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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
So my kids' dad is sure he has it. Been ill since Monday with dizziness, headache and generally feeling unwell and not being able to sleep. But no cough or temperature.
Could he have it?
Of course we are all in isolation now but worrying myself as my youngest has a respiratory condition; he's well at present.
So my kids' dad is sure he has it. Been ill since Monday with dizziness, headache and generally feeling unwell and not being able to sleep. But no cough or temperature.
Could he have it?
Of course we are all in isolation now but worrying myself as my youngest has a respiratory condition; he's well at present.
I've been under the weather for weeks and coincidentally have taken to my bed with dizziness.
But my last exposure to other humans was six days ago when I started developing a sore throat.
It's vaguely hypo-like so I necked a couple of bananas just in case..
Yesterday was similar, but it was weakness rather than dizziness.
But I've been down this road before two years running with effects from a virus persisting long after....
Temperature currently my 35.4 "normal"...

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I've been under the weather for weeks and coincidentally have taken to my bed with dizziness.
But my last exposure to other humans was six days ago when I started developing a sore throat.
It's vaguely hypo-like so I necked a couple of bananas just in case..

So same symptoms. Wish I knew if it was CV. Would be such a relief to know it doesn't affect my vulnerable child, although we still have 9 days to go when symptoms could develop but I've had a sore throat for over a week.
So same symptoms. Wish I knew if it was CV. Would be such a relief to know it doesn't affect my vulnerable child, although we still have 9 days to go when symptoms could develop but I've had a sore throat for over a week.
The problem I've had is that 3 weeks or so ago I had a moderate dose of something flu-like plus unusually for me a bit of bronchitis and the slight persistent phlegmy cough I had then has now totally gone.
No reports of sickness from work colleagues I last was with 11 days ago.
I've been taking leave too, so I don't have my daily cycle commutes which are my standard measurement of fitness.
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So I first had potential corona symptoms 18 days ago. Through that time I’ve had sore throat, temperature on and off, a cough, tight chest and slight shortness of breath when moving around and talking for a long time and also runny nose and sneezing. I also had diarrhea in the first couple of days. All could be corona or something else entirely.

I started feeling better but since yesterday my chest has felt tight again, it feels burny and again a slight shortness of breath. Cough has been there throughout but mild.
I don’t feel right but I don’t feel really poorly either but I am scared.

I have health anxiety which has been really well managed for ages but this isn’t helping.
So the tight chest could well be anxiety.
I just don’t know what to think and when to worry because I’ve had symptoms for nearly 3 weeks, should I seek medical advice? Everything is saying stay at home if you can manage your symptoms but when does that change if you’ve been mildly unwell for a long time?

TLDR: What’s corona and what’s anxiety and will I die? 😄
My ex thinks she has it which means her her partner and my son on isolation and not to leave the house for 14 days. She has a relatively mild case, a cough and a temperature.
So I first had potential corona symptoms 18 days ago. Through that time I’ve had sore throat, temperature on and off, a cough, tight chest and slight shortness of breath when moving around and talking for a long time and also runny nose and sneezing. I also had diarrhea in the first couple of days. All could be corona or something else entirely.

I started feeling better but since yesterday my chest has felt tight again, it feels burny and again a slight shortness of breath. Cough has been there throughout but mild.
I don’t feel right but I don’t feel really poorly either but I am scared.

I have health anxiety which has been really well managed for ages but this isn’t helping.
So the tight chest could well be anxiety.
I just don’t know what to think and when to worry because I’ve had symptoms for nearly 3 weeks, should I seek medical advice? Everything is saying stay at home if you can manage your symptoms but when does that change if you’ve been mildly unwell for a long time?

TLDR: What’s corona and what’s anxiety and will I die? 😄

I'm getting the exact same, kinda worrying tbh.
I just don’t know what to think and when to worry because I’ve had symptoms for nearly 3 weeks, should I seek medical advice? Everything is saying stay at home if you can manage your symptoms but when does that change if you’ve been mildly unwell for a long time?

