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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
Ah, I see what you mean. So she has no symptoms of illness? Any underlying conditions?

She had a weird temperature spike a week ago and she's been coughing but tbh she's still not entirely better from the thing we had in December. Normally her temp is 36 and it went up to 37.5 very briefly.

Tbh if anyone has underlying conditions it's me!
I dunno - If it was me, I would probably just assume you both have it/will get it (that kind of being the point of the 14 days) rather than put loads of energy into completely isolating yourselves from each other within the household because it's hard enough as it is. My son is in his room 95% of the time anyway :D and my daughter a fair, bit but she's as likely to be with me as not and I'm not sure I could/would insist she wasn't.

However, within that, it's still possible to continue with all the usual, sensible precautions - handwashing, using and disposing of tissues, keeping things as clean as possible (erm...that's another of my outstanding jobs :hmm: ) and of course you don't have to be wrapped round each other all the time either!

But also, what would make you more comfortable? Better able to cope with the whole thing?

The NHS stuff is confusing because obvs no one is going to view a cough that started in Dec as NEW but the temperature rise was very recent, however brief and you have some ill-y symptoms, too - and if your grandma is over 70 - or really just anyway, for now - that does seem like a bonkers idea.

It does sound like the lockdown stuff may be ramped up soon anyway (precisely because people aren't getting it) but can you have any sort of a convo with her where you just really emphasise that it's not a time to take any risks, that it's serious and that we do all need to make changes for a time - that it's really and truly about the risks to people beyond ourselves and that we all have to take responsibility for that as far as we can.

It is very difficult cos it's all so different - and a lot of it involves us being far more direct and less polite than we're maybe used to be being, or feeling even more responsible and guilty for our own actions - which is not wrong but can defo add to the anxiety - so it's challenging on all sorts of levels, beyond the huge worries about health and...well, life and death.
It's just way, way out of our experience.

I'm trying to approach this bit of time as a rest, really. Because I'm ill and I'm tired and because everything is so upside down and because for now, two weeks is perfectly doable. There's no ignoring what's going on all around us, everywhere - but at these points that you can't do anything but sit tight and wait, then that's simply just what you need to do. xxxx
Pretty sure I have it. It's weird because the symptoms come and go, but reading online that seems consistent with other people's experiences.

Friday - felt achey, tired, run down, but nothing that felt specifically like it was the virus.
Saturday night - suddenly felt totally fine, so thought it was a passing bug
Sunday - feeling run down again, tired achey
Monday - displaying proper symptoms now, tight chest, cough, short of breath
Tuesday - felt better again, so thought I was over it. A lot of the time I've wondered if this really could be it - it's felt very mild.
Wednesday - worst day yet, tight chest, cough returned, even more short of breath

I read somewhere that breathing difficulties tend to kick in around day 8/9, and then if they worsen then that's when it gets serious.
I’m not sure if I’m imagining things but since today I’m feeling run down and I’ve been feeling dehydrated for the last couple of days. I don’t have a cough or a fever, my temperature is actually three of for degrees below my normal body temperature, I feel cold to myself. I’ve got a good chance of catching it because as part of my job I’m in contact with a lot of people. Then again, maybe it’s psychosomatic but I‘ll possibly call in sick if I still feel like this.
Pretty sure I have it.....I read somewhere that breathing difficulties tend to kick in around day 8/9, and then if they worsen then that's when it gets serious.

I think after 8-9 days you should mostly be on the mend, average total infection time is 11 days apparently. Pretty sure it gets serious before day 9 for people who are vulnerable tho. I believe youre refering to that email which was being circulated but I don't know how much that can be trusted.

Exactly as you describe, I noticed the illness having various peaks, fading and coming back and chest tightness and cough not being constant and consistent. Being achey, run down and generally exhausted was more ongoing, however.

Drink lots of liquids and get lots of rest.
It’s kind of weird that so many posters have had this v similar bug, but it’s not something we’d normally be talking about so much.

I really think it’s something else (there are types of influenzavirus other than the main nasties they vaccinate for) and there’s a bit of wishful thinking in thinking we could maybe now be immune and have dodged a bullet.

Right. Is that because no one usually talks about the bleughr stuff that we all experience throughout the cold season?

It strikes me that a lot of detail is lost because of that "toughing it out, sucking it up" thing.

How much fine detail could be harvested if we all reported everything?
I dunno - If it was me, I would probably just assume you both have it/will get it (that kind of being the point of the 14 days) rather than put loads of energy into completely isolating yourselves from each other within the household because it's hard enough as it is. My son is in his room 95% of the time anyway :D and my daughter a fair, bit but she's as likely to be with me as not and I'm not sure I could/would insist she wasn't.

