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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
Yeah, I know I've got a cold - lime pickle cleared it right up for half an hour earlier - but it's like tonight now I know I'm in an at risk category it's stopped being a B movie happening elsewhere and is real, and here, and tapping on the windows of my bubble.
Yeah, I know I've got a cold - lime pickle cleared it right up for half an hour earlier - but it's like tonight now I know I'm in an at risk category it's stopped being a B movie happening elsewhere and is real, and here, and tapping in the windows of my bubble.

Yeah, I’m in a high-risk category too due to a dodgy heart, but the age thing is a really big factor. I think we’re both a bit short of 60 going by posts so that’s something.

It does feel a bit “disaster movie” though. I’m just trying to avoid very large gatherings. Working from home is sending me a bit postal after just two days, and I know I’m really privileged just having the choice.
Well my chest feels a bit worse today, so I've called in sick but am now having the confusing 'so are you self-isolating' convo with them - I don't really know! :confused:
111 online tells me to contact my gp asap, today - but the surgery is closed until tom morning - going to try to get a phone consultation with the GP's partner practise, when they open at 12.

I did call 111 and got directed to the coronavirus bit, but no more clarity there really, without going beyond the bit where your symptoms are more severe/you're unable to look after yourself (not the case, obvs) and insisting on speaking to someone, which I don't want to do - I know they're busy.

Also means I'm not sure what to do re Southern water, if they turn up - do NOT want to put anyone else at risk - but then still can't say for certain that that isn't causing our symptoms in the first place unless/until it's fixed. :facepalm:
Also if we should all be self-isolating in POO HOUSE :mad: now, or not.

I am just COMPLETELY confused! :confused:
Just try and self isolate in one room for now and get your family to sort out the water people from a safe distance. Im sure theyll be used to a wide berth by now and wont need their hands held.

Hope the chest tension breathing thing isnt too bad. 111 were really helpful once I got through. I just stayed on hold until I got a nurse. Didnt realise they were redirecting to GPs, I guess theyre swamped. For the sake of your work - sure just tell them youre ill and self isolating and keep it simple no?
I exposed myself yesterday to two buses and a crowded shop and my nose is now leaky - but I know it takes 3 days .. I was particularly careful at work on Monday.
My thermometer still says I'm hypothermic - though it's now 36.3 instead of 35.5 ... neck glands up a bit, slight headache

But I've had symptoms on and off for months now - was off for a week two weeks ago with something moderately convincing as light flu - as have been several colleagues ...

It would suit me to get a light dose of it now so it's over and done with.
I may have it, but if so, a genuinely mild case.

Symptoms were sudden onset of fever, that familiar feeling of a virus setting up shop in my throat, then burning in the chest and repeated pain in the lungs, like it was trying to break its way in, got repulsed, then regrouped for another attack. Joint pain thrown into the mix made me especially suspicious. Never got much of the infamous cough, but reading accounts of other mild cases, this isn't invariable, and was a watery feeling in the lungs one morning.

On the mend from whatever it was, but can honestly say it's the strangest bug I've ever had the dubious pleasure of hosting, as symptoms come and go in waves, sometimes hours apart. If it is Covid-19, I was extremely lucky, and will take a test when they're finally available. Just hope I got some useful antibodies for my trouble.
Is it me or is it a bit odd to like a post when someone says they are feeling really ill and it might be a quite serious virus? U75's dark side.

Get the feeling an appropriate function may be spun into the forum code when this pandemic's consigned to the history books!
I'm actually starting to feel moderately crap - I would probably have signed off sick if I wasn't at work .. so I think I'd better stay away from my neighbours ...
I hope I wasn't "typhoid Mary" at work.
A colleague returned from Spain on Monday :hmm: - though i think he'd been back a few days.
Just try and self isolate in one room for now and get your family to sort out the water people from a safe distance. Im sure theyll be used to a wide berth by now and wont need their hands held.

