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Junior doctors strike back on

Ohh Dr. Tamal from Bake-off is lovely. :oops::thumbs:
I've spent all morning on Facebook putting people right over the junior doctor strike.
Think I'm going to have to have a cull again tonight.
Yeah - I think you have got the wrong facebook friends :)

I have not had to do that at all. I suppose there are some who are just keeping quiet, because they know what I am like, but everyone else is being supportive.

in fact, it was fantastic on the Lewisham picket line - there was so much support being shown and people hooting as they drove past.
Yes, it's times like these that you really get to know people's opinions and values.
Im a bit disappointed with some people, I really got the measure of them wrong.
Junior doctors camp outside DH to demand talks with Jeremy Hunt | GPonline

Warning Tout : Dr Dagan Lonsdale yesterday or the day before, went to the door of the department of health (who i gathered were his adversarys) and requested the police to be called, because "he was going to sleep now" for the multitude of other people "just trying to go to sleep" in the borough of westminstr, of which i have been amongst the number this strook some notes of cognitive dissonance - how out of touch was this guy? - he admitted that not only was this is first camped/imdefinite protest he had never actually been on a protest at all, and was non forthcoming on his views on the "wider struggle"
I surmise that dr DAGAN LONSDALE (who unaware of the HPlovecraft mytosy monster, and therefore didnt appreciate that riff) - is in the thrall of the sercret services, its a daft stunt, and the fact that the police didnt even turn up, but there was a fella with a TENT pitched on the north side of whitehall (hows that allowed - come on) - that DID contribute to the "talkin to tramps about 9/11" podcast.
i was trying to get sectioned all day because i was cold - i was advise anyone that does mad political things sometimes, that they like sectioning to do th9ose mad poliktical things while this strike is on.
Surely his whole purpose in this job was to swing the axe and then fuck off? It's not like he's a talented politician, he's just a fall guy. I'm sure this was explained to him when he was given the job and I'm sure he has been guaranteed a lucrative private sector career that will invove zero actual work so I'm sure he's fine with it.
I know you can't judge someone too much by brief TV appearances, but I agree - there seems to be nothing about the Chuntster that signals competence or any kind of significant ability. He's just a puppet, put there to do what he is told, take a faceful of shit at some stage in the proceedings, and get his arse kicked onto a couple of non-executive directorships. He's a cipher. I just really, really hope that he fancies himself as more than just a cipher, and that he has a horrible time realising the truth.

That last sentence pretty much sums up this whole exercise.

(Nicked off Twitter, so going on faith that this is all true.. :hmm: )
Charterhouse school, of which Hunt is an old boy has a medical centre, as do most schools. That school is so lacking in worthy alumni and either so lacking in sense of propriety or trolling the planet that their sanatorium is called 'The Hunt Medical Centre'
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so the twats in power have set aside 5 days to talk. I'm not sure if this counts as blinking or just a face saving exercise so they can say they tried when they force the contracts through later. Beeb website has a straw poll and the support is just over double the oppose. Dunno how representative of the real world that is
i fear its so they can have the fig leaf of 'well we did try one last chat' but the actual negotiations will be more like ben kingsley talking to ray winston. Not actual negotiation in any meaningful way
I think they're a bit fucked, then. Because I really can't see the doctors backing down in any meaningful way.
I think they're a bit fucked, then. Because I really can't see the doctors backing down in any meaningful way.
well they haven't made any mention of what they are bringing to the table to negotiate with have they? So its just going to be a repeat of the demanded imposition of contracts. So yeah, fig leaf of an exercise
well they haven't made any mention of what they are bringing to the table to negotiate with have they? So its just going to be a repeat of the demanded imposition of contracts. So yeah, fig leaf of an exercise
I still think the government believes it can mobilise public support against the doctors.
I still think the government believes it can mobilise public support against the doctors.
doesn't seem to be working :D like they've switched into ignore mode rather than attack mode after seeing the public support etc. They picked a fight they can win*, but not one they want to be seen winning publically.

*not to be fatalist or anything but you know how governments steamroll over pub sec unions with impunity
No details yet
A deal has been agreed in the long-running dispute over a new junior doctors' contract in England.

Government negotiators and the British Medical Association leadership have reached an agreement after eight days of talks at conciliation service Acas.

The offer will now be put to a referendum of BMA members.
from my glances it doesn't look positive. Just spoken to a doctor I know (who isn't particularly 'political' but a fierce defender of the NHS) and her exact words were

'It's so disappointing. They have just given in.'
well, when people offered their solidarity to the "sleepout" "timetotalk" some of these docs - - -- phoned-the-fucking-police-


i support the NHS i thank them for my medication, but was struck (off?) by the strangeness of this response.
only refers to dagon lonsdale -
i encourage the hardcore anti-police anarchists to tlisten to this.
if they like
well, when people offered their solidarity to the "sleepout" "timetotalk" some of these docs - - -- phoned-the-fucking-police-


i support the NHS i thank them for my medication, but was struck (off?) by the strangeness of this response.
only refers to dagon lonsdale -
i encourage the hardcore anti-police anarchists to tlisten to this.
if they like

Yeah. Maybe they can chuck some sanitary products in a pond.
Good luck to the doctors hope they got something out of it. I couldn't see the strike being effective, though, Cameron and Hunt couldn't give a shit whether people get treated on NHS or not. Faster it dies the faster their fellow MPs and sponsors will get the pickings.
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