However, within that, it's still possible to continue with all the usual, sensible precautions - handwashing, using and disposing of tissues, keeping things as clean as possible (erm...that's another of my outstanding jobs :hmm: ) and of course you don't have to be wrapped round each other all the time either!

But also, what would make you more comfortable? Better able to cope with the whole thing?

The NHS stuff is confusing because obvs no one is going to view a cough that started in Dec as NEW but the temperature rise was very recent, however brief and you have some ill-y symptoms, too - and if your grandma is over 70 - or really just anyway, for now - that does seem like a bonkers idea.

It does sound like the lockdown stuff may be ramped up soon anyway (precisely because people aren't getting it) but can you have any sort of a convo with her where you just really emphasise that it's not a time to take any risks, that it's serious and that we do all need to make changes for a time - that it's really and truly about the risks to people beyond ourselves and that we all have to take responsibility for that as far as we can.

It is very difficult cos it's all so different - and a lot of it involves us being far more direct and less polite than we're maybe used to be being, or feeling even more responsible and guilty for our own actions - which is not wrong but can defo add to the anxiety - so it's challenging on all sorts of levels, beyond the huge worries about health and...well, life and death.
It's just way, way out of our experience.

I'm trying to approach this bit of time as a rest, really. Because I'm ill and I'm tired and because everything is so upside down and because for now, two weeks is perfectly doable. There's no ignoring what's going on all around us, everywhere - but at these points that you can't do anything but sit tight and wait, then that's simply just what you need to do. xxxx
Yes it's really difficult. I think if we can't talk to or be in same room as each other it will be impossible and make it even more difficult. At least I can spend time in the garden. Its just the thought of breathing in the pathogens.
I'm sick and I think I've got it. Obviously can't get tested for it.

Reasons I think I've got it...

I don't have the normal flu. That always seems to start with body aches and severe lethargy.

It's not a normal cold because that always seems to start in my nose/throat area.

Whatever I've got at the moment started directly in the chest. Just a cough for the first 24 hours but last night I woke up in a sweat and now the tiredness is creeping in. My lowerl chest feels like it's on fire but I still generally have more energy than the standard flu and I have no sneezes, runny nose or the other usual cold type systems just a horrible, burning, slightly flemmy lower lung/chest.

Day 4 of symptoms and I actaully feel much perkier today. Slight lethargy remains, less of the night sweat last night, chest loosening slightly but the nagging flemy cough feels like it will set in for a while. Obviously everyone is different but this is far from the worse virus I've had. Just hope I don't get what others have claimed as the "second wave"
Pretty sure I have it. It's weird because the symptoms come and go, but reading online that seems consistent with other people's experiences.

Friday - felt achey, tired, run down, but nothing that felt specifically like it was the virus.
Saturday night - suddenly felt totally fine, so thought it was a passing bug
Sunday - feeling run down again, tired achey
Monday - displaying proper symptoms now, tight chest, cough, short of breath
Tuesday - felt better again, so thought I was over it. A lot of the time I've wondered if this really could be it - it's felt very mild.
Wednesday - worst day yet, tight chest, cough returned, even more short of breath

I read somewhere that breathing difficulties tend to kick in around day 8/9, and then if they worsen then that's when it gets serious.

If you are not better or are getting worse after 7-10 days you need to seek advice ASAP. Chances are you are moving onto Pneumonia or some other form of secondary infection (which quite possibly CAN be treated)
I honestly think maybe Ive had it. Could just be another virus though...

Still got a tight chest. Breathing feels more forced, especially at night. Kinda minty lung feeling too like when you smoke menthols and occasional random shooting aches. Had a big anxiety freak out with chest tension when trying to sleep last night... not nice.

Ive had very little fever or temperature generally.
Dry cough thats come and gone.
Exhaustion dizziness and lethargy, slept a lot and not been able to do much.
Banging headache thats come and gone.
Dehydration despite drinking litres of liquids, just been pissing loads.
Lower back/possible kidney aches (being in bed a lot?)
Joint and body aches

Been going on for 8 days now and I think im finally starting to feel better, despite it not being by any means the worst flu/virus ive had.
This is very similar to how I feel except I also have a fever and headache. I was fine yesterday but it's hit me like a tonne of bricks over night. The first sign was my mouth was really dry yesterday and I kept wanting to clear my throat. Then a tightness in my chest that I put down to anxiety about losing my job.
Tossed and turned all night, sweating so much i threw iff the covers and opened my window wide. I'm having shooting pains in my chest now. The odd thing is that even though I woke up choking coughing, I've only coughed a few times since. Weirdest dry cough. My lungs feel tight and like I've eaten a pack of airwaves. My left eye is looking decidedly zombie like and scared my son....a bright red circle on it.

