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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

Amongst all the horror, one of the most laughably hypocritical press statements of all time amuses nearly everyone who reads it. Danny Seaman, the floor is yours!


Classic ! :D

Hamas terrorists threatens Jewish children around the world.

Erm, no, that is not what they said: “They have legitimised the murder of their own children by killing the children of Palestine,”

My understanding of their statement is this: If it is ok for Israelis to 'accidentally' kill palestinian children, is it not then also ok for Palestinians to 'accidentally' kill israeli children?

Personally I'd have to say no to that question, but it is an understandable point of view.

I've been here for a good few years and I can't recall people expressing concern about conflicts where Israel isn't invovled. Now why whould that be I wonder....?
Because you completely missed all the treads about the Democratic Republic of Congo?

The people who make the loudest noise about matters regarding Israel are the ones who are suspiciously quiet about other conflicts where Israel isn't involved.
I take it then that you have started lots of threads about the other conflicts?
Cowardly Hamas fascists cannot face the Israeli military face to face but hide in hospitals posing as doctors in order to save their own sorry arses thereby endangering genuine civilian patients.

If Hamas had the same weaponry as the israelis then we would see excactly who the cowards were.

If anything the Israelis are behaving like cowards by atacking every defenceless being in Gaza inluding children.

Gave them the same weapons then talk about face to face.
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation describes Terrorism thus:

"The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."

Ironic eh?
from another blog, Surely, that slogan, which is used freely on all the protests, means an end to Israel, is that what many supporters of the Umma and and the far left want? as for the global demos, many seem to have a religious overtone, supporting the Umma as much as for humanitarian values, will the same people be protesting if for instance, Venezuela was invaded by the U.S.

Perhaps the same muslims would or would not but as it would be against the US I suspect they probably would. But my point is that you will see in all the demos around the world there are a lot of religous overtones by some of the muslims as you say, and this is because muslims largely see this as a religious clash and this important point cannot be overlooked when discussing this topic. Its not just about the occupied land.

This is also why populations in the mid-east are angry not just at the massacre being commited by the Israeli terrorists but the bond they have with their fellow muslims in Palestine. You then throw in the Al-aqsa mosque issue and Jerusalem etc etc and muslims view it all as one big clash.
The US Federal Bureau of Investigation describes Terrorism thus:

"The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."

Ironic eh?
Erm, does that mean that "The lawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives." is ok? :eek:
Guess it's a good thing the murderers can't shoot straight. :)

You could have world-class mathematicians doing the sums for the launch angles, and the Qassams would still miss. It's nothing to do with "murderers" who "can't shoot straight", smiley boy. It's to do with Qassams being ineffective weapons that have minimal effect, except to function as a propaganda item.
My understanding of their statement is this: If it is ok for Israelis to 'accidentally' kill palestinian children, is it not then also ok for Palestinians to 'accidentally' kill israeli children?

Personally I'd have to say no to that question, but it is an understandable point of view.

No it isn't, if you are an Israeli child, then you are now 'collateral damage' amazing how many on here want to 'understand' Hamas,
It's to do with Qassams being ineffective weapons that have minimal effect, except to function as a propaganda item.
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Oh, and Hamas wouldn't use more powerful missiles if they could get their hands on them.
Oh, and Hamas wouldn't use more powerful missiles if they could get their hands on them.
As the inhabitants of the Warsaw ghetto would have got better weapons, instead of a few old revolvers

Do you have the first clue how those people ended up in Gaza? They are REFUGEES. Do you know what that means? Do you know what they are REFUGEES from?
Oh, and Hamas wouldn't use more powerful missiles if they could get their hands on them.

They can't, they haven't been able to in nigh on 20 years. Gaza is locked down like a category A prison on a security alert.
So please spare me your "what ifs" and deal in facts.

Oh, and far from eliminating cant, you're propagating it, so perhaps you should change your tagline, hmm?
Do you have the first clue how those people ended up in Gaza? They are REFUGEES. Do you know what that means? Do you know what they are REFUGEES from?
Yes. Here is some archive info from 1951
tangentlama said:
March 2nd, 1951

Plight of Arab refugees in Palestine
To most people the name of Gaza brings a picture of blind Samson pulling down the pillars of the house upon the Philistines and himself. Today, the reputed tomb of Samson is inhabited by a family of Arab refugees. They form part of the horde of some 200,000 people from Palestine who poured into the Gaza Strip in 1948, durig the troubles between the Arabs and the Jews which broke out after the partition plan was announced. Man moved out under orders from their leaders, although implored to stay by Jews with whom they had been on friendly terms for years. Others, particularly the townspeople of Jaffa, were driven to flight by the brutality of the Irgun terrorists, and a massacre of innocent villagers at Dir Yassin, magnified by rumour, struck panic into the hearts of thousands.