Hope the chest tension breathing thing isnt too bad. 111 were really helpful once I got through. I just stayed on hold until I got a nurse. Didnt realise they were redirecting to GPs, I guess theyre swamped. For the sake of your work - sure just tell them youre ill and self isolating and keep it simple no?

Thank you for this! :)

My son is wfh, so is a bit tied up (IT tech stuff, has been on the phone fairly constantly afaict and is very concerned about wfh correctly, I think! :D ) but it's also fairly complicated to explain to them what's happened anyway. Daughter is 14 and will undoubtedly have another killer headache by this arvo. :(

I am really not struggling to breathe, at all and my chest isn't painful, either, just very tight - which is constant - and am aware that there is extra effort to take deep breaths, if that makes sense.

Tbc, it was the standard online 111 thingy that routed me to contacting my GP. I did then call but gave up when I got to the point that they said there was no need to speak to them if you were coping with it ok, etc - just felt a bit guilty continuing when I can imagine how busy the service must be but you've given me the confidence to stop being so ridiculous on that front, given that it is complicated by the sewage issue and whether or not I should actually let them in, plus whether we should all be self-isolating etc.

We are all in our rooms, with windows open and doors closed just because of the bloody smell/fumes anyway, so are as isolated from each other as it's possible to me, for most of the time.

I'm least worried about work, tbf - I have told them all I can tell them for now and will update them if/when I know any different myself.

One of my colleagues came in yesterday but just to clarify with my manager what her own thoughts were on the new advice, given that her (colleague's) husband has had very covid like symptoms for over a week, she has another two people in her household with new coughs (they host foreign students, so there are lots of comings and goings and the household is generally around 9, although she's had 3 French students making a last ditch run for home now) and her daughter is in a high risk category - and my manager said 'Well, it's only advice, so I think you'd be fine' :rolleyes: :mad:
She was eventually sent home to self-isolate for 14 days, 5 hours later, after we sent various rumblings around the place and of course there are now loads of teaching staff off and lots of kids (either off or just being taken out), so I hope they'd appreciate that I'm being sensible, along with feeling a bit iller than I'd normally be comfortable working with anyway - the long story, short :oops: being really that I think they'd be hard pressed to be arseholes about it right now.

Anyway, thanks again - I am going to call back :thumbs: and then make a decision about Southern. It's worth me calling them and asking that they at least try and access the two completely different houses they need to, to look at the drains there anyway, even if they can't come in - but I would like them to be able to make their own decisions based on better advice than I give myself as to whether they choose to come in or not, iykwim.

ETA - Called and she just followed the bog standard no temp and/or temp = no coronavirus rule and says no prob at all with letting them in etc - and just to try and speak to the GP specifically about the kids headaches, re the sewage issue (just have everything crossed now that they can sort that quickly).
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I've had a temperature on and off for a while, felt really weird yesterday a couple of times and fell asleep on sofa
Then was really unsteady when I got up, went to bed and a while later my t shirt and sheets were soaked with sweat :/
Also got a couple of spots on face and few on back (possibly heat rash)
Have been coughing but not much
Trying not to be paranoid

Currently on leave from a retail job and stayed in a not great hotel on Monday :/
Clearly have to self isolate in case

Take care all
Might have been said already, but to those of us feeling that tightness in the chest - could it 'just' be anxiety? Pretty sure it is with me - no temp, but am a bit snotty and have a mild cough (which I've had for ages, since before this all blew up)
Well I've declared self isolation to work. I've had that swollen glands feeling for the last week or so but dismissed it. And scratchy sinuses but today I'm flushed, hands are cold which only happens when I'm ill, and I'm wheezy and don't have asthma. Bugger knows if it is but I'm in the medical field-ish so contamination is a big risk. I also slept shit loads last night.

I don't have a thermometer so can't check my temp properly so on balance it seemed wise 🤷‍♀️
Might have been said already, but to those of us feeling that tightness in the chest - could it 'just' be anxiety? Pretty sure it is with me - no temp, but am a bit snotty and have a mild cough (which I've had for ages, since before this all blew up)

I just assumed it was anxiety initially but it def isnt. It's a different feeling. And noticable when you take deep breaths.

