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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
Not had any really obvious symptoms myself (had the odd headache and occasional productive cough in the morning, nothing out of the ordinary).

Youngest son (nearly two) has had a fever tonight, temperature over 39, Calpol barely made a difference but is dropping now after about four hours. He’s been a bit out of sorts for a couple of days, occasional cough but nothing persistent/alarming. Thing is he hasn’t left the house in nearly three weeks, we’re all staying in as I’m on immunosuppressants (although partner has been to the shops maybe three times, and both of us exercising every two or three days). Nobody else has symtoms so not sure where this could have come from, maybe nothing to do with C19. Bit worrying anyway, since very likely I’ve been exposed from him, stuff like me finishing off the food he doesn’t eat with the same food, cleaning snotty nose, nappies etc. We’ll all have to stay in for 14 days anyway.
Stay safe Dogsauce.

So I spoke to a GP today as I was freaking out and she said she’s certain I’ve had COVID and they’re seeing lots of people left with a cough for weeks after. I’ve had almost the perfect tick box of symptoms/timescales.
She assured me people don’t go downhill at this late stage and happy that symptoms are mild enough. Said I can call to speak to someone any time as I’m so anxious. Reassured but urgh!
There is some detail in one of the Guardians articles about Johnson being hospitalised, that could be useful for people who arent sure what the signs of it getting worse are:

Early guidelines from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) suggest the following symptoms may help a doctor to decide whether a patient with Covid-19 should go to hospital:
  • Severe shortness of breath at rest or difficulty breathing.
  • Coughing up blood.
  • Blue lips or face.
  • Feeling cold and clammy with pale or mottled skin.
  • Collapse or fainting (syncope).
  • New confusion.
  • Becoming difficult to rouse.
  • Little or no urine output.

think i had it two weeks ago, been S/I, though some of the symptoms are similar to M.E, only real lasting symptom, still no sense of smell, hope it comes back, may be my allergies, season started.

venturing out today for limited exercise
think i had it two weeks ago, been S/I, though some of the symptoms are similar to M.E, only real lasting symptom, still no sense of smell, hope it comes back, may be my allergies, season started.

venturing out today for limited exercise
Smell training is recommended if that is something you can do - find a few items with strong, distinctive, non toxic smells and sniff them daily while trying to capture the scent and fix it imagine it. I'm not sure if it works but recommended by a support group for anosmia (which existed before covid kicked off)
Not me but my sister - loss of sense of smell is the only thing that is lingering on for her as well (and mild headache after a few days of really bad ones).
I am not qualified to give medical advice. I can say that when I've read things about this, the emphasis tends to be all about seeking medical advice if there is a worrying decline in the condition of the person, rather than milder stuff dragging on for weeks longer than hoped.

What has happened to Johnson is revealing detail that runs somewhat contrary to what I said there. Well, it depends on detail such as what people think of as a mild symptom. For example, it does look like still having a fever after 7 days have passed is a cause for concern.
I seem to be getting a second wave. Have had crackingly breathing again for a few days and now the insomnia has kicked in again, sinuses are horrible again and my glands in my neck are feeling bloody awful. Appetite has taken a nosedive too. I'd have a toke to take the edge off if I didn't think it would bugger my lungs any further. Might have to experiment with some yoghurt :hmm:
Hmmm. I've developed a slight cough but not regular at the moment. So hard not to think if it is the condition or not and then getting carried away. Difficult for me as I'm meant to be in work tomorrow which is my main concern at the moment.
I may be developing conjunctivitis ... :hmm:
Temp 36.5 - which is 1 degree high for me ...
And I know I have this strong desire to lose 15kg and I'm not doing anything, plus my anxiety level is high, but my appetite is falling off a cliff...

I’ve just done a search for the word “conjunctivitis” because I’ve just posted on the U.K. thread about conjunctivitis being a possible symptom of COVID-19.

How are you doing gentlegreen ?
I’ve just done a search for the word “conjunctivitis” because I’ve just posted on the U.K. thread about conjunctivitis being a possible symptom of COVID-19.

How are you doing gentlegreen ?
Fine thanks :)
Just the teeniest bit of sinusitis left.
Weird that I choose this particular time to get a persistent bacterial infection
It doesn't help that I haven't been out on my bike to give things a regular blow-through....
Getting myself worked up. New catch in my throat - can't clear it. Breathing is... different. Like at the start of a cough, or that bit where a cold goes to your chest. I've had a mild cold/cough for a month now but this isn't that. Got the shits, too.

