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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
I had a terrible flu a couple of weeks ago, with an ongoing cough now. I feel largely better now but one symptom I had which I'm still not fully over is a complete loss of the sense of smell, which I'd never had before.
For example even using bleach I could not smell it.
I think its slowly returning now as I'm getting the odd whiff of things
I've just read that this symptom is being reported by a lot of sufferers.
I reckon I had Corona!
I also had modest flu and sustained cough and weakness - now I have neck gland issues and a vaguely sore throat and runny nose.
But in my case I have recently had noticeably enhanced smell - though not quite as pronounced as when I used to get cluster headaches ...
Sod's law I will end up being the Typhoid boomer ...

Temperature 32.4 !
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Hey everyone, so I had a complete freakout last night as I felt very hot, was coughing and was having chest pains, loads of pressure on my chest and trouble breathing, plus my lips seemed to have changed colour, probably a combination of panic and actual symptoms, I did the diagnostic tool and they told me to call 999, which I did. The nurses who called back were actually really reassuring and told me that this is very common, that I just needed to stay at home, drink loads of water and take paracetamol. I feel relieved I'm probably not dying but also really embarrassed and ashamed of myself :(

They said that I had done absolutely the right thing by calling them and that these were very common symptoms and I just need to monitor and call if its worse. I feel better now I've been drinking plenty of water and had some sleep.
I have not started doing tests such as eating icecubes before reading temperature orally, but if I recall none of the temperature readings gentlegreen has mentioned here in recent weeks sound like they are accurate. Looking on the bright side, at least they have tended to be so far off that there isnt much doubt something is wrong with the readings.
That's well into hypothermia territory. I'd check your themometer is working, or that you're shoving it right to the back of the underside of your tongue.

IIRC you have mentioned something about diabeties here before and apart from sitting on hilltops in winter I think this may be another potential cause
Tried both thermometers - shoved them everywhere except where the sun don't shine.

Luckily the doc jumped the gun with the "diabetes" thing - and I'm 15KG lighter now - being 60, if I felt that was an issue I would ask to be excused at work ... but I just bought a bright orange mountain bike, so I would feel guilty trying that one :)
I will hopefully have a fingertip oximeter arriving on Monday ...
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Cripes, I have no idea if I am feeling shit because of anxiety, withdrawals or CV. Have had a really tight chest and sore throat/earache for days but am assuming that, because my partner isn't experiencing these, it must be just anxiety. My offspring are harassing us to go and hang out in the woods...which I would if I didn't have to collect my bloody script. Course, none of the offspring know about this so I have to keep fobbing them off saying I can't leave my tomato seedlings. Which is ridiculous, obvs, and understandably, all 3 offspring have been practically packing my bags, guilting me (because we are both in vulnerable groups). I would indeed nip off to rural isolation if I felt remotely healthy...but living in a horsebox (converted but still) in offgrid seclusion is bloody hard work (fetching water, lighting fires and so on).
Cripes, I have no idea if I am feeling shit because of anxiety, withdrawals or CV. Have had a really tight chest and sore throat/earache for days but am assuming that, because my partner isn't experiencing these, it must be just anxiety. My offspring are harassing us to go and hang out in the woods...which I would if I didn't have to collect my bloody script. Course, none of the offspring know about this so I have to keep fobbing them off saying I can't leave my tomato seedlings. Which is ridiculous, obvs, and understandably, all 3 offspring have been practically packing my bags, guilting me (because we are both in vulnerable groups). I would indeed nip off to rural isolation if I felt remotely healthy...but living in a horsebox (converted but still) in offgrid seclusion is bloody hard work (fetching water, lighting fires and so on).
How come you're in withdrawal? Are you on a daily pickup?

Apart from your seedlings (which I wouldn't be overjoyed leaving unattended) could you play the H&S card and tell them that hanging out with three extra people trebles your risk and you would prefer the comfort of your own heating?
Much better and less anxious than last night but still getting tight chest when I walk around. Might go into the garden in a bit. My mum is ill tho and im a bit worried, not necessarily just because of corona but she's a chronic pain sufferer who needs to walk around so wonder what it's all gonna do :(
Pretty sure I have it. It's weird because the symptoms come and go, but reading online that seems consistent with other people's experiences.

