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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

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We're at that time of day when it's afternoon here, but it's near the witching hour there, and some comments from some people are becoming excessively spittle-flecked. And as a result...

I'm off to watch the final episodes of Season 5 of The Wire. :)

hmm - Canada just scored in the World Juniors :D

back on track -> Strange, but I keep thinking that this entire situation is just another example of a nation wrestling with how to handle an indigenous population. Not a fun job.

UK never had that problem :(
back on track -> Strange, but I keep thinking that this entire situation is just another example of a nation wrestling with how to handle an indigenous population. Not a fun job.

UK never had that problem :(

Except when they weren't the UK anymore and were advancing westwards across america.
Well then I guess it's no problem, then. :rolleyes:

You have to wonder, though: why would Hamas even bother with missiles at all, if they're going to shoot them at the places where they'll do least damage?

I guess it's just another example of how good they are, compared with the evil Israelis.

Having a go at Rachamim's old trick of misrepresentation, eh?

I didn't say that the missiles were launched where they'd do the least damage, I said that they have "minimal effect". Guess what? What I said is supported by the fact that given the thousands of missiles launched, the volume of injuries and deaths caused by them have been minor.

Try a bit harder, witling.
I didn't say that the missiles were launched where they'd do the least damage, I said that they have "minimal effect". Guess what? What I said is supported by the fact that given the thousands of missiles launched, the volume of injuries and deaths caused by them have been minor.

Guess it's a good thing the murderers can't shoot straight. :)
Except when they weren't the UK anymore and were advancing westwards across america.


My point is that this is about dealing with indigenous peoples that have been displaced by another, more advanced civilization.

Happened in the America's, happened in Australia and is happening in the Middle East. The problem is how do you handle it????

I've seen various American methods, the Aussies, and Israel. I don't think that Israel's approach is very nice, but.....

The UK comment was based on the fact that the UK has never had to deal with this problem.

iirc - neither has Greece.

My point is that this is about dealing with indigenous peoples that have been displaced by another, more advanced civilization.

Happened in the America's, happened in Australia and is happening in the Middle East. The problem is how do you handle it????

I've seen various American methods, the Aussies, and Israel. I don't think that Israel's approach is very nice, but.....

The UK comment was based on the fact that the UK has never had to deal with this problem.

iirc - neither has Greece.

An interesting and, er, unusual comparison......

Amongst all the horror, one of the most laughably hypocritical press statements of all time amuses nearly everyone who reads it. Danny Seaman, the floor is yours!

Israel argues that excluding the international media from Gaza is helpful because foreign journalists are unethical and biased in their reporting.

Foreign journalists are "unprofessional" and take "questionable reports at face value without checking", said Danny Seaman, who heads Israel's government press office, which vets and issues permits to foreign correspondents.


The only reason Israel doesn't want the foreign press in Gaza is obvious: they don't want the world to see what they're actually doing; they have something to hide. :mad:
No just an alternative to the vomit inducing support for Hamas on here. They are not the resistance they are a murdering death cult.

"Alternative"? In case you'd missed it: foreign journalists are not allowed into Gaza. But you haven't actually worked out in your feeble mind why that is. All you do is parrot the Israeli Foreign Ministry line. You have no honour or decency.
After seeing the naked threats against innocent children who are not even in the region of the conflict does anyone else on the 'left' still think that hugging Hamas is still a good idea?

i) this isnt for most people here about supporting Hamas, but stopping one of the worlds most well-armed military machines bombing/shelling the population of the worlds largest prison;
ii) your lot have killed around 100 children and maimed far more than that, so perhaps making allegations about other people saying (ie: as opposed to doing) they will kill Israeli children could be seen as deeply hypocritical at best.
i) this isnt for most people here about supporting Hamas, but stopping one of the worlds most well-armed military machines bombing/shelling the population of the worlds largest prison;
ii) your lot have killed around 100 children and maimed far more than that, so perhaps making allegations about other people saying (ie: as opposed to doing) they will kill Israeli children could be seen as deeply hypocritical at best.

I'd be more inclined to see the people on here has taking a moral view of the Israeli action against Hamas if they weren't so damn suspiously quite about other conflicts where Israel or the West isn't involved. I've been here for a good few years and I can't recall people expressing concern about conflicts where Israel isn't invovled. Now why whould that be I wonder....?
I'd be more inclined to see the people on here has taking a moral view of the Israeli action against Hamas if they weren't so damn suspiously quite about other conflicts where Israel or the West isn't involved. I've been here for a good few years and I can't recall people expressing concern about conflicts where Israel isn't invovled. Now why whould that be I wonder....?

