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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
Well that sucks. According to Der Spiegel in Germany they’re planning to send out hundreds of thousands of tests within weeks and then issue ‘back to work’ certificates for those with immunity.

There's massive potential problems with this approach, and it's something I personally think is not a good idea. Some behavioural psychologists have written a letter to the CMO to warn them of these.
Because there is evidence that someone can recover and then something else can trigger a more serious illness later on. And that the virus can still be in poo etc even if they aren't spreading it through talking to people etc
What are the problems? Apart from a lack of tests, obvs.

Ah, looked but can't find the letter easily. Was on The Guardian recently (maybe today?).

Some obvious ones are policing it, it encouraging a two tier system that makes it harder to enforce any restrictions, giving people a false sense of security, high rate of inaccurate tests, etc. Apply especially for the idea that we should generally test everyone for +/- test more than the antibody test though.

People are understandably getting a bit fixated on the tests, but they're not the key at the moment at all.
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People are understandably getting a bit fixated on the tests, but they're not the key at the moment at all.
Not at the moment indeed. If we had had volume testing with contact tracing at the beginning, we could have had the option of the South Korea route, now in lockdown they aren't critical (apart from for patients and frontline NHS workers) but when we try to gradually lift restrictions they are likely again to become more important.
I had a mild but persistent headache for over 3 weeks same symptom in my spouse as well. a short spell of dizzyness, a rare and very mild chesty dry cough, no proper fatigue but had somewhat low energy , nasal congestion occasionally eyes burning, but no fever, a soft stool for a couple of days , also had a sore palate for 2 days. I had no test but suspecting that the symptoms could be a very mild Covid-19.
  • worke up sore throat sat. , + tired / assumed I'd overdone dog walk fri
  • Sunday , throat is bad, + fatigued ( but had drunk a bit to get through previous eve tiredness)
  • Monday thrroat v bad , swallowing becoming a nighmare, in bed most of day, bit delirious, throat spray not working , nuurofen , lazopams, codeine pills,not really working, bit of vally to sleep ( phone doc told missus it wasn't corona ,just gargle, and man up basically - at this stage can't help wondering what wld happen if this all travels down to the chest / respiratory etc )
  • tues -delirious + slightly wanted to die so as never to have to swallow again , ( whilst necking all the pills, obvs )but no vallies, eventually missus calls out of hrs doc for advice - says treble the codeine dose, and get anti biotics in morning
  • weds, the codeines had knocked me out into weird sleep , throat now blissfully 80 % better , and now on anti bios

Conclusion : nothing / no one pointing to this being CV related, yet have never had anything like it before ... timing just seems so odd
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Antibiotics will do nothing for CV-19, what did the OOH doctor that prescribed them say to you?
Antibiotics will do nothing for CV-19, what did the OOH doctor that prescribed them say to you?
Maybe they thought it sounded more like tonsillitis/strep throat? I wonder if more abx are being prescribed for various ailments in lieu of seeing patients and their gammy bits?

Not that I'm saying your bits are gammy cantsin :p
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Maybe they thought it sounded more like tonsillitis/strep throat? I wonder if more abx are being prescribed for various ailments in lieu of seeing patients and their gammy bits?

Not that I'm saying your bits are gammy cantsin :p

the conclusion was deffo strep / laryringitis etc ... and nothings happened since to contradict that diag. either , it was just the weirdness of the timing + accompanying intense flu fatigue that threw me a bit
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the conclusion was deffo strep / laryringitis etc ... and nothings happened since to contradict that diag. either , it was just the weirdness of the timing + accompanying intense flu fatigue that threw me a bit
I think if your antibiotics have helped that would support the idea of it being a bacterial throat infection. Glad to hear you are feeling better.
Well that sucks. According to Der Spiegel in Germany they’re planning to send out hundreds of thousands of tests within weeks and then issue ‘back to work’ certificates for those with immunity.