I am not qualified to give medical advice. I can say that when I've read things about this, the emphasis tends to be all about seeking medical advice if there is a worrying decline in the condition of the person, rather than milder stuff dragging on for weeks longer than hoped.
So I first had potential corona symptoms 18 days ago......

TLDR: What’s corona and what’s anxiety and will I die? 😄

I'm in a very similar situation to you. My GP reckons if I did have corona, I may have also picked up another bug or virus while my immune system was weakened. I have to say I think it's the same thing though, and every time Ive felt better I feel like I've then overdone it and the chest tightness and cough have come back. It's very distinctively the same thing... just a lot milder than the first 8-9 days say. I am really fed up about not getting better tbh.

I reckon some people just struggle to fully fight the virus off, perhaps as it's so new etc. I am now eating loads of fresh ginger every day and trying to be as healthy as possible generally. In China (and perhaps elsewhere) they seemed to be giving antivirals etc to help people recover but def not happening here for milder cases so I think just try and be super healthy and take it easy, listen to your body and rest up.

Since even normal viruses can affect people for a good 3 weeks I think it's fair to say some peeps just struggle to get it out of their systems and dont recover so quickly. Quite a few folks who recover from hospital arent discharged for weeks and then presumably are still recovering at home after. Sure it could be anxiety making it worse too and I'm sure that doesnt help recovery but for me personally it's been a different feeling too.
I'm in a very similar situation to you. My GP reckons if I did have corona, I may have also picked up another bug or virus while my immune system was weakened. I have to say I think it's the same thing though, and every time Ive felt better I feel like I've then overdone it and the chest tightness and cough have come back. It's very distinctively the same thing... just a lot milder than the first 8-9 days say. I am really fed up about not getting better tbh.

I reckon some people just struggle to fully fight the virus off, perhaps as it's so new etc. I am now eating loads of fresh ginger every day and trying to be as healthy as possible generally. In China (and perhaps elsewhere) they seemed to be giving antivirals etc to help people recover but def not happening here for milder cases so I think just try and be super healthy and take it easy, listen to your body and rest up.

Since even normal viruses can affect people for a good 3 weeks I think it's fair to say some peeps just struggle to get it out of their systems and dont recover so quickly. Quite a few folks who recover from hospital arent discharged for weeks and then presumably are still recovering at home after. Sure it could be anxiety making it worse too and I'm sure that doesnt help recovery but for me personally it's been a different feeling too.
Thanks, that makes sense. And you elbows.
I hope you are all feeling better soon.

If you think you have it, do you have an idea when it where you got it?
I’ve been thinking about this. I have a job where I spend a lot of time in and out of people’s homes and schools but I’d also had some annual leave where I was out and about quite a lot shopping and stuff.
On the Friday me and my husband went to a tiny Spanish restaurant and then to a crowded bar where I got very drunk and was hugging people because I love everyone. The man in the hello kitty T-shirt, the couple who are on their second date etc You get the picture. :D
Anyway, that was Friday and I got a sore throat Monday and a cough Tuesday. It’s probably too soon after but there was lots of close contact and opportunities for spreading because I was so so pissed.
My nephew has it. He's been really ill for a couple of days.
His mum called an ambulance last night cause he can't stop being sick.
And now he's vomiting blood.
They are so short of beds in the hospital that they won't admit him until he's become confused or can't string a sentence together.
This is really scary as he's living with his 76yr old nan who's just recovering from breast cancer.
My nephew has it. He's been really ill for a couple of days.
His mum called an ambulance last night cause he can't stop being sick.
And now he's vomiting blood.
They are so short of beds in the hospital that they won't admit him until he's become confused or can't string a sentence together.
This is really scary as he's living with his 76yr old nan who's just recovering from breast cancer.

How old is he, and any of the classic symptoms leading up to this?
So my kids' dad is sure he has it. Been ill since Monday with dizziness, headache and generally feeling unwell and not being able to sleep. But no cough or temperature.
Could he have it?
Of course we are all in isolation now but worrying myself as my youngest has a respiratory condition; he's well at present.