The refugees in the north gravitated to the Lebanon and Syria, those to the east to Judea, the Jordan valley, and Transiordan, while those in the south turned towards Gaza, which was held by the Egyptians and is now under military government.

The "Strip", only 25 miles long and five miles wide, runs from Gaza to the Sinai frontier at Rafah. Last August the total number of Arab refugees receiving rations from the United Nations was 860,000, and because of the high birth-rate this number is steadily increasing.

Roughly half of these are in the Kingdom of Jordan, a quarter in the Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq, and a quarter in Gaza. There are two alternatives possible for them - repatriation or resettlement.

In December, 1948, the United Nations Assembly resolved that "the refugees wishing to return to their homes and live at peace with their neighbours should be permitted to do so."

Continue here: http://archive.timesonline.co.uk/to...07-013&pageId=ARCHIVE-The_Times-1951-03-02-07

tangentlama said:
March 2nd, 1951

The only exit from the Gaza Strip, which is hemmed in by Israel, is to Egypt, and there the refugees are not welcome. They are virtually imprisoned in the area, their only means of escape being a dangerous moonlight flit through Jewish territory.

Meanwhile, 70,000 of them have crammed themselves into Gaza town, more than doubling its inhabitants. Over-crowded rooms are let at extortionate rents and those unable to afford them have taken to tents, makeshift shelters, even holes in the ground.

On every bit of spare ground pitiable shacks can be seen, made of canvas, sacking, boughs of trees, and bits of tin. Outside the town huge scattered camps have grown up round the villages and two former British Army camps.

In Breij about 8,000 refugees are in tents or makeshifts and 6,000 in buildings of varying degrees of soundness. Many of these are large barracks with fairly sound walls and roofs but lacking doors and windows.

Inside each is a honeycomb of 30 or 40 cubicles, divided by mud walls or partitions of blankets. In each cell live one, two, or three families, the lucky ones being those with a window. In the larders and kitchens of these ex-Army canteens the refugees huddle among the sinks and stoves, and in the bath-houses they lie down to sleep among the showers or in the boiler rooms.

Those under canvas have fared no better, for many tents which were in reasonable shape when issued quickly rotted in the rain and gales of winter, and total replacement was impossible.

The tents, too, are over-crowded, and even the small ones are often divided by a canvas partition separating two families. Privacy, even by Arab standards, is impossible in such conditions. In addition, there is the corrosion of idleness and despair, eating into moral fibre and breeding bitterness and discontent.

The Gaza scene, especially in spring, is a pleasant one, with its undulating hills and deep green orange groves. There are orchards of almond and fig and fields of corn and vegetables.

But all the crops depend upon expensive artificial irrigation or the short rainy season, and among the oases of cultivation are great tracts of desert sand. There are no possibilities of agricultural or industrial development, and all the Clapp Commission could suggest was some road works and tree planting to prevent the encroachment of the sand.

The United Nations rations keep the recipients above starvation level, and there are extras for those who can afford them; but resources are running out, and hunger makes the temptation to cheat and steal overwhelming. A few hundred are employed on weaving and tailoring and 1,500 on relief work, but many thousands of able-bodied men have no occupation whatever.

Bodies as well as hearts grow sick with hope deferred, and though there has been no major epidemic there is a high incidence of tuberculosis and respiratory diseases and inadequate means of treating them. At the English Church Missionary Society hospital Dr. Hargreaves and his staff are heroically coping with 90 in-patients instead of 30 and vast out-patient clinics.

I agree, clearly The Jewish state is not a beacon of light that it was meant to be. So lets call it what it is "colonized Palestine". Where the people are living under jackboots, but this time it is not nazi jackboots, but zionazi jackboots.

And the Israeli friends of labour and Conservative are supporting this oppression.

when are we going to get Britain back?

We'll get Britain back when the current corrupt and incompetent government is slung out.
fuck me, now Israel are bombing UN schools. wtf is there excuse gonna be for that? Are the UN training terrorists now?

And what will the UN do? Fuck all I expect
No it isn't, if you are an Israeli child, then you are now 'collateral damage' amazing how many on here want to 'understand' Hamas,

I fully understand Hamas. They are scum, who do not give a fuck for the people that they are supposed to be representing.

