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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

I think...Israel has killed many hundreds...again.

Just as they do...regularly.

Cunts discombobulate.

Just as they do...regularly.
Perhaps you could explain the relevance of someone either a twat or a pisstaker holding up a stupid sign?

Good question.

so, that obscenity(the guy with the anti-semetic 'poster' is ok, or are you just aiming at JHE

I believe the caption "Clever Abdul....." was itself racist
All in all, not a blinding addition to any debate

(By the way the mispelling may be to avoid spefic laws in whatever state the pic was taken in so he may not be that daft - if anything that makes him that tinge more loathesome - a smart arsed racist)
Bearing in mind the nature of the images I don't see how they could come from any source other than the IDF very few journalistic UAVs in existence. Personally putting up IDF info is no different from some of the pro hamas stuff that has been circulated without criticism on here and elsewhere.

Given your constant bleating about objectivity, your 'objectivity' seems to have evaporated...perhaps it was never there in the first place; perhaps it was just an illusion; another lie.
People can vote to change govts, there is freedom of expression and freedom of thought, there is a market economy, there is a free press and freedom of religion. None of these would be possible under a Hamas govt.

But Hamas were democratically elected, you seem to have forgotten that. Perhaps a result like the one in Italy in 1948 would have been more to your liking?
Israel is a democracy whereas Hamas and similar groups are theocracies. I certainly know what sort of regime I trust more.

Fancy having your local evangelical church call the shots on your life I know I wouldn't but for the average Palestinian what Hamas do is much much worse.

Israeli democracy like all democracies is not perfect but a darn sight better than living under the cosh of Hamas and similar groups.

You clearly have a problem with this word "democracy". You also haven't paid any attention to the nature of Israeli democracy with its permanent war economy.
JR its a lot deeper than that. Much of the 'antizionist' left is infested with antisemites and apologists for antisemitism. A few years back I was disgusted to hear on an 'anti war' demo a group of wankstains chanting 'Palestine you'll be free from the Jordan to the sea' The fact that none of the lefts around me thought this was unusual or wrong made me realise just how shallow the lefts committment to equality and fair play are when Jews or Israel are involved.

More smears from Smears 'R' Us. :rolleyes:
Shameless bullying thieves. I think as in the case of 9.11/Iraq, global sympathy quickly faded, this will be the end of any sympathy for the holocaust. Zionist, genocidal cunts.
Shameless bullying thieves. I think as in the case of 9.11/Iraq, global sympathy quickly faded, this will be the end of any sympathy for the holocaust. Zionist, genocidal cunts.

I think the point needs to be remade about this being an especially useless Israeli government. Ascribing all manner of nefarious aims to them is one theory, but it is at least as likely that they are just not especially good. Olmert is Israel's Bush, albeit one that is (remarkably) more obviously corrupt than the original.

No government of any ability lies so obviously ("no humanitarian crisis in Gaza", "Hamas seized power in Gaza in 2006" etc) or repeats almost exactly the mistakes it made only a couple of years ago in Lebanon, to similar international condemnation / inaction.

One wonders what they will do in a couple of weeks when the rockets are still landing despite them having "won" in Gaza.
One wonders what they will do in a couple of weeks when the rockets are still landing despite them having "won" in Gaza.

What strikes me is the level of stupidity of the Israeli leadership here. Like this is going to work??! Of course the rockets will continue... And hey, here comes some more impetus for global terrorism. Fucking hell. And the EU is calling this a 'defensive' invasion.... Unbelievable.
What strikes me is the level of stupidity of the Israeli leadership here. Like this is going to work??! Of course the rockets will continue... And hey, here comes some more impetus for global terrorism. Fucking hell. And the EU is calling this a 'defensive' invasion.... Unbelievable.

I'd add to that that the reaction to this is very likely to lead to someone in the area - either Abbas or Mubarak (or both) - getting done in, with the obvious ramifications for the rest of the region.

The EU response doesnt surprise me though - they are fucking useless in every other sphere of their existence, so its no surprise that they are speaking rubbish here.
Fuck judaism. Backward, ignorant religion for spirtually bankrupt people (like all of them) which leads to shit like this.

Dont conflate judaism with this, there are a lot of jews (especially orthodox) who are as sick of this as you are.
Dont conflate judaism with this, there are a lot of jews (especially orthodox) who are as sick of this as you are.

With respect, Zionism and Judaism are inextricably linked. In much the same way Al-Qaeda and Islam are. They can both get fucked as far as I'm concerned. If you took the religious aspect out of those movements (Al-Q and Zionism) they wouldn't exist. It's PC bullshit to ignore that fact.
Shameless bullying thieves. I think as in the case of 9.11/Iraq, global sympathy quickly faded, this will be the end of any sympathy for the holocaust. Zionist, genocidal cunts.

the holocaust had nothing to do with zionism you twat.
Fuck judaism. Backward, ignorant religion for spirtually bankrupt people (like all of them) which leads to shit like this.
No actually hating people because of their religion/race is what leads to shit like this. Hatred you're clearly full of. Moronic rubish. Anti-semitic, racist moronic rubbish.
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