I agree but you surely must "start" at a more conciliatory level in order to get things moving or you will get nowhere.
again this comment shows you lack of knowledge about this subject or apperntly diplomacy in general.
you can't impose diktats from outside parties you have to engauge those directly responsible. you starting point is often far from concilitory it's often met with open hostility, distrust and suspiscion. how coudl it not be, people have been fighting in this region for nearly 100 years.
short of turning the entirity of gaza into a no mans land of corpses lsrael and the world are going to have to deal directly with hamas at some point because they are the democratically elected choice of the people.
perhaps it would be good to start up you reading on the subject if you looked at why palestinians felt they had no other viable option than to vote into power what is considered a terrorist group.
find out what their policies were away from the polemic headline grabbing FUD of drive them into the sea or such like and find out what it was that appealled so much to the palestinians both in palestine and around the world.
understand the history of these events and you would then understand why this current escalation is not only wrong and immoral, as have been the actions of the well financed state who practice systemic aysymetrical warfare.
and until you do read up and learn about the subject i'm afraid the only reason for you posting on this thread is to flatter your own ego and psuh your own rather posionious and twisted interpretation of the situation from a stand point of utter ignorance.
There's little point in engauging your posts because in order to do them justice and to entirely refute them would mean having to reguitate the entire historical context both present and past in order to frame any response.
It's un reasonable to expect others on the thread to fill in the missing gaps in your knowledge of the subject especially when the information is free and readily avaiable and you have suffeicent internet knowledge to use a bulletin board so you can sure as hell use google.
you also need to learn to evaluate your soruce material for bias on both sides so never let a single POV polarise your understanding of the situation read around your subject. and if you're not preparred to do that then i'm afraid that your continued posting on this thread is some what limited to background noise.