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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
I think I have it. I don’t get ill very often (a couple of days in bed every 5 years on average I’d say) and I don’t know what else it would be because it doesn’t feel like previous colds I’ve had.

Looking back now the first signs were a sort of tickle in the throat and dryness around the Adam’s apple that I developed last week. I wouldn’t say it qualified as a sore throat and didn’t think anything of it at the time. It was noticeable but not discomforting. It felt like that feeling you sometimes get when you arrive abroad or there’s a seasonal change in the air. Very mild hay fever type thing. I also remember looking in the rear view mirror of the car and noticing my eyelids were red. I haven’t driven for 9 days so that might be completely unrelated, or it might be the first sign, who knows.

Anyway, on Thursday I started to feel hot and cold and felt a bit weak and lacking in energy. Then the cough started. It wasn’t a proper cough, just an annoying tickle at the top of the chest that had to be cleared every hour or two. There was nothing to clear though, it was dry. By this time I started to think about C19 and spent the night isolated from the wife and kids who were feeling fine. The night wasn’t great. I slept for three hours at one point but kept waking up to cough or because I was too hot or too cold.

On Friday I took to bed and felt pretty rough. I slept a bit, but never for very long because of the cough and other symptoms, which now included a headache, fatigue and changes in temp. That afternoon the cough changed to productive; the frog that had been a source of almost constant irritation could finally be caught. There wasn’t much in the way of phlegm and it was (unpleasant detail) too low down to bring up so I just have been swallowing what little there has been. There was some though, at least, which felt like a breakthrough because it now at least felt like a normal cough. It also made me think maybe this wasn’t C19.

Friday night was shit. I had been reading up on symptoms and what happens to the body with C19, and it was the middle of the night so there was that added weirdness, but it literally felt like a war was going on in my lungs. It wasn’t particularly painful but every time I filled my lungs it felt like there was something stopping them from filling up, but it wasn’t like there was something sitting on my chest it was more something pulling them down from within, like a glue. Sometimes I’d have to cough at the top of an inhale but mostly it just felt like my lungs were in some sort of weird stupor, idling along in neutral. I wasn’t struggling to breathe at all and I didn’t feel like I was in any trouble; I just lay there observing what was going on but I do remember thinking how dangerous this could get if the body was overloaded.

Saturday morning eventually came around after maybe a fitful 4 hours of sleep. I ate some fruit and went back to bed. I’d been taking paracetamol and drinking lemsip since Thursday (always within the recommended doses as I’m not prone to illnesses so hardly ever take anything, plus I didn’t know how long I’d be taking them for so didn’t want to overdo it.) and that took the edge off. I felt a bit worse than Friday but there were again times when I felt almost normal. It does seem to come at you in waves. By now I had the dreaded aches, mainly I think from the coughing. The cough was more insistent but the constant tickle had gone so there were periods of respite, broken by sudden involuntary episodes of hacking at the fucking globule of elusive whatever at the bottom of my throat. I snacked on fruit and a couple of muesli bars and drank gallons of Robinson’s lemon barley to keep fluids up and help to keep the throat lubricated.

Saturday night was better than the previous despite a coughing fit that had me reaching for the Robinsons in the dark, and I sweated pints. Sleep was still fitful but this morning I woke up feeling like a corner has been turned. No paracetamol was needed until 11 and a decent appetite. The cough is less frequent and less severe although the headache hasn’t shifted. I am a little bit more bunged up than I have been so I wonder will I move onto a new stage of streaming and sneezing. I’d happily take that if it clears the lungs. It’s hard to describe the feeling in my lungs. They aren’t particularly wheezy or rattley but they feel smaller than they need to be for the job.

Having said that getting around has caused no issues since the start. I’m not out of breath after climbing two flights of stairs and I can take in a decent lungful. In fact, I should stress that throughout this period there have been times when I’ve felt ok. Almost normal, but then a wave arrives and it knocks you back down again. I’ve had that feeling with flu where everything aches and you can’t bear getting up to do anything but I haven’t felt bedbound by this in that way. It’s actually harder to talk than climb the stairs because of the wretched frog. I’m going to take it very easy until my 7 days are up then I’d really like to get myself on the list for any antibody test that might be coming along to find out whether I had it or not so will call 111 to notify them.

I still think I have 2-3 days of symptoms ahead and I expect to feel a bit debilitated for a week or so after that but overall I feel on the mend and that I’ve gotten lucky with a very mild dose. I don’t know how typical this experience is because there is no testing for those who aren’t hospitalised and I never felt the need for that so I don’t know if this is Covid19. If I knew I had immunity I would happily help out in whatever capacity I could so it seems absurd that the Govt are not actively trying to ascertain the status of those showing minor symptoms. It could really backfire horribly down the line I fear because who are no longer at risk can play a huge part, medically and economically, in dragging us out of this.
Checked my temp a few times this morning, 38.3ish so have called the work covid sickness hotline. They're going to call me back.

