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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

Now Israelis are shooting the press - again

I've just been watching footage from Gaza with Israeli troops attacking journalists.
These are not accidental shootings as the journos are wearing yellow vests with PRESS printed on them and they are clearly carrying camera equipment.

One is from long range but you can clearly see the video cam he has with him and the shots hitting the man even after he is down.
There is no one else around him so the "he was just in the way" excuse is bollocks as he was hit by sniper fire.

I would love to see the Israeli response to this murder.
A bit more info about Astakos, and the shipment that is going to take place in order to transfer ammunition to Israel.

Of course the greek government denies it but according to this : http://www.dgmarket.com/eproc/np-notice.do?noticeId=3432450 they are looking for a vessel to carry the cargo from Astakos on the 15th of January.

Therefore there have been calls for demos at Astakos port for 15th of January, at 13:00 ... The Anti Authoritarian Movement has allready called, the Spartakos network, as well as the solidarity commitee for the Palestinian people. Other movements will also follow. The calls (in greek) here:


Of course I will be down there as well, with the Anti Authoritarian Movement.

As was this


Forgive the poor quality. As you can see it's a pic of my TV.
report back on the picket - i was at the picket for a couple of hours monday night - was fairly small - 30 islamists, and 10 leftists ( newsline!aaah! i asked one of them if they are still funded by syria :D) ) and 10 others maybe ..

i was suprised ( disappointed ) it was not bigger though maybe people felt saturday was so good they could leave it for now .. though i kind of think in a city of 6 million people etc etc its hould be bigger ( also climate rush was on at heathrow which would have took away a few @/eco types )

police have decided to restrict demo from 5 till 7, with permission for small 24 vigil, and handed out to everyone there a sheet with the new rules and regs, and clearly also with agreement ( forced or not) of organisers, as on the stroke of 7, with 30 police poised to get arsey, everyone left

there was no swp there

those who are into these sort fo pickets/demos, what future does this one have
The best columnist they have in the MS is Uri Avnery, former member of Irgun and Revisionist Zionist:

Hehe, v good. Worth quoting the intro pars:

"NEARLY 70 years ago, in the course of World War II, a heinous crime was committed in the city of Leningrad.

For more than 1,000 days, a gang of extremists called the Red Army held millions of the town's inhabitants hostage and provoked retaliation from the German Wehrmacht from inside the population centres. The Germans had no alternative but to bomb and shell the population and to impose a total blockade, which caused the death of hundreds of thousands.

Some time before that, a similar crime had been committed in England. The Churchill gang hid among the population of London, misusing the millions of citizens as a human shield. Germany was compelled to send its Luftwaffe and reluctantly reduce the city to ruins. They called it the Blitz."
they always good for a laugh .. maybe cos GG said people should support the picket/demos they are boycotting them!

Well, there were 'leftists' there according to you. What did these 'leftists' look like? How were you able to positively identify them as 'leftists'. Were they "cod left" or what? Or were these people 'leftists' because Galloway was present?

What's the crack?
is this the one he was awarded years ago, but it was always too embarrassing for him to go get, or the one he designed himself, but which was so bad the yanks refused to use it?
not quite - he's meant to be getting the Medal of Freedom AND the Congressional Medal of Honour

This one is Bush's, the other one - which as you said is in so bad taste even the land of nascar refused to make it - is the Congressional one.

BBC said:
Gaza clinic destroyed in strike

The charity Christian Aid says a clinic for mothers and babies in Gaza, which it funds along with the EU, has been destroyed in an Israeli air strike.

The clinic, ... was run by the Near East Council of Churches...

On Saturday evening, the building's owners received a telephone call from the Israeli military telling to evacuate within 15 minutes, Christian Aid said.

The family living in the apartment on the floor above the clinic managed to get out just before a warning shot was fired by an Israeli air force jet, it added.

Moments later, the building - which the charity said was clearly marked with the insignia of the Red Cross and had ambulances parked outside - was struck by a missile fired by the aircraft.

A deliberate move, then, toward destroying the entire framework of life in Gaza. Water, electricity, schools, the university, clinics...

No one will wade in
More will be killed and the BBC, in the interests of balance will have queues of Isreali miltary types lying to camera
Little Barak - reveller in misery

He wants to get elected PM so he kills thousands
He is a violent thung who will probably win
Israel elects Shiva - thats a headline I dont expect, but it will be true

I am become Death,
The shatterer of Worlds.
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