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Israel in coordinated missile attacks on Gaza

I have sent this email to the Movement for Reform Judaism via a form on their website:

As a Reform Jew I am appalled and shocked at the Israeli air strikes and bombing of the Gaza strip. I searched on your website for a statement about this and could not find one.

Israel is acting against all Jewish and civilised values. There can be no justification for a state to besiege 1.5 million people in a tiny area, seal the borders, and allow almost no humanitarian aid in, and then to routinely break a ceasefire by bombing and shelling targets within that area. Many of the people who live in the Gaza strip have lost or been chased from their homes many times.

While it is no doubt terrifying for residents of Sderot and other towns near the border with Gaza to endure rocket fire, there is no comparison between this and what the government of the state of Israel is inflicting upon the people of Gaza, over half of whom are children.

It is appalling that the Movement for Reform Judaism avoids speaking critically about the issue, and that many of its synagogues continue to invite diplomats of the state to speak. I know many people who have been driven away from organised Judaism due to this issue and what they consider to be double standards and hypocrisy concerning the state of Israel, when Judaism is a religion committed to human rights. Please reconsider your stance.



Well done, froggy. :cool:
Can you tell me what you are seeing on TV over in the UK.
Over here i can get a load of channels and between them they are pulling no punches.
We are seeing live feeds from uplink stations of the bombing by US built and supplied jets onto "military targets" but then seeing the pictures of homes bombed to shit by the bastards.
We are seeing footage of old women and kids injured or killed by the bombing as well as so many others.
The scenes from the hospitals are a bit bloodthirsty to say the least.

Nasty stuff. It needs to be stopped right now. :mad:
Can you tell me what you are seeing on TV over in the UK.
Over here i can get a load of channels and between them they are pulling no punches.
We are seeing live feeds from uplink stations of the bombing by US built and supplied jets onto "military targets" but then seeing the pictures of homes bombed to shit by the bastards.
We are seeing footage of old women and kids injured or killed by the bombing as well as so many others.
The scenes from the hospitals are a bit bloodthirsty to say the least.

Nasty stuff. It needs to be stopped right now. :mad:

I agree it needs to be stopped but if Israel pulls back now Hamas will just regroup. Hamas needs to be totally removed in order for there to be peace.
One that's missing from the knobfest list: Nizar Rayyan

Hamas leader killed in air strike

A senior Hamas leader has been killed by an Israeli air strike on his home in the Gaza Strip, Hamas officials say.

Nizar Rayyan, the most senior Hamas figure to be killed since 2004, had urged suicide attacks against Israel.

News of the strike came on the sixth day of Israeli strikes on Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip.

Palestinian medical sources say 402 people have been killed. Israel says it is trying to prevent militants from firing rockets into southern Israel.
Mr Rayyan is the most senior Hamas leader to be killed since the death of Abdel Aziz al-Rantissi in April 2004.​

Continued: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/7807124.stm

Good to see Hamas leaders getting it, its just a shame that this couldn't be done without harming civilians. At least Israel is treating those injured in the action. Sadly the only way to get humanitarian aid in now is for there to be a big ground offensive followed up by a massive humanitarian aid and reconstruction programme. You will need the military to guard the aid workers other wise they will just be picked off or kidnapped by the remnants of Hamas.
Press conference including Ken Livingstone and George Galloway about to start on Sky News.
I said including.

Annie Lenox and Alexei Sayle also just spoke.

<shakes head> I knew Alexi Sayle was a bit of a nutter and wasn't too careful about who he breaks bread with but I'm surprised that someone as inteligent as A Lennox is involved in this.

Just another left wing wankfest then? Pointless dumped dodgy politicians with no real support using the problem in Gaza for their own ends. Usual story sadly.
I suppose in your view anyone who opposes Israel must be a bit of a nutter by definition, even though "someone as inteligent as A Lennox is involved in this" as you put it. :rolleyes:

Oh and Bianca Jagger also condemned Hamas for their attacks on civilians.

I have to commend Sky News for covering this press conference, I've noticed before that they give protests more coverage than BBC News do.
I suppose in your view anyone who opposes Israel must be a bit of a nutter by definition, even though "someone as inteligent as A Lennox is involved in this" as you put it. :rolleyes:

Oh and Bianca Jagger also condemned Hamas for their attacks on civilians.