I can imagine being given a 'back to work certificate' which enabled me to return to a job that no longer exists at a place that's closed indefinitely, and which also caused me to lose what meagre state support I had as a person unable to work due to lockdown.
I can imagine being given a 'back to work certificate' which enabled me to return to a job that no longer exists at a place that's closed indefinitely, and which also caused me to lose what meagre state support I had as a person unable to work due to lockdown.

Sorry to hear about your circumstances Frank. That’s rough and I hope you’re getting the support you need.

I’m self employed, without accounts as it’s a new business and am just getting over a dose of C19. Tonight my wife has gone down with it and the kids have been coughing over the last couple of days too. It’s a worrying time and there are many worse off than us.

I‘m feeling better each day and will soon be able to work. A growing number of people of working age are in a similar situation, not to mention potentially large numbers of people who have contracted it but are asymptomatic. Are we expected to sit at home all summer when we are (presumably) immune and pose no risk to others who have also recovered? If the vulnerable are in lockdown, at what point can healthy people who pose no threat to them return to some semblance of normality?

I want to be tested to ensure I have immunity as soon as possible. If I have immunity I want to be able to get out, either for work or as a volunteer. The tests and the wider consequences of the tests are, it seems, fraught with risks of one kind or another, and I understand that there would need to be strong controls.

But without tests to show who has had it, and by extension who is no longer at risk, what exactly is the exit strategy here? Can we have that debate?
Sorry to hear about your circumstances Frank. That’s rough and I hope you’re getting the support you need.

I’m self employed, without accounts as it’s a new business and am just getting over a dose of C19. Tonight my wife has gone down with it and the kids have been coughing over the last couple of days too. It’s a worrying time and there are many worse off than us.

I‘m feeling better each day and will soon be able to work. A growing number of people of working age are in a similar situation, not to mention potentially large numbers of people who have contracted it but are asymptomatic. Are we expected to sit at home all summer when we are (presumably) immune and pose no risk to others who have also recovered? If the vulnerable are in lockdown, at what point can healthy people who pose no threat to them return to some semblance of normality?

I want to be tested to ensure I have immunity as soon as possible. If I have immunity I want to be able to get out, either for work or as a volunteer. The tests and the wider consequences of the tests are, it seems, fraught with risks of one kind or another, and I understand that there would need to be strong controls.

But without tests to show who has had it, and by extension who is no longer at risk, what exactly is the exit strategy here? Can we have that debate?

One of the problems is that it is unknown if you have had it how much immunity you have and for how long. A lot of people are assuming that if they have had it they are safe, but that is still an unknown
but that is still an unknown
It will be known relatively soon if immunity results from infection, and the experts seem certain that it will. Dr Fauci, for example, said that he would be "willing to bet anything that people who recover are really protected against re-infection."

How long it lasts may not be known but you could say the same about a vaccine, so where does it end then? People won’t accept living like this indefinitely.
It will be known relatively soon if immunity results from infection, and the experts seem certain that it will. Dr Fauci, for example, said that he would be "willing to bet anything that people who recover are really protected against re-infection."

How long it lasts may not be known but you could say the same about a vaccine, so where does it end then? People won’t accept living like this indefinitely.

Well if there was a test available right now and they tested a million people and said ok you're immune, go back to normal, then yes they would be betting anything, people's lives included.

I am happy to see a bit more cautious approach for now tbh. It's been just over a week of lockdown, let's not start bringing "indefinitely" into it just yet.
Ironic that last year I got a virus infecton that would have had me assuming I had C19 - apart from the total absence of symptoms other than insane fever and months of weakness, and this year, I have a month of phlegm and snot (Must Not. Pick. Nose.)...
On the positive side, perhaps nasal congestion is protective ...
Well if there was a test available right now and they tested a million people and said ok you're immune, go back to normal, then yes they would be betting anything, people's lives included.

I am happy to see a bit more cautious approach for now tbh. It's been just over a week of lockdown, let's not start bringing "indefinitely" into it just yet.

