mojo pixy
interesting times
They may get their news from wireless or TV and it wasn't covered or in my experience a brief mention as part of a larger story. It could be a pre-held assumption correct or otherwise. It may not be antisemitism. You were right to raise it though hence my initial response.
Perhaps there is an issue around prominence? You searched for it and found it and I'm sure there are reports on lots of things you could find if you search for it you wouldn't see otherwise. I'm not saying that's definitely the case here. I subscribe to a few daily newsletters. The BBC one doesn't mention the West Bank and hasn't for a few days. It may do in some of the links given but not in the letter, headlines or link titles. The Guardian by contrast had mentioned it and today made it the focus of its Today in Focus newsletter. The BBC does currently have a story on it on its News homepage though. It is quite a good article on the IDF operation, though not settler violence, if you read the whole thing. If you only read the headline or to the second picture it gives a very one sided view of the situation. An issue of framing I'd argue. This isn't because of Jews running the media. If they were they'd be doing a shit job as one of the articles you posted that I've read is framed quite differently. How prominent on the site it was I don't know. It is currently a couple pages back on the World subheading but it is old news. I'd suggest that sometimes an Israeli viewpoint is favoured by parts of the media because they are an ally rather than because of some Jewish influence.
Could be. It doesn't really explain the posting of something that was already wrong at the time, could have been checked, and looks like a declaration from an assumption (because it certainly wasn't a declaration from facts)
This isn't about 'what was not reported', or what was soft-soaped, spun or minimised. The reports are there, they were already there. The fact that for some here I'm the bad guy (the fact that some posters apparently can't help focussing on me rather than what I'm actually posting) is telling as fuck!
Accusations? We got 'em, come n get 'em while they hawt
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