Anyway we're self isolating for 2 weeks just in case. Got friends and family willing to pick us up shopping luckily. Im most sad I won't get to see my eldest. He said he wants to drop off mothers day presents and wave to me through the window.

My phone screen hurting my eyes now
Sorry to hear that Clair De Lune Lune probs best to have a break from screens and rest your eye! Yeah the cough is on and off for lots of peeps it seems and yeah the airwaves description is a good one.

Loads of liquids a good idea. I drank warm water mostly as found that more soothing. Also drank honey lemon and apple cider vinegar blurghh mix at the start which was actually kinda soothing. And peppermint tea hot and cold. Cut out caffeine cos I was so dehydrated.

Make sure you properly rest, it goes it stages and takes days and days tbh. Paracetamol probs good if you have fever.
Sorry to hear that Clair De Lune Lune probs best to have a break from screens and rest your eye! Yeah the cough is on and off for lots of peeps it seems and yeah the airwaves description is a good one.

Loads of liquids a good idea. I drank warm water mostly as found that more soothing. Also drank honey lemon and apple cider vinegar blurghh mix at the start which was actually kinda soothing. And peppermint tea hot and cold. Cut out caffeine cos I was so dehydrated.

Make sure you properly rest, it goes it stages and takes days and days tbh. Paracetamol probs good if you have fever.
Thanks. I think I have those things as it goes. I'm chugging water constantly and didn't fancy coffee anyway.
Some tips here for sick folks or for anyone worried about becoming sick. Some of which will be obvious to some but hopefully of some use to some people

1. Take Vitamin D3 (not just any old vitamin D but D3. I recommend the Vitabiotics one) nornally 1000IU's is enough but if you're sick and or have not been anywhere sunny recently you can buy 2000IU tablets. Vitamin D3 is the single most important supplement you can take. It's not strictly a vitamin, it's a steroid hormone which your immune system depends on to function properly and in this country at this time of year virtually everyone is deficient. This one is very important. Have you noticed that you don't get sick often when you get plently of sunlight or if you do you recover quicker? It's not called the "sunshine vitamin" for nothing.

2. Echinacea. Supports your immune system in a number of ways including increasing white blood cells which are crucial to fight viruses and bacterial infections.

3. Magnesium. Most people are insufficient and it's important for over 300 biological processes in the body. Make sure you getting enough!

4. Turmeric . Seriously look it up. It's a powerful anti-inflammatory and has an endless list of health benefits. Ever wondered why most Indian people don't get as sick as the rest of us? Alot of experts speculate it's because of their diet with Turmeric being the most important spice of all. You can add it to virtually any meal but you should add black pepper to it otherwise the body struggles to absorb it. Also see Garlic for tonnes of immune boosting benefits.

5. Sugars. CUT THEM OUT! All of them except what you find naturally in fruit. If you are drinking sugary nonsense, adding refined sugar to your drinks, eating cakes and biscuits, not only are you are slowly rotting your vital organs away and kicking your immune system while it's already down, the bad bacterias that can cause further illnesses love sugar and feed off this.

6. Speaking of bacteria, get healthy ones in your diet. Eat sauerkraut, healthy fibres, root vegetables, mushrooms, natural yoghurt or take the probitic supplements if it's easier! 80% of your immune system is in your stomach. Feed it well.

7. Cut down on refined carbohydrates and eat more healthy fats. Look up the Keto diet regarding this. There is science behind and loads of people swear by it. If like me, you can't go full keto just cut downs on the carbs and sugars and eat more oily fish.

8. If you must have tea and coffee even though you're sick go for decaf or better still green tea! You get used to the taste after a while and you can add honey and lemon to make it taste better!

9. The most obvious one. Drink lots of fluids. Not too many though as this can cause you to secrete too many vital nutrients.

10. Keep dairy to a minimum or cut them out completely. If you can't cut them out, go for organic.

11. Eat more nuts and seeds.

12. If you are not sick or when get better look up 16/8 intermittent fasting. This triggers Autophagy (Recycling your body's unhealthy cells and replacing them with new healthy ones)

13. Vitamin C - Personally i think if you eat well you get enough and it's importance is overstated. Some swear by it while others say the evidence is flimsy. A good case in point is why don't eskimos who only eat fish and don't get any fruit or veg in thier diet get scurvy? An interesting question!

