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*IRAQ: latest news and developments

Originally posted by Lock&Light
AP is reporting the sacking of the offices of the French and Germans in Baghdad. Now they know what the Iraqis think of their betrayal.
Cheap shot at the French/Germans. They're looting every public building they can get into, including their own hospitals apparantly (BBC). I just hope some law and order can be restored by tomorrow
In case no one noticed iraq is broke.

So the us will have to pay for the immediete reconstruction.

We want to hire us companies to soften the blow to the us taxpayer.

If the french or germans or whoever, want to help they can kick in money and hire their own firms.

But i don't want to see one dime of my tax money going to the french or germans.
Originally posted by pbman
But i don't want to see one dime of my tax money going to the french or germans.
Well it won't cos your taxes go to your government, innit

So the us will have to pay for the immediete reconstruction.
You don't need to be blessed with psychic powers to work out who will really be stumping up the ginormous cost of this war (with interest)
In case no one noticed iraq is broke
Maybe in the bank but there's a reason for that. In fact they have a zillion barrels of black gold which may just help as collattoral with certain interested parties...
"We want to hire us companies to soften the blow to the us taxpayer."

pbman - george bush and co are using handing over your tax dollars directly over to their very close friends in the form of juicy reconstruciton contracts.

Its called corruption on a grand scale.

If I were you I'd get out there and pull down some statues.
Originally posted by Kaka Tim
"We want to hire us companies to soften the blow to the us taxpayer."

pbman - george bush and co are using handing over your tax dollars directly over to their very close friends in the form of juicy reconstruciton contracts.

Its called corruption on a grand scale.

If I were you I'd get out there and pull down some statues.

I know corruption very well, most of our local democrats are masters at the game.

But on a deal like this there is no need for courption.

They can make a lot of money without it.

An my brother works for a Halliburton company.

And he also own stock in it.

Big profits means that he can afford to send his kids to a nice college.

Better they get the contracts than the french.
Another suicide bomber reported on the BBC.

1 marine US marine dead.

Attack occured within the last hour.

Can't find a link. Sorry.
Crowd hacks two Islamic clerics to death in Najaf, Iraq, witnesses say


Excellent link joe dick. On Channel 4 snews this evening they wheeled on an exiled Iraqi professor who insinuated that Al-Khoei might have been assassinated by Iraqi intelligence agents!! The link you provide seems to tell it like it was.

Al-Khoei went to Iraq from London with B-liar's blessing just a few days ago. Its not much of a welcome for the Slime Ministers envoy is it!
Also on C4 news I saw an "embedded" TV reporter rescue an injured family (including a six year old kid) from their car which trigger happy marines had fired on. Why the marines didn't help escapes me. I got quite emotional seeing the journo carrying that kid, who had head injuries apparantly.

(no joy finding link)
Two children shot dead as marines open fire on a car that failed to respond to signals :( No weapons were found (BBC). I can't help feeling marines are just too trigger happy and not properly trained in communicating, this tragedy could have been avoided.

"The coalition forces seem to be completely unable to restrain looters or impose any sort of control on the mobs that now govern the streets," said Veronique Taveau, spokeswoman for the UN Office of the Humanitarian Co-ordinator for Iraq (UNOHCI).

"This inaction by the occupying powers is in violation of the Geneva Conventions."
People are looting money from the banks!!! :eek:

The economy is going to go arse over tit at this rate...

and this kind of looting can't be good:
0930 (all times are BST): Thousands of Iraqis are out on the streets of Baghdad in a third straight day of looting, plundering engineering and nursing colleges in a free-for-all unchecked by the law.
Originally posted by pbman

Big profits means that he can afford to send his kids to a nice college.

If you paid a decent level of tax and spent it properly then ALL Americans might be able to get the chance to get to a decent college. Think about it. There is a cause and effect on most things in this world.

You pay peanuts you get monkeys.
figures from the bbc



US: 99 dead (including 26 in non-combat accidents, 5 to 'friendly fire', 2 under investigation), 8 missing

UK: 30 dead (including 16 in non-combat accidents, 5 to 'friendly fire')

Iraq: At least 1252 civilian deaths*, military deaths unknown
*Former regime figures, 3 April


any death is wrong, but they seem quite low compared with what some were forecasting at the start of the campaign.
*Former regime figures, 3 April

It is now the 11th of April - and no one has been counting since the 3rd. Not sure if the Marines are cointing as they bulldoze the bodies into graves.
Ahmad Chalabi, the US hawks favourite for running post-war Iraq, was being interviewed on the Channel 4 lunchtime news today.He said he was not standing as a candidate for leadership of Iraq.
Did anyone else see this as I can't find any reports of it anywhere? [/URL] edited to add - well they didn't mention it in the evening news. Wonder whats happening there then. -Come on someone else must of seen the lunchtime C4 news- tell me I didn't imagine it!!

On a less serious note try this -did Saddam escape Iraq in a crashed UFO?
BBC Radio 5:

BBC reporters are saying that Baghdad is "tense." There are gangs of men on street corners in the Shi'ite areas of Baghdad, like Saddam City. Nurses are standing outside of the hospitals with guns to defend them against militia loyal to the regime which are still moving around Baghdad relatively freely.

One reporter watched a man being beaten to death with iron bars for being "in the wrong place at the wrong time."

Another reporter used the words "on the verge of civil war."

Children are being shot at check points.

The tone of the reporting is being changed from one of hope, to one of fear.
Originally posted by Stibs

The tone of the reporting is being changed from one of hope, to one of fear.

And news today, that Bliar is said to be 'livid' at the media's portrayal of the latest situation in Baghdad.

What the fuck does that spineless fucker want? To continually re-run the footage of Saddam's statue being pulled down to the strains of Jerusalem? And what about this 'Towards Freedom" TV that they are broadcasting? With everything going up in flames what on earth do ordinary Iraqis make of that?

john x
Clearly they've put a lot of thought into mass murder, extracting the oil and extracting profit, but very little into, er, running a huge, populous and complex modern nation.

(oops, comment, sorry)
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