I have to commend Sky News for covering this press conference, I've noticed before that they give protests more coverage than BBC News do.

Some of the knee jerk anti zionists are woefully uninformed of the situation in Israel and what it is like for Israelis. I personally oppose much of what the Israeli govt has done ( ie settlements should be exchanged for peace) but I cannot in all good consience sit down or protest with those who support Islamists or similar groups. Good for Bianca she does seem to speak out against HR abuses without favouring authoritarian nutters like the UK Left seem to do.

Sky may have their own agenda for covering protests by the Left especially when the demos are liable to go violently tits up. When I used to work for the Sun I was routinely sent out to see if a leftie demo was going to go bad. If it did I earned more money.
Some of the knee jerk anti zionists are woefully uninformed of the situation in Israel and what it is like for Israelis. I personally oppose much of what the Israeli govt has done ( ie settlements should be exchanged for peace) but I cannot in all good consience sit down or protest with those who support Islamists or similar groups. Good for Bianca she does seem to speak out against HR abuses without favouring authoritarian nutters like the UK Left seem to do.

Sky may have their own agenda for covering protests by the Left especially when the demos are liable to go violently tits up. When I used to work for the Sun I was routinely sent out to see if a leftie demo was going to go bad. If it did I earned more money.

What utter shite. Who are you? Mark fucking Regev?
I agree it needs to be stopped but if Israel pulls back now Hamas will just regroup. Hamas needs to be totally removed in order for there to be peace.

Once more you open your mouth and shit falls from it. Your parroting of nationalist-Zionist rhetoric on this matter exposes you for the stooge that you have become. How else could you believe that the removal of a legally-constituted government by force "needs" to be enacted, unless you're nothing but a mouthpiece for criminals?

I hope that your relationship is worth the compromising of any principles you once had.
Some of the knee jerk anti zionists are woefully uninformed of the situation in Israel and what it is like for Israelis. I personally oppose much of what the Israeli govt has done ( ie settlements should be exchanged for peace) but I cannot in all good consience sit down or protest with those who support Islamists or similar groups. Good for Bianca she does seem to speak out against HR abuses without favouring authoritarian nutters like the UK Left seem to do.

Sky may have their own agenda for covering protests by the Left especially when the demos are liable to go violently tits up. When I used to work for the Sun I was routinely sent out to see if a leftie demo was going to go bad. If it did I earned more money.

i see you point about islamists.

on the reading demo a number of us were pissed off because of the "Allahu Akbar" type religious chants that some people were doing.

i agree it is counterproductive, when they were going on we seemed to get so much hostility from passers by. it's like they didn't realise it wasn't about their religion, it was about helping the palestinians.

BUT doesn't there come a point where you just have to get over it? the fact that people chanting "Allahu Akbar" or people that hold dodgy views about terrorism might be there isn't a reason to support zionism and the state of israel.

the fact that islamists, religious people or "the left" agree with a cause isn't a reason to disagree with it. you seem to be obsessed with who supports a certain position than what is right or wrong.

what about your views? the BNP has been described as "the most zionist political party in Britiain" ffs - you talk about sitting down with islamists and the left, what about the BNP?
I agree it needs to be stopped but if Israel pulls back now Hamas will just regroup. Hamas needs to be totally removed in order for there to be peace.

fucks sake, if even Derf is disagreeing with Israel's "iron fist" ...
fucks sake, if even Derf is disagreeing with Israel's "iron fist" ...

I also would prefer that this action wasn't necessary. Sadly it was and I don't see how the Israeli govt could have resisted the political pressure to do something about Hamas. The problem is now there is no way to get humanitarian aid into Gaza without cover from ground troops.
there is no way to let humanitarian aid into gaza, period, except for maybe three trucks or so for 1.5 million people. then again israel's opening the crossings was never about helping the palestinians, was it, and everything to do with the zionist state trying to look slightly less barbaric than it is.
fucks sake, if even Derf is disagreeing with Israel's "iron fist" ...