Unfortunately, they will continue to ' govern ', Israel cannot take them out without an unacceptable number of civilian deaths. That said, the people of Gaza elected Hamas, knowing what Hamas stood for. If you elect terrorists, can you really complain if their actions bring a firestorm down on you?
I'd be more inclined to see the people on here has taking a moral view of the Israeli action against Hamas if they weren't so damn suspiously quite about other conflicts where Israel or the West isn't involved. I've been here for a good few years and I can't recall people expressing concern about conflicts where Israel isn't invovled. Now why whould that be I wonder....?

Closet anti-Semitism. If I had a pound for every time words to the effect of ' I am not anti Jew, I am anti Zionist ' were used, I could retire.

These boards hate the Jews, sorry, these boards hate the Zionists.
You can state absolutely categorically that the schools are not occupied by Hamas?

They are run by the UN. So it seems a tad unlikely that they would let Hamas run them.

Can you state categorically that they were? If not, then the attacks are those of murdering scum, plain and simple.
Closet anti-Semitism. If I had a pound for every time words to the effect of ' I am not anti Jew, I am anti Zionist ' were used, I could retire.

These boards hate the Jews, sorry, these boards hate the Zionists.

So, how do you explain the many Jews, some of which are posting on here, that hate the Zionists for what they are currently doing?
They are run by the UN. So it seems a tad unlikely that they would let Hamas run them.

Can you state categorically that they were? If not, then the attacks are those of murdering scum, plain and simple.

According to the Grauniad, the UN have a very clear standing on the issue:

Israeli missiles also struck a UN school in Jabaliya refugee camp, which was being used as a shelter by people forced from their homes by the fighting, according to news agency reports. Ten of the refugees were killed.

Hours earlier, three young men – all cousins – died when Israeli forces bombed Asma elementary school in Gaza City. They were among about 400 people who sought shelter there after fleeing their homes in Beit Lahia, in northern Gaza.

The UN, which said the school was clearly marked, said it was "strongly protesting these killings to the Israeli authorities and is calling for an immediate and impartial investigation".

"Where it is found that international humanitarian law has been violated, those responsible must be held to account. Under international law, installations such as schools, health centres and UN facilities should be protected from attack. Well before the current fighting, the UN had given to the Israeli authorities the GPS coordinates of all its installations in Gaza, including Asma elementary school."


Their live blog is reporting that Reuters has revised the death toll at the school to 40.

sass, i hate the zionist fascist scum that have drenched the star of david in blood and turned it into a swastika

that's different to hating jews

when you love something you don't want to see it ruined
As far as you can see?

The very site you have used as a source to back-up your argument that the Charter is still in effect, has published articles confirming it isn’t as Hamas has changed.

I suggest you take your blinkers off.
hamas is essentially a reliegious organisation .. any changes in tactics are simply that, tactical .. hamas has not changed, nor gone against its religeious belief that palestine MUST be muslim, fundamentally, but simply belives it will easier destroy israel but taking things one step at a time ..

i find it hard to believe ( sorry i am lying ) western socialists and liberals ( ah that is it ) are so are taken in by the words of islamist fundamentalists
yet quite rightly identify the reactionary nationalist basis of the israeli state
No just an alternative to the vomit inducing support for Hamas on here. They are not the resistance they are a murdering death cult.
your justifiable criticism of hamas would have more weight if you did not deny either the barbarism of cast lead OR the basis of the israeli state which is a key casue of all this
I fully understand Hamas. They are scum, who do not give a fuck for the people that they are supposed to be representing.

Unfortunately, they will continue to ' govern ', Israel cannot take them out without an unacceptable number of civilian deaths. That said, the people of Gaza elected Hamas, knowing what Hamas stood for. If you elect terrorists, can you really complain if their actions bring a firestorm down on you?

Israel was founded by Irgun, the barbaric military terrorist group who killed many innocent people which later went on to become what people know as the Likud party.

So, you might argue that the foundations of an Israeli State were founded on terrorism and not peace. What chance do the Palestinian people have?

And being a supposed Christian, you should perhaps condemn less and sympathise more?
i) this isnt for most people here about supporting Hamas, but stopping one of the worlds most well-armed military machines bombing/shelling the population of the worlds largest prison;

yes, ( your second part) but re the first part, why do so many on here refuse to condemn hamas? arab nationalism is a significant contribution to all this

.. and before you say am i against arab nationalism alone?, no i am against ALL nationalism as it ALWAYS ends on massacre and pogram
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