking is a national profit centre for the state!
Smoking doesn't only affect the NHS you know. And smokers who die young don't pay into the exchequer either. So that balances your second point out.
I know smokers try and convince themselves it isn't really that harmful (I'm one and I'm going to live forever, obvs), but do you really believe this nonsense you're writing? That smoking is beneficial to 'the economy'? May as well believe in a flat earth.
The last time I looked at this it was 2000, but the numbers were rather in favour of income over expenditure, without taking pension savings into account.

Smoking costs the NHS up to £1.7 billion each year
Source: Department of Health report "Smoking Kills

the UK Government raises more than £8billion in smoking duties and taxes,

Total NHS costs met by the taxpayer are estimated at £54 billion
Source: HM Treasury Budget March 2000.
I know smokers try and convince themselves it isn't really that harmful (I'm one and I'm going to live forever, obvs), but do you really believe this nonsense you're writing? That smoking is beneficial to 'the economy'? May as well believe in a flat earth.
I am not saying smoking is good for anything, I am saying that it isn't a drain on the taxpayer as some would have it. Far from it some hospitals should have wings named the Marlboro wing :) because that is where the funding is coming from.
Please cite references, I dispute that 14b figure.
only because you feel a weird need to do so though. God knows why.

Its from here - When it comes to smokers' burden on the NHS, they may well contribute more in tax than they take

It's in an article that generally supports the argument that smokers are 'good for the economy' But its own figures contradict that idea. It also includes the absurd two line s "Imagine a patient in her 40s who is diagnosed with terminal cancer as a result of her smoking. Let's say her care costs the NHS £20,000 before she passes away. "

Only 20k for cancer care and treatment, lol.
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