Bit unlikely everyone is getting such similar symptoms combined with chest tightness/discomfort and breathing deeply being more of a challenge as just coincidenal anxiety symptoms. Any sign of fever and temperature dry cough or general unwell feelings I reckon it's time to self isolate. If this illness is Covid19 then obvs it's impossible for 111 etc to mass diagnose people, and people are responding in very different ways. The issue is obvs you may be highly infectious.

Sheo def get your family to sort out all the water shit, theyre just going to have to step up and work it out irrespective of their circumstances. Write them texts or send them audio messages if theyre struggling. You def shouldnt be letting them in and talking to them if unwell right now. Think about yourself and resting up as a priority.
I just assumed it was anxiety initially but it def isnt. It's a different feeling. And noticable when you take deep breaths.

Bit unlikely everyone is getting such similar symptoms combined with chest tightness/discomfort and breathing deeply being more of a challenge as just coincidenal anxiety symptoms. Any sign of fever and temperature dry cough or general unwell feelings I reckon it's time to self isolate. If this illness is Covid19 then obvs it's impossible for 111 etc to mass diagnose people, and people are responding in very different ways. The issue is obvs you may be highly infectious.
I've had the wheezy bit for a little while and I thought it might be a touch of anxiety. It feels like I've already done a festival this year and smoked a ton over the weekend or when it's really cold and you can feel that frosty rattle. It's bloody dangerous for autists and others with altered senses of sensation. I've got a high pain threshold and generally need to be pouring with sweat or asleep on my feet before I'll even realise I'm actually THAT ill. Given that I'm aware how risky this is to others I've really had to think about how sick I might be. Weird feeling.
Might have been said already, but to those of us feeling that tightness in the chest - could it 'just' be anxiety? Pretty sure it is with me - no temp, but am a bit snotty and have a mild cough (which I've had for ages, since before this all blew up)
Something on my chest but isn't that tight; minor discomfort really. I monitor lung function with a blood pulse oximeter. Have never smoked.
It would be really helpful to speak to someone who recovered from it. How do you deal with the self isolation stuff? It's me and my mum in the house. I have a really weird sore throat that feels like it's burning, no urge to cough or anything tho in fact I tried to, to see what happened, and I couldn't!
I've had the wheezy bit for a little while and I thought it might be a touch of anxiety. It feels like I've already done a festival this year and smoked a ton over the weekend or when it's really cold and you can feel that frosty rattle. Given that I'm aware how risky this is to others I've really had to think about how sick I might be. Weird feeling.

Yes mine started off as a 'too many fags? :hmm: :confused: ' feeling (the chest and the mild sore throat) but is defo not and I'm not feeling anxious outside of passing anything on.
Water man has been and gone - had a croaky, hoarse throat himself, which he apologised for and I said I was also feeling a bit ill but with no temp or cough - we just stood at a sensible distance for the duration. He said it would defo NOT be sewage, where it was, so looks like I'm back to initial diagnosis of decaying rodents which would at least stop smelling at some point :rolleyes: and means that at least we are NOT being poisoned by any obvious toxic fumes/gas - so hooray for that! :D

Will sit it out for now and stay upstairs as far as possible now.
My school has actually, finally shut today anyway (it obvs all quickly spiralled out of control with me off :thumbs: ), so we can essentially hole up without thinking much more about it, which is a relief - no more decisions on that front, just get on with being mildly ill.

Not sure what to do about my daughter's headaches - may just be an age thing (I got lots of headaches/migraines at her age) but I'll call my gp tomorrow and if I can get to speak to him and see if he can suggest anything.
She's had regular eye tests but we're due one although that's going to have to wait a bit now.