This makes no sense...but that's no surprise. You also suffer from a form of selective memory loss.
I don't think I've ever met any 'Islamofash dictatorial groups', but I am fucking certain that using military superiority to rain missiles on a densely populated occupied territory and the expulsion of pesky independent/foreign journalists aren't the acts of a creditable government.
I'd be more inclined to see the people on here has taking a moral view of the Israeli action against Hamas if they weren't so damn suspiously quite about other conflicts where Israel or the West isn't involved. I've been here for a good few years and I can't recall people expressing concern about conflicts where Israel isn't invovled. Now why whould that be I wonder....?

i) this is the Middle East forum;
ii) there have been lots of threads about conflicts that do not feature Israel or the West elsewhere on the forums, as is obvious to even a cursory search;
iii) you are absolutely the last person to claim the moral high ground on this thread.
i) this is the Middle East forum;
ii) there have been lots of threads about conflicts that do not feature Israel or the West elsewhere on the forums, as is obvious to even a cursory search;
iii) you are absolutely the last person to claim the moral high ground on this thread.

Maybe I should rephrase. The people who make the loudest noise about matters regarding Israel are the ones who are suspiciously quiet about other conflicts where Israel isn't involved. There are some notable exeptions but in the main its Israel that winds up the clockwork lefties on here.
I think you'll find that's wishful bollocks Zachor, but I look forward to you trying to actually justify that bizarre, largely irrelevant accusation.
Hamas terrorists threatens Jewish children around the world.
Why is not sufficient to say 'Israeli' as Hamas did? Is it because Israeli-Arabs are lesser people to you?

In fact, why is it not sufficient if you feel so strongly about it to actually quote what the Hamas spokesman said? Is it because you can't stand to repeat the part about Israel killing the children of Palestine, because you know that they have been killing them, and you know that is wrong?

Hamas murderers unpopular even with other Arab govts. Israel must win against Hamas

Again, why is it not sufficient to stick to what Mubarak actually said: "must not be allowed to emerge from the fighting with the upper hand"?

After seeing the naked threats against innocent children who are not even in the region of the conflict does anyone else on the 'left' still think that hugging Hamas is still a good idea?
O great king of the strawmen, where has anybody on the 'left' or otherwise suggested hugging Hamas?
The people who make the loudest noise about matters regarding Israel are the ones who are suspiciously quiet about other conflicts where Israel isn't involved.
That cuts both ways, there are fewer apologists like yourself prepared to cheerlead for other murderous regimes, so there is less bullshit to repudiate.
Why is not sufficient to say 'Israeli' as Hamas did? Is it because Israeli-Arabs are lesser people to you?

In fact, why is it not sufficient if you feel so strongly about it to actually quote what the Hamas spokesman said? Is it because you can stand to repeat the part about Israel killing the children of Palestine, because you know that they have been killing them?

No Israeli Arabs are equal citizens of Israel. I care not what comes from the mouths of lying murdering fash like Hamas. The only words I want to hear from a Hamas spokesman are the words 'Unconditional surrender'.

I don't desire the deaths of Palestinian children I don't think anyone with half a brain would want that. But sometimes when you go to war against fascists there will be innocent people of all ages who are casualties. Golda Meir said "Peace will come to the Middle East when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us." After this terrible war is over the Israelis and other nations should do their best to lance the boil of generational hatred with an international aid and civil society programme for the Palestinians. This civil socety programme must include a ban on fash groups like Hamas similar to the ban on Nazi organisations after WWII in Germany.
Again, why is it not sufficient to stick to what Mubarak actually said: "must not be allowed to emerge from the fighting with the upper hand"?

I don't see what I said is much different - it all means the same Hamas must NOT be allowed to win.

O great king of the strawmen, where has anybody on the 'left' or otherwise suggested hugging Hamas?

Hugging Hamas is a shorthand description of the disgusting brainless portraying of Hamas as some sort of resistance rather than right wing nutjobs who have brought destruction on to the heads of theri own people.
No Israeli Arabs are equal citizens of Israel.
And yet you deliberately choose to exclude them, and not consider them Israeli people by what you wrote.

I care not what comes from the mouths of lying murdering fash like Hamas.
Then why post it?

But sometimes when you go to war against fascists there will be innocent people of all ages who are casualties.
Which is precisely what Hamas said.

Golda Meir said "Peace will come to the Middle East when the Arabs love their children more than they hate us."
Which is a disgusting racist slur, I am amazed you dare to repeat it.

This civil socety programme must include a ban on fash groups like Hamas similar to the ban on Nazi organisations after WWII in Germany.
But you have no problem with fascists like Olmert and organisations like Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu?

Hugging Hamas is a shorthand description of the disgusting brainless portraying of Hamas as some sort of resistance
Do you regard Fatah as a legitimate resistance?
Are secular rockets fired into Israel acceptable?

rather than right wing nutjobs who have brought destruction on to the heads of theri own people.
Remind me of the carefree lives of Gazan Palestinians before Hamas were elected?
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