Friday - felt achey, tired, run down, but nothing that felt specifically like it was the virus.
Saturday night - suddenly felt totally fine, so thought it was a passing bug
Sunday - feeling run down again, tired achey
Monday - displaying proper symptoms now, tight chest, cough, short of breath
Tuesday - felt better again, so thought I was over it. A lot of the time I've wondered if this really could be it - it's felt very mild.
Wednesday - worst day yet, tight chest, cough returned, even more short of breath

I read somewhere that breathing difficulties tend to kick in around day 8/9, and then if they worsen then that's when it gets serious.

how are you now? ok I'm hoping.
Here’s an idea. Why don’t you pack it in with cross thread beef

Against a health care professional ( LynnDoyleCooper ) who is perhaps literally cleaning the nations shit up while you carry on being mardy.

You should be offering unconditional support to everyone in the Health service right now, not carrying on some ridiculous disagreement.

I work at a University training nurses. I've been doing all I can with my colleagues to make sure 3rd year nurses can continue their studies, get their placement expenses so they can continue to pay their rent and continue on their placements as it looks like they'll be called in to help, if, they wish, providing they've met specific criteria.

I've also two relatives who are NHS nurses and my brother's partner is a week away from giving birth and I've two elderly parents, one a heavy smoker with a double prolapse and the other a chronic alcoholic. Both live 25 miles away and don't seem to understand 'no contact, don't go to the shop to get booze and fags'. My wife is asthmatic and a smoker.

Anyhow. Apologies to all concerned, nobody has my respect more than NHS workers.
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Better day today...

Friday - felt achey, tired, run down, but nothing that felt specifically like it was the virus.
Saturday night - suddenly felt totally fine, so thought it was a passing bug
Sunday - feeling run down again, tired achey
Monday - displaying proper symptoms now, tight chest, cough, short of breath
Tuesday - felt better again, so thought I was over it. A lot of the time I've wondered if this really could be it - it's felt very mild.
Wednesday - worst day yet, tight chest, cough returned, even more short of breath
Thursday - a little achey, not much of a cough, breathing much better but still feels a little tight

Looking on here - Stay at home advice - Coronavirus (COVID-19) - it says I am to stay at home until 7 days after the symptoms start. That means, in theory, I can go to the shops tomorrow, as there's my seven days up above. It feels a bit soon to go out, though, and a friend has been doing some shops for us, so there's nothing we need urgently. I think I'll leave it for another couple of days, just to be on the safe side. Maybe I'll count the seven days from the Monday...
I am glad you are feeling better
I have a constant cough which produces mucus if i smoke weed but becomes dry and annoying if i don't but here's the thing: I've been like this badly for about 8-12 months at least if not longer and it's probably my existing lung disease or asthma. The cough is so bad i think it keeps the neighbours up at night. It seems impossible to know if this is just normal. It;s a bit worse lately but i'm getting on a bit and smoke etc. I don't think i'd notice unless i had the temperature thing but i can't go out cos im coughing like ma and freaking people out. I'm sure im ok but i do have the most bizzare aches in my fingers and joints, not too bothered as i seem to be choking to death anyway. COULD REALLY DO WITH A HOME TEST!
Still no idea if this is the c word. Day on the sofa today. Walking like I'm drunk but that's not that unusual for me, thanks dyspraxia. No energy but got insomnia which never happens with me. I can sleep or nap anywhere, anytime. Dizzy with icepick headaches now and again. Not much appetite either. Airwaves chest still. Had to stop for a breather just going up the stairs earlier.

A family member is now at a very bad chest stage and they've had to call for further advice. I've not had contact with them but this is getting very close to home now.
Urgh I feel rough. High temp yesterday and today (around 38!), headache, snotty, sore throat. A bit coughy but not as a significant symptom.

This is going to take me out if work for at least a week and I never managed to get my laptop set up to function off site . We're so busy and were already 3 down last week though one is due back tomorrow. Fuck.
It's so weird that the symptoms are so varied (assuming we all have it); makes it that little more anxiety inducing.