I'm getting a bit worried about paracetamol though - she's going through them and there are none anywhere local to us but I'll worry about that when I have to. I am avoiding taking them myself for now to eke them out as far as poss!
I've been reluctant to let her have any ibuprofen just in case :hmm: but she's had to take some a couple of times when nothing else has shifted it.
She did get a headache today but I'm hoping that not then having to sit through classes will make a difference to how intense they get and how quickly they lift - now that I'm not worrying about the smell (apart from the smell :mad: ) I can completely relax about her being here, where it's obvs much more peaceful.

My son is being very rigid about his day. I asked if he could nip to the coop to see if they had eggs and he said I can but not until 1pm, when I'm on lunch (and that I had to have the list ready so that he didn't waste any of his lunch time). :D

Tbf, they are working as a team, so have agreed lunch hours etc so that it's all covered properly (and he's not gone without worrying about the long term implications of all of this on his job :( )…so it's not as ridiculous as it sounds but it's still making me LOL. He actually said 'Sorry, that's just the way it is' :D
I said 'Oh shut up, you wanker :rolleyes: :D' and the girl and I had avocado on toast instead, while he opted to buy a sarnie from the coop because he's at work :confused: :thumbs:

He did go and get the shopping during his lunch break though - and has brought teas up etc, along with providing some light entertainment (it's really only comical cos it's one of those rare opportunities you get to view your child in roles you don't normally see them in - and tbf I'm just mega impressed that he did actually get up in time and is actually doing the work - I had imagined a looser arrangement of sitting in pants, playing computer games, but he is actually providing IT support. :eek: :D ).

Hope everyone else is doing ok - whatever we do or don't have, it's really not unmanageable (my daughter's headaches aside :( ) but yes, am happier not to have to even interact with work for daily updates, for now.
It would be really helpful to speak to someone who recovered from it. How do you deal with the self isolation stuff? It's me and my mum in the house. I have a really weird sore throat that feels like it's burning, no urge to cough or anything tho in fact I tried to, to see what happened, and I couldn't!

I have a list of jobs I was saving up (for if/when the schools shut :oops: ) - mainly waxing some furniture (DEFO not a job for a dodgy chest) and picking bits of glass and burnt building out of all my plants in the garden (a job that I've repeatedly had to put on hold for months, when other jobs kept piling up) and weeding/pruning/tidying them all... and we have some playing cards and 'Cards Against Humanity' (as requested by my daughter) on order, plus I ordered some racks to replace the ones I lost to go with the Mah Jong set I have, which I'd really like to teach the kids (if I can remember myself - but Google will help). My daughter has been wanting to make a pineapple upside down cake, so that, too.

Erm but none of that involved me being ill :D so for today at least I'm mostly lying in bed doing fuck all :thumbs:

The practical stuff is odd, too, eh - I have a Tesco delivery due on Friday which I better now mark as needing to be left outside.

What will you find especially difficult, froggy? x
I have a list of jobs I was saving up (for if/when the schools shut :oops: ) - mainly waxing some furniture (DEFO not a job for a dodgy chest) and picking bits of glass and burnt building out of all my plants in the garden (a job that I've repeatedly had to put on hold for months, when other jobs kept piling up) and weeding/pruning/tidying them all... and we have some playing cards and 'Cards Against Humanity' (as requested by my daughter) on order, plus I ordered some racks to replace the ones I lost to go with the Mah Jong set I have, which I'd really like to teach the kids (if I can remember myself - but Google will help). My daughter has been wanting to make a pineapple upside down cake, so that, too.

Erm but none of that involved me being ill :D so for today at least I'm mostly lying in bed doing fuck all :thumbs:

The practical stuff is odd, too, eh - I have a Tesco delivery due on Friday which I better now mark as needing to be left outside.

What will you find especially difficult, froggy? x

Like am I still allowed to sit in the room with my mum and watch tv? How bad does it have to be,? I was a bit sniffly just now and coughed a few times so do I need to start now,
Like am I still allowed to sit in the room with my mum and watch tv? How bad does it have to be,? I was a bit sniffly just now and coughed a few times so do I need to start now,

Ah, I see what you mean. So she has no symptoms of illness? Any underlying conditions?
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