I think it's going to be hard to feel normal because staying indoor 24/7 is not normal. I ache but I think a lot of that is lack of movement. I feel well guilty but I don't think I can justify going to back to work if I am still feverish. Though if it was normal times i probably would go back :/
You would feel more guilty if you went back infected someone and they then had complications....its not worth it for 7 days or even 14. In fact writing g that has completely made my mind up plus I'm having a tight chest episode again.Xxx
My friend's daughter (25) had severe shortness of breath and was taken by ambulance to hospital in Exeter. Blood tests, nebuliser, oxygen and chest x ray. She's OK and has been discharged.

But we don't know if she had it. The doctor thought she did. But as she's not elderly or vulnerable she didn't get a test.

Which shows the statistics for the madness that they are

Christ this government are a fucking shitshower.
You would feel more guilty if you went back infected someone and they then had complications....its not worth it for 7 days or even 14. In fact writing g that has completely made my mind up plus I'm having a tight chest episode again.Xxx
I know :) it's just weird. Work called me back, they've said that I should not go back until 48hrs have passed since I last had a raised temp. They have also said I can go in to be tested but that really that should have been done earlier into the illness and as I feel I am improving and the test result will take around 48hours there may not be much point which I would agree with.

I'd like to be tested, id like to know but in this case I'm not sure of the value!
I know :) it's just weird. Work called me back, they've said that I should not go back until 48hrs have passed since I last had a raised temp. They have also said I can go in to be tested but that really that should have been done earlier into the illness and as I feel I am improving and the test result will take around 48hours there may not be much point which I would agree with.

I'd like to be tested, id like to know but in this case I'm not sure of the value!
Sorry, if you had a fever you need to be away from work for 7 days from illness onset
I suddenly felt rotten on Friday morning. Ached all over, a bit of a sore chest but no coughing. WFH so just emailed my boss to say I was logging off then fell asleep barely three hours after waking up. Slept some more in the afternoon, by which time I was also shivering.

Spent pretty much all of yesterday lying down. Even reading was too much effort. Lost appetite and mild head and neck pain.

Feeling quite a bit better today and have been up and about, although still quite tired.

In the absence of any doctor's diagnosis or a test I put it to my Facebook friends for a verdict (with the obvious caveat that none of them will really know). Most seemed convinced in the absence of either a temperature or cough that I didn't have 'it', but a few people mentioned they or someone they knew experiencing similar.

This is where the lack of testing is doing my head in. Maybe there is a mild strain of COVID-19 where coughs and high temperatures are absent? Within myself I've fluctuated between suddenly feeling too cold to suddenly feeling too hot, but I took my temperature yesterday and it was 35.6C. Does seem weird that a very similar virus is doing the rounds at the same time if it's not C-19, but then I don't really know about this stuff.
My friend's daughter (25) had severe shortness of breath and was taken by ambulance to hospital in Exeter. Blood tests, nebuliser, oxygen and chest x ray. She's OK and has been discharged.

But we don't know if she had it. The doctor thought she did. But as she's not elderly or vulnerable she didn't get a test.

Which shows the statistics for the madness that they are

I know the danger of internet diagnosis but that sounds very much like she didn't have it from that account. Is she asthmatic?
Brother in law rushed to hospital this morning, unable to breathe all night. His partner has had mild symptoms (proper cough) for 7 days. Taken to Whipp's Cross, admitted, his partner not allowed in.
Just heard they won't test him. Pardon my ignorance but is this because the tests are in short supply or expensive or what? He's being kept in.
Just heard they won't test him. Pardon my ignorance but is this because the tests are in short supply or expensive or what? He's being kept in.

They bloody well should be testing him. Press stories on various shortages and limitations of the current testing regime have ben about people not getting tested if they arent sick enough to be hospitalised, or if they are NHS staff. The testing scandal takes on a fresh dimension if they are also failing to test hospitalised cases suspected of suffering from Covid-19.

I'd be demanding answers and explanations if that happened to one of my relatives, and would also consider talking to journalists. Hopefully its a miscommunication and he will actually be tested.
Just heard they won't test him. Pardon my ignorance but is this because the tests are in short supply or expensive or what? He's being kept in.

Our Trust are testing all Covid suspected cases in hospital, and I think that's the national policy. The only reasons not to test that I can see are not test available or they're not actually suspecting Covid.

It sounds harsh but I do take what patient's have reported to people on here with a bucket of salt. Patients are commonly told different things as the clinical picture changes throughout their care, but often only remember the most significant to them thing, so they might well have been told it was possibly Covid early on, but then told it wasn't later, but you can be almost guaranteed they'd remember the first over the second.

Add in them often being very emotional, maybe confused, and possibly very ill doesn't make for a reliable story I'm afraid. I've seen so many patients that have literally forgotten tests they've had seconds before, or completely not remembered (or incorrectly remembered) anything that's been told to them.

Plus there's going to be loads of people coming in with an exacerbation of a respiratory condition that get told early on by maybe a paramedic, nurse, or a doctor they initially see that they're worried about it being Covid, but that gets ruled out later on when it's discovered it's actually their asthma or COPD.
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Our Trust are testing all Covid suspected cases in hospital, and I think that's the national policy. The only reasons not to test that I can see are not test available or they're not actually suspecting Covid.