Yeah precisely. We've only had a week, if people think it's indefinite it will encourage people to break it and it will just last longer
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Yeah precisely. We've only had a week, if people think it's indefinite it will encourage people to break it and it will just last longer
It is indefinite. No date has been given for when it ends, just a vague ‘it will be reviewed after Easter’. That’s part of the issue.

Which would be fine if it were accompanied by a strategy of testing. But there is no such strategy. It’s a total shambles and they seem to be making it up as they go along.
Has anyone who had symptoms developed a worse cough later?

As per thread I was bed ridden for two days but made quite a quick recovery about two weeks ago with only an occasional cough lingering.

However these last two days I have developed a heavier and more persistant dry cough. There is a small amount of phlem as well but no other new symptoms.
Yeah savoloysam. I felt properly better and then overdid it and symtoms have come back at least 3 times now. Milder but still similar, tbf my cough has always been much less than the first 10 days. But my body is a lot weaker than before. It sucks. It's just a very strong virus. You may have never fully recovered and when your body got weakened the virus has gained strength again. Plenty of anecdotal evidence that it's quite a hard virus to clear, for a lot of people... especially considering even a normal virus can affect you for up to 3 weeks.

Or else, it's also possible that from a weakened immune system you could have picked up another virus or mild infection. Probs best to just really take it easy for a while.
Post plague report. Outbreak at chez Kebab+18

Mrs K displayed the first symptoms: woke up with a sore throat and dry cough. I was already WFH, kids and Mrs K went off that morning.

We quite deliberately didn't do any isolation within the household, total waste of time, we'd been cooking, cuddling, sleeping together in the days leading up to the symptoms, so if we were going to get it we'd have got it already.

Mrs K's sore throat/cough stayed for around 6 days, and she had a fever (nothing outrageous, just the normal 'feeling like shit' stuff) that lasted 3 days within that. She's been a bit tired post fever, but nothing that interfered with either WFH or being with the kids. She's now back to normal.

About 4 days after her symptoms started I had one day of flu-like joint pain, but that's it. No sore throat, no cough, no fever.

The kids have had no symptoms at all.

We've done no distancing, ate together, cuddled, watched telly together, Mrs K and I share a bed. 18 days after the start, that's where are....
Guy who rents the office opposite mine has had it. He went to a party and 80% of the people who went were knocked down by it within three days. They have all recovered now, says he had a fever and felt fucked, so tired that lifting an arm was really hard work, had a small cough for two days, most worrying was one night he had slight trouble breathing, said it was like he’d walked up a steep hill quickly, went to sleep and it was gone by the morning.
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Guy who rents the office opposite mine has had it. He went to a party and 80% of the people who went were knocked down by it within three days. They have all recovered now, says he had a fever and felt fucked, so tired that lifting an arm was really hard work, had a small cough for two days, most worrying was one night he had slight trouble breathing, said it was like he’d walked up a steep hill quickly, went to sleep and it was gone by the morning.

It's really interesting the variety of responses to it from people that seem roughly the same age and health. Assuming they all actually had it, one of our consultants only had the dry cough and felt fine. His wife had the cough and a temp, but still felt mostly fine. A paramedic friend was really rough for 2 weeks with the cough, temp, exhaustion, and SOB on any level of exertion.

Long term research that finds out if there's underlying issues that make some people get it worse than others will be really interesting.
he had a fever and felt fucked, so tired that lifting an arm was really hard work,

My grandfather said of the 1918 flu that it was said that if you had it you wouldn't pick up half a crown from the floor because it was too much effort.

For me personally that knackeredness during and after is the difference between a feverish cold and the (normal) flu. Also feeling tearful afterwards seems to have something to do with flu and less so with a cold. . But everyone is different.

I don't think I've had it. I've had a bad throat off and on since my fright with laryngospasm in November, I have a cough because it's a side effect of Enalapril and I usually get 3 colds a year because of working with kids so without realising, because I live with some of the symptoms all the time, I might have had a mild form of this thing back when it all kicked off in Haro a month ago; lots of people here think they did.
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