So far so good for me, still just a general tightness/pain around the chest and getting of breath. Breathing isn't inhibited, just feels like the breath is doing less once it's in there.
No way to know for sure if it is COVID...unless I am selected for testing at work (unlikely). I'm definitely unwell though so shouldn't go in tomorrow regardless. Just hope my symptoms don't progress. Seem to have a sore jaw too as if I've been cleaning my teeth?
. Seem to have a sore jaw too as if I've been cleaning my teeth?
Me too - not to the point of pain, but like a continuation of my swollen neck glands - I'm calling this bacterial still ...
I had to test-ride my new pushbike and it was heavy going ...
I'm not very useful at work - and I'm using up leave from Wednesday onwards - really only motivated to collect stuff I had delivered - may well sign myself off tomorrow at least ... I sneezed earlier which s not a good sign ...
If you have symptoms GG you should isolate. You might feel well enough to keep on keeping on but what about other people you might encounter or possibly infect if it is COVID-19.

That said IIRC you pretty much constantly have flu like symptoms so not sure where that leaves you?!
Think I may have it, or at least what a lot of you have had...

Thursday: bit of a dry cough, lightheaded although that isn't unusual for me. A bit tight in the chest on and off since Monday.
Friday: coughing less; had three beers in the evening and developed a splitting headache, sacked out at about half ten.
Saturday: felt shite all morning, woke repeatedly with headache from about 5am onwards - but again, being middle aged this isn't unusual for me after a couple of drinks :mad: Slept loads, but badly. Felt alright in the afternoon :confused: Tired and rather achy in the evening, went to bed early.
Today: slept fine, woke up feeling a bit stiff, then got progressively more and more achy. Headache, scratchy throat, knackered. Now have temperature of 38. Been in bed all afternoon. Coughing some, but not loads (yet - fingers crossed).

I'm a bit anxious tbh. Husband and kids all seem fine, so I guess it's 7 days gulag in the bedroom for me :( Just really hope they don't get it.
If you have symptoms GG you should isolate. You might feel well enough to keep on keeping on but what about other people you might encounter or possibly infect if it is COVID-19.

That said IIRC you pretty much constantly have flu like symptoms so not sure where that leaves you?!

temperature 35.6 - apparently normal for me :p That's two thermometers at the same time.

Maybe this is just what being 60 is like ...
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Just updating my symptoms to keep a record, really...

Thursday: bit of a dry cough, lightheaded although that isn't unusual for me. A bit tight in the chest on and off since Monday.
Friday: coughing less; had three beers in the evening and developed a splitting headache, sacked out at about half ten.
Saturday: felt shite all morning, woke repeatedly with headache from about 5am onwards - but again, being middle aged this isn't unusual for me after a couple of drinks :mad: Slept loads, but badly. Felt alright in the afternoon :confused: Tired and rather achy in the evening, went to bed early.
Sunday: slept fine, woke up feeling a bit stiff, then got progressively more and more achy. Headache, scratchy throat, knackered. Now have temperature of 38. Been in bed all afternoon. Coughing some, but not loads (yet - fingers crossed).
Monday: no aches or temp :) bit tight in the chest and coughing a bit more :hmm: Quite tired but still feel okay for now.
I feel a bit better today, less flu-y. Meaning I don't feel as shivery, achy, hot and cold. I seem to be coughing more with a bit of a rattle. Temp still reading around 38 too.

Have contacted work. That's me off for 7 days. They've set up a special hotline so they can manage staff shortages better (hospital). I got a text yesterday from the bank team after a registered nurse to work on one of the wards.
I did wonder if the breathing thing was just me thinking about it too much but I did a video chat with niece and Ma Mogden this morning and I had to keep stopping for breath as I was talking :s Paid weekly so I've just had my wageslip for last week. This is gonna be tough :( No bloody idea how I'm gonna manage at work this week when I have to go back. I usually walk about 6 miles a day and I'm getting out of breath going up and down my stairs so I won't be able to cycle in. Arse.
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