It sounds harsh but I do take what patient's have reported to people on here with a bucket of salt. Patients are commonly told different things as the clinical picture changes throughout their care, but often only remember the most significant to them thing, so they might well have been told it was possibly Covid early on, but then told it wasn't later, but you can be almost guaranteed they'd remember the first over the second.

Add in them often being very emotional, maybe confused, and possibly very ill doesn't make for a reliable story I'm afraid. I've seen so many patients that have literally forgotten tests they've had seconds before, or completely not remembered anything that's been told to them.

Plus there's going to be loads of people coming in with an exacerbation of a respiratory condition that get told early on by maybe a paramedic, nurse, or a doctor they initially see that they're worried about it being Covid, but that gets ruled out later on when it's discovered it's actually their asthma or COPD.

Yep I have a lot of sympathy with that and some reports on here.

But for Anthony...well, as I said, his partner has had what I consider to be the only obvious symptoms I've seen from anyone (spoke to her on Zoom, she simply couldn't stop coughing but wasn't visibly alarmed or at death's door) for 7 days. And he's not asthamtic or COPD. Never smoked. He is pretty ill apparently.
Yep I have a lot of sympathy with that and some reports on here.

But for Anthony...well, as I said, his partner has had what I consider to be the only obvious symptoms I've seen from anyone (spoke to her on Zoom, she simply couldn't stop coughing but wasn't visibly alarmed or at death's door) for 7 days. And he's not asthamtic or COPD. Never smoked. He is pretty ill apparently.

Yeah, keep us updated. Have you or anyone tried calling the ward or hospital for clarification?
I've been wondering if I might be one of those who has already had it mildly. I think probably not, but towards the end of February, me and my partner both had some sort of flu.

Symptoms were lethargy and generally feeling flu-ey, a cough (but not the OMG-what-is-going-on-in-my-chest thing), headache. But my partner also had a runny nose, and at the time we thought that meant it couldn't be covid19, but it now seems that was a bit of a white lie told by the NHS.

It was pretty long-lasting. About 10 days with a peak of it being pretty bad for 3 days.

I suppose we might never know, but can anybody spot anything in the above description that might mean it probably wasn't?
I suppose we might never know, but can anybody spot anything in the above description that might mean it probably wasn't?
I’d say that sounds like a mild case of C19. Ive had very similar over the last week. What’s been different for me with this compared to other colds or flu was that, although at varying times I felt feverish, achey, had a headache and the cough, I didn’t have any congestion in my head/sinuses. It was all in the chest, and it was very dry without the usual sputum harvest.

Does anybody know how those who think they’ve had it will be able to access the antibody test that is supposedly on the way? I’m a bit reluctant to call the local surgery or 111 because obviously it’s not urgent, but I‘d also like to know my C19 status as soon as possible.
Does anybody know how those who think they’ve had it will be able to access the antibody test that is supposedly on the way? I’m a bit reluctant to call the local surgery or 111 because obviously it’s not urgent, but I‘d also like to know my C19 status as soon as possible.

It ain't going to be for while if at all. As i understand they're still assessing the accuracy of the tests. If one is reliable enough then it will surely be a sliding scale of who gets tested starting with frontline NHS and those in the most vulnerable groups. If you're not in those groups there is a fair chance you may never get tested or indeed in may still turn out that the tests are reliable enough anyway.
I’d say that sounds like a mild case of C19. Ive had very similar over the last week. What’s been different for me with this compared to other colds or flu was that, although at varying times I felt feverish, achey, had a headache and the cough, I didn’t have any congestion in my head/sinuses. It was all in the chest, and it was very dry without the usual sputum harvest.

Does anybody know how those who think they’ve had it will be able to access the antibody test that is supposedly on the way? I’m a bit reluctant to call the local surgery or 111 because obviously it’s not urgent, but I‘d also like to know my C19 status as soon as possible.

You're not likely to get the antibody test for a long time.
Well that sucks. According to Der Spiegel in Germany they’re planning to send out hundreds of thousands of tests within weeks and then issue ‘back to work’ certificates for those with immunity.
Ok, this is going to clear nothing up. He's not being kept in, that was wrong, sorry. He went in at 6am this morning after a horrible night and has just been released with the words "You probably have the virus but you're not ill enough to be kept in because there are people in worse conditions here."

All I can say, from 200 miles away, is I know Anthony really well and he'd do anything to not be in hospital. But he wants to be kept in, he is feeling really shit. But he's home.

Hoping for the best.
Well that sucks. According to Der Spiegel in Germany they’re planning to send out hundreds of thousands of tests within weeks and then issue ‘back to work’ certificates for those with immunity.

That seems premature to say the least.
If it’s any consolation we have a friend who’s an A&E doctor who said that a chest X-ray is the diagnostic tool of choice because it actually shows what’s going on in the lungs. Hopefully a passing medic may be able to clarify this.

Edit: to Planetgeli
I thought I was ill a few days ago but apart a few episides of slight pressure in chest and back when breathing (could be anxiety) I have not gone on to have any symptoms. So back to work tonight after having 6 days off (shift pattern and annual leave) and I'm shitting myself. Unsurprisingly my lungs feel uncomfortable.
Speedy recovery everyone xxx
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