I think it's that "being conscious of your breathing" and being hyper-aware of any change, no matter how small. Still had a lovely rush of panicdrenaline. Mrs SI telling me not to worry.
I’m at a loss. So cam back from bangface weekend 3 weeks ago, and had a cough so had to isolate for 14 days, about day 6 I was short of breath but not desperately so, and this did get worse for about 3/4 days and then eased off until my 14 days was up. Went back to work for 3 days and still had the odd cough, but nothing to worry about. Ive been on six days rest day and have some pretty hefty shift patterns coming up, during those 6 days I had serious lethargy, achey joints, productive cough, swollen glands, sore throat and slightly tight chest for three days. But it all seems to have alleviated now except the bunged up nose.
Youngest son has been better today after nearly three days of high fever, temperature up to about 40.5 at one point & regularly over 39 - only ibuprofen would bring it down, which we were cautious about using but checked out with the doctor. He’s been fine today but a bit hot in the evening again. Still not certain it’s Covid, as we’ve been isolating, although we did have someone round to service the boiler about a week ago (in their bedroom) but they were masked up and cleaning everything they touched so not sure it would have been that.

I’m still in isolation away from them all due to being high risk, doing quite a bit of FaceTime to stay in touch. In theory I should stay out here for 14 days after he recovers, but we’ll see how symptoms go and look for any clues that it’s something else - unlikely that I wouldn’t have been exposed to the same thing or picked it up from him.

I did feel suddenly flushed and feverish in the evening which was a bit of a panic but temperature is normal, think it was just the effect of eating a big tea. Being stuck out here alone does cause a lot of anxiety as my brain plays out different possible scenarios including getting sick and not ever seeing the rest of my family again. Need to keep my brain distracted and stay positive.
I've had a sore throat for the last two days, been sleeping terribly and feeling quite run down but normally I'd just dismiss it as a couple of off-colour days, but in this current climate it's hard not to feel a bit "OMGI'VEGOTIT!IT'STHEEND!"

But in the grand scheme of things I'm absolutely fine right now, so I'll STFU.
Brother in law rushed to hospital this morning, unable to breathe all night. His partner has had mild symptoms (proper cough) for 7 days. Taken to Whipp's Cross, admitted, his partner not allowed in.

9/10 days on, Anthony is still unwell but has at last recovered his breathing. It has not been a walk in the park for him but he is getting better.

Separately to this my best friend's daughter, newly qualified doctor working in Hove, has been confined to isolation for last 5 days. Classic symptoms, high temperature, cough. 2 days ago she got a test. Test came back negative this morning.

She's back to work tomorrow.
Son is fine now, just a bit subdued. Not sure it was CV, although was quite a severe fever, and no symptoms noted for the rest of us, so plan is for me to return from exile and be properly reunited with family on Monday if all still well then. Appreciative of having somewhere I could hole up & people who have been bringing shopping to the family etc. People are nice.
Customer called me tonight (we’re more like friends than business associates), he’s got it, 5t3IIa, it’s Louis. 10 days fever, he coughed badly and quite distinctly, whilst on the phone. Temperature of 39.4. Begged him to call an ambulance if it hits 40, he says he has spoken to NHS who advised same. Lives in New Malden. Wife is with him has no symptoms at all.
If you have symptoms, could be a good idea to help others and use this:

Just downloaded the app and filled in the questions - only takes a couple of mins.
I finally had a pneumonia vaccine this morning after several months of the GP having no stock. I was able to break curfew and drive to the surgery where the nurse came out and injected me through the window of the car. Anyway, this can cause fever-like symptoms for up to 24 hours, so it’s been a weird kind of relief knowing that if I felt a bit under the weather today it would most likely just be that so I wouldn’t have to panic. As it is I’m fine, just a bit tired but did an hour on the turbo trainer earlier so not without reason. If I get a slight headache tomorrow I’ll be back to thinking I’m about to die again.
Suddenly got exhausted yesterday, then headache and tight chest. I wouldn't think much of it in normal times but first housemate was ill from about three weeks ago (mostly fatigue) for about ten days straight, then a week ago second housemate got fever and cough, has been laid up with that ever since. So I've had to fatalistically accept that I was likely to get it, and now even though my symptoms are mild, it seems likely I've got the rony. I hope we get access to antibody tests at some point, if only to satisfy our curiosity.
Matthew who lives opposite my mum died last night from this virus. He was the same age as me, 47. He had motor neurone disease and was in a similar way that Stephen Hawking was, seems the virus takes advantage of any weakness in the body’s systems. Very sad and a bit bloody close to home.
Just got back from a walk on the moor with my son to discover that my oldest friend has died from the virus. I’d known him since my first day at primary school. We last met up at the London Anarchist Bookfair in 2016. Very upset.
It seems the one song he has requested for his funeral is the Who’s “Won’t Get Fooled Again”, played at full volume. Shame I won’t be able to be there.
I'm pretty sure I caught the rona. This was before the lock down and the hand sanitizer craze. Went to hospital all handsome and fine at 2:30. Left around 5:30. By 6 I started to feel cold and went to bed around 10pm shivering. Woke up late at night to use the bathroom and almost passed out. Went back to bed kinda scared I had caught Rona. Woke up next morning feeling fine. Beat it less than a day. They should test me. Take my blood sample. I might be the cure for this shit. :cool:
I honestly am so overwhelmed with the number of covid threads that I don't know where to put this but I do want to share it in case it can help people so it's going here.

My friends dad is big sick with covid and is currently intubated.

She has created a space for people with relatives who are intubated to come together to talk.

Please share with anyone who needs it

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