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Just when I thought the Olympics couldn't depress me further....

What if everyone's a suicide bomber? Best if we all stay home.

He looked just like a 12 year old lad on his pushbike to me, all excited like. Was there really any reason to take him down like that?

As far as I could see he came up suddenly from behind the security guard. How much time do you expect security guards to lose while asing for age and identity before tackling a potential threat?
An excited kid on his bike from where i'm sitting.

And i'm not going to argue for one minute whether he may have been a suicide bomber.

It's a worrying factor that the MET are feeling the paranoia they are so early on, when a kid on his bike gets rag dolled to the ground during the torch relay - there's still a bitter taste in the mouth with what happened to Charles De Menezes.
Start a thread on Olympic positives?
You get me wrong kind sir, I haven't got anything positive to say either.

Not really surprised about the securitat response. Wonder what it will be like once the east end gets to welcome the torch.
Hasn't anyone anything positive to say about the games? if so I haven't heard anything for weeks.
I might be seconded to an office much nearer where I live, therefore avoiding daily drenchings by the rain and saving myself money.

That is as positive as it gets. Which tbf is quite positive.
As far as I could see he came up suddenly from behind the security guard. How much time do you expect security guards to lose while asing for age and identity before tackling a potential threat?

The security guards/police could always use their eyes and engage their brains within a split second to determine the risk situation.

Oh, hang-on, we're talking about 'security guards/police' here, I think I've spotted a flaw in my reasoning. :facepalm:
As far as I could see he came up suddenly from behind the security guard.

I've just watched it over & over again, the kid never came up suddenly behind the security guard that took him down, in fact that security guard suddenly appeared from nowhere, from amongst the crowd the boy was cycling along with.

I suggest first thing in the morning you get on the phone and book yourself an appointment down at Specsavers.
I'm glad the Olympics won't have you in charge of security.
Quite aside from the complete over-reaction by the security guy in question, what a pissweak way to tackle a terrorist*. Instead of putting himself between the target and the terrorist, he gets behind the terrorist and then swings him around to a place even closer to the target. Any half-decent Sunday league rubgy player wouldn't make such a cockup of a tackle (try time anyone?). Quite aside from that, as far as I can tell from the video, virtually none of the security guards are actually looking backwards. Well I guess that's because everyone knows that terrorists will never attack from behind.

*by terrorist what I actually mean is 12 year old schoolboy
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