He could, but the symptoms don't really match much. People will still get ill with other things during this too, maybe even more so.
How old is he, and any of the classic symptoms leading up to this?
He's had bad headache and shivers for a couple of days. Really weak and achy. Continuously sick. No cough.
And as I said now vomiting blood.
The paramedics said a lot of people aren't getting the cough.
That's about all we've been told so far.
He's 30
I think I either got mine (whatever it is) at work or in Brighton. Still not right here but improving. Today is day 8. I'm a bit worried about work as I will be expected back tomorrow. I still had a temp yesterday.
I've had mildly sore lung feeling for over a week. Occasional dry cough, some abdominal discomfort and one morning of feeling like I was fighting a sore throat then felt fine. Then yesterday I had a couple of hours where it hurt mildly to breathe- chest felt tight, mild pain top of back. I drank my herbal respiratory tea and it went away (could just be the wave pattern) today very mild headache and general under the weather. No temp. This is how my friends started....
I'm confused, due back to work on Tuesday night, feel ok to go to work but really concerned about being contagious. Have been isolated since Friday when I went for a walk on my own.

I've had mildly sore lung feeling for over a week. Occasional dry cough, some abdominal discomfort and one morning of feeling like I was fighting a sore throat then felt fine. Then yesterday I had a couple of hours where it hurt mildly to breathe- chest felt tight, mild pain top of back. I drank my herbal respiratory tea and it went away (could just be the wave pattern) today very mild headache and general under the weather. No temp. This is how my friends started....
I'm confused, due back to work on Tuesday night, feel ok to go to work but really concerned about being contagious. Have been isolated since Friday when I went for a walk on my own.

how is your sense of smell? try sniffing or smelling vinegar. can you hold your breath without discomfort?
  • Angry
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I've had mildly sore lung feeling for over a week. Occasional dry cough, some abdominal discomfort and one morning of feeling like I was fighting a sore throat then felt fine. Then yesterday I had a couple of hours where it hurt mildly to breathe- chest felt tight, mild pain top of back. I drank my herbal respiratory tea and it went away (could just be the wave pattern) today very mild headache and general under the weather. No temp. This is how my friends started....
I'm confused, due back to work on Tuesday night, feel ok to go to work but really concerned about being contagious. Have been isolated since Friday when I went for a walk on my own.


I would stay off most of next week too tbh, even if it's a hard decision to make. Unless theyre willing to test you early next week?

So sorry to hear about yout nephew xsunnysuex how awful.. isnt there anywhere else that will admit him?? :(
how is your sense of smell? try sniffing or smelling vinegar. can you hold your breath without discomfort?
I get the impression seem to be quite a few different symptoms not everyone will have all of them. The main universal one seems to he the tight chest and discomfort when breathing. Case studies of mild onset maintained normal temperature.
I get the impression seem to be quite a few different symptoms not everyone will have all of them. The main universal one seems to he the tight chest and discomfort when breathing. Case studies of mild onset maintained normal temperature.
Stay indoors or the garden only then. I was ill and went to work now my boss has it, she said she was ill but not 100% its the illness. I feel guilty I may have given it to her.
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Checked my temp a few times this morning, 38.3ish so have called the work covid sickness hotline. They're going to call me back.

I think it's going to be hard to feel normal because staying indoor 24/7 is not normal. I ache but I think a lot of that is lack of movement. I feel well guilty but I don't think I can justify going to back to work if I am still feverish. Though if it was normal times i probably would go back :/
My friend's daughter (25) had severe shortness of breath and was taken by ambulance to hospital in Exeter. Blood tests, nebuliser, oxygen and chest x ray. She's OK and has been discharged.

But we don't know if she had it. The doctor thought she did. But as she's not elderly or vulnerable she didn't get a test.

Which shows the statistics for the madness that they are
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