Remember folks food is medicine!
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Pretty sure I have it. It's weird because the symptoms come and go, but reading online that seems consistent with other people's experiences.

Friday - felt achey, tired, run down, but nothing that felt specifically like it was the virus.
Saturday night - suddenly felt totally fine, so thought it was a passing bug
Sunday - feeling run down again, tired achey
Monday - displaying proper symptoms now, tight chest, cough, short of breath
Tuesday - felt better again, so thought I was over it. A lot of the time I've wondered if this really could be it - it's felt very mild.
Wednesday - worst day yet, tight chest, cough returned, even more short of breath

I read somewhere that breathing difficulties tend to kick in around day 8/9, and then if they worsen then that's when it gets serious.

Better day today...

Friday - felt achey, tired, run down, but nothing that felt specifically like it was the virus.
Saturday night - suddenly felt totally fine, so thought it was a passing bug
Sunday - feeling run down again, tired achey
Monday - displaying proper symptoms now, tight chest, cough, short of breath
Tuesday - felt better again, so thought I was over it. A lot of the time I've wondered if this really could be it - it's felt very mild.
Wednesday - worst day yet, tight chest, cough returned, even more short of breath
Thursday - a little achey, not much of a cough, breathing much better but still feels a little tight

Looking on here - Stay at home advice - Coronavirus (COVID-19) - it says I am to stay at home until 7 days after the symptoms start. That means, in theory, I can go to the shops tomorrow, as there's my seven days up above. It feels a bit soon to go out, though, and a friend has been doing some shops for us, so there's nothing we need urgently. I think I'll leave it for another couple of days, just to be on the safe side. Maybe I'll count the seven days from the Monday...
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I've had a temperature on and off for a while, felt really weird yesterday a couple of times and fell asleep on sofa
Then was really unsteady when I got up, went to bed and a while later my t shirt and sheets were soaked with sweat :/
Also got a couple of spots on face and few on back (possibly heat rash)
Have been coughing but not much
Trying not to be paranoid

Currently on leave from a retail job and stayed in a not great hotel on Monday :/
Clearly have to self isolate in case

Take care all
Think I might have measles ffs! :rolleyes: :(
Better day today...

Friday - felt achey, tired, run down, but nothing that felt specifically like it was the virus.
Saturday night - suddenly felt totally fine, so thought it was a passing bug
Sunday - feeling run down again, tired achey
Monday - displaying proper symptoms now, tight chest, cough, short of breath
Tuesday - felt better again, so thought I was over it. A lot of the time I've wondered if this really could be it - it's felt very mild.
Wednesday - worst day yet, tight chest, cough returned, even more short of breath
Thursday - a little achey, not much of a cough, breathing much better but still feels a little tight

Looking on here - Stay at home advice - Coronavirus (COVID-19) - it says I am to stay at home until 7 days after the symptoms start. That means, in theory, I can go to the shops tomorrow, as there's my seven days up above. It feels a bit soon to go out, though, and a friend has been doing some shops for us, so there's nothing we need urgently. I think I'll leave it for another couple of days, just to be on the safe side. Maybe I'll count the seven days from the Monday...

Glad youre starting to feel better. I think youll find you dont bounce back to 100% that quickly tho so take it easy. I would DEF assume you are still contagious and isolate for another 7 days too, making it 14 days. Thats what NHS 111 told me on the phone.

I think the 7 day advice is to see if you get ill or display any symptoms, not full recovery if you do. Probs best to verge on the side of caution.

I am a lot better but the chest feeling is still there and hasnt gone completely. And im knackered from a day of not doing a lot...
Glad youre starting to feel better. I think youll find you dont bounce back to 100% that quickly tho so take it easy. I would DEF assume you are still contagious and isolate for another 7 days too, making it 14 days. Thats what NHS 111 told me on the phone.

I think the 7 day advice is to see if you get ill or display any symptoms, not full recovery if you do. Probs best to verge on the side of caution.

I am a lot better but the chest feeling is still there and hasnt gone completely. And im knackered from a day of not doing a lot...

Advice is changing day by day. Current advice is as follows:

How long to stay at home
If you have symptoms
If you have symptoms of coronavirus, you'll need to stay at home for 7 days.

After 7 days:

  • if you do not have a high temperature, you do not need to stay at home
  • if you still have a high temperature, stay at home until your temperature returns to normal
You do not need to stay at home if you just have a cough after 7 days. A cough can last for several weeks after the infection has gone.