I'm against it because mass murder is out and out wrong and that is exactly what Israel is guilty of.
The pro Israeli lobby can dress it up how they like claiming surgical strikes and so on but when it boils down to it the ones really hurt by this are just poor sods who happen to live in the wrong place because some bastard stole their land and now wants to wipe them out totally.
Sod politics or religion. This is straight wrong.
I also would prefer that this action wasn't necessary. Sadly it was and I don't see how the Israeli govt could have resisted the political pressure to do something about Hamas. The problem is now there is no way to get humanitarian aid into Gaza without cover from ground troops.
although, why does humanitarian aid need to get into gaza when there is no humanitarian crisis there anyway? we all know what a trustworthy and honest person tzipi livni is. why would she lie?
I'm against it because mass murder is out and out wrong and that is exactly what Israel is guilty of.
The pro Israeli lobby can dress it up how they like claiming surgical strikes and so on but when it boils down to it the ones really hurt by this are just poor sods who happen to live in the wrong place because some bastard stole their land and now wants to wipe them out totally.
Sod politics or religion. This is straight wrong.

Ground troops in Gaza? In a dence populated area, with all palestinians on the streets with guns, knifes, petrol bombs, stones etc? This is equal to chaos, even greater than chaos.

You need more than 100000 soldiers for a task like this, it will result to a very big blood pool with thousands dead, palestinian and israeli soldiers, and this is going to be a trigger of a bigger chaos in the whole region when hezbollah, mujahedin and various other islamist groups that exist start attacking as well.

CEASE FIRE NOW You very well know that you will not eliminate Hamas with air strikes, you will kill hundreds more, the vast majority of them innocent, you also know that Hamas has the support of the population (they have voted for them), so the only thing that the attacks achieve is to make them heroes in the peoples minds....

Violence creates more violence and fanatism, nothing more
its Disagree with a Israel's military action by all means but for fucks sake be careful about who you are lining up with on demos. Personally I couldn't line up with the likes of people who shout 'go back to the ovens' before turning into a mob that attacked pro Israel demonstrators as happened at a demo in Fort Lauderdale Florida recently.

Zachor posted this on P/P, if its true it's horrendous, tbh, its these links to Islamic crazies(note to detractors, not all Muslims, etc) that is putting off many people from the Palestinian cause, which is a just one. Ther is another point, M/E politics seem to be becoming the dominant element in non parliamentary activities now, this may play into the hands of the far right, etc.

Oh, and ' God is Great chants on demo's!, can you imagine lefties or anarchists tolerating Christians shouting 'God is Love' repeatedly on demos, etc,
I knew Alexi Sayle was a bit of a nutter and wasn't too careful about who he breaks bread with but I'm surprised that someone as inteligent as A Lennox is involved in this.

Though you are wrong here, A/S picks his causes very carefully these days, no 'bandwagoner' he
I also would prefer that this action wasn't necessary. Sadly it was and I don't see how the Israeli govt could have resisted the political pressure to do something about Hamas. The problem is now there is no way to get humanitarian aid into Gaza without cover from ground troops.

It's just like using a sledgehammer to swat a fly. Guess who holds the sledgehammer?
There is a great danger in the "my enemies enemy is my friend"
Personally my first instinct on hearing some religio loon start screaming "God is Great" in any language, Arabic or otherwise, would be the give the retarded git a slap - which is prob why I am better off not taking part at the moment
The main trouble with the Ullema is they behave EXACTLY like many Jewish groups, some fucker get a pebble thrown at him hundreds of miles away and every fucker piles in spoiling for a fight

Israel is wrong to do this
Equally the Jewish Chronicle is wrong to have op-ed articles going on about how the Paletinians brought this on themselves and deserve it
Equally Hamas is a sink hole of head cases who think God wants them to die while killing someone
Its really hard to get you head around just how insane both sides are

The practical point is simple, Israel has weapons made in state of the art factories, the Palestinians stuff made in a garage - you know who's going to kill most
Israel calims that it is civilsed, western and secular - well I think thats open to some doubt really - so let them be civilsed and stop this killing
Hamas for all its loonery basically stuck to its ceasefire, Israel did not drop the blockade, after the proscibed time, Hamas started upo the rockets, as the Israel Govt knew the would. Olmert and Barak got their nose bloodied by Hisb a couple of years back, still smarting from it, they intend to prove they are tough - they will kill thousands
They need to be stopped
Stop buying anything from ANY company that make ANYTHING in Israel or has any ties with it. E-mail them to tell them why. Ive just had a chat with a manager at a Marks and Sparks, seems surprised I am bothered, but if everyone did it the message would get thru far quicker than simply clogging the streets with a bunch of farts who think God wants them to kill
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