If you live with someone who has symptoms
If you live with someone who has symptoms, you'll need to stay at home for 14 days from the day their symptoms started. This is because it can take 14 days for symptoms to appear.

If more than 1 person at home has symptoms, stay at home for 14 days from the day the first person started having symptoms.

If you get symptoms, stay at home for 7 days from when your symptoms start, even if it means you're at home for longer than 14 days.

If you do not get symptoms, you can stop staying at home after 14 days.
Come off it. Surely you had MMR? Theyve been giving that for decades.

One can get it despite having been vaccinated. My mother wasn’t 100% sure whether I had been vaccinated as a toddler - I don’t want to make a claim I cannot uphold - but thinks that I had been. I became very ill with the measles when I was 15, going on 16. I also think I have heard of other cases of this happening.
Pretty sure I have it. It's weird because the symptoms come and go, but reading online that seems consistent with other people's experiences.

Friday - felt achey, tired, run down, but nothing that felt specifically like it was the virus.
Saturday night - suddenly felt totally fine, so thought it was a passing bug
Sunday - feeling run down again, tired achey
Monday - displaying proper symptoms now, tight chest, cough, short of breath
Tuesday - felt better again, so thought I was over it. A lot of the time I've wondered if this really could be it - it's felt very mild.
Wednesday - worst day yet, tight chest, cough returned, even more short of breath

I read somewhere that breathing difficulties tend to kick in around day 8/9, and then if they worsen then that's when it gets serious.
Burning in my chest ramped up yesterday: fever, (TMI warning) had to use the pottery, tightness in chest, aching and chills. Fever subsided after a few hours with what I can only describe as euphoria, and a real feeling the virus was on the way out. No idea if it is, but that's how it felt.

Took over twelve hours for tightness to subside, although it did ease up after the fever broke. Tightness is lingering, but greatly reduced, shortness of breath much improved, can breathe deeply with no serious discomfort. No fever, mild pins and needles comes and goes.

As it hasn't taken root in my lungs was able to be somewhat detached during progression of symptoms but if I'd also been down with pneumonia it would've been terrifying. Can definitely see how this could be a danger point, but we should be reassured that data suggests most of us will come through it without needing to be hospitalized, and several people don't seem to progress there at all.
Come off it. Surely you had MMR? Theyve been giving that for decades.
My 30-something neighbour only had one dose, and at 60, I had none - somehow had several polio shots - but the sugar lump I had in '65 isn't even on my record ... the only disease I know I had as a kid was chickenpox ... with moderately unpleasant shingles as a reminder 8 years ago ...
That's definitely on my list for the future... perhaps this thing was the kick up the arse I needed.
Might have been said already, but to those of us feeling that tightness in the chest - could it 'just' be anxiety? Pretty sure it is with me - no temp, but am a bit snotty and have a mild cough (which I've had for ages, since before this all blew up)
gods, for sure. dreadful panic attacks where I lose feeling in my hands, can't breathe or stop shaking. I have no idea whether I am ill, needing more meds or just getting in a flap. Mostly feeling that I have no agency here at all - have been in reluctant lockdown for 3 days because my partner and i both have dodgy health issues, and are getting on a bit. Have run out of milk and bread.
Might have been said already, but to those of us feeling that tightness in the chest - could it 'just' be anxiety? Pretty sure it is with me - no temp, but am a bit snotty and have a mild cough (which I've had for ages, since before this all blew up)

This is pretty much me - have had cough on and off since Monday with no fever or temperature. Bit snotty (normal cold). Bit tired. Have been at home since Tuesday staying in.

Last night felt a lot worse - aching limbs and tightness in chest. Woke up in night thinking I was having panic attack (really rare for me and I’m not prone to anxiety normally).

Still no temperature, not coughing much but this chest tightness is horrible. No rasping when I breathe deeply.

(I’m 48, fit non-smoker)
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The tightness was a bugger, although I get the feeling mine's been a lot less than other "mild" cases.

All fever symptoms gone now, felt strange, moderate pressure on chest earlier but realized my diaphragm was trying to let rip, so I let it, and have been gulping in air ever since, which feels wonderful. Slight burning sensation as I inhale but nothing on recent days.

Barring nasty surprises, think I've run the full course now.

Far from the illest I've been, since the most serious symptoms never appeared, but very strange experience, and unnerving since I was aware throughout how this can go so catastrophically wrong in others. If it was C-19, not something to be messed with.
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