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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
The testing policy is pathetic

There are some good clinical and pragmatic arguments for not testing everyone who has any symptoms though. If a positive test takes resources and time (and maybe there are limited tests available) and then for most people there's no treatment anyway, why bother? Just tell them to isolate until things improve or deteriorate. That's one reason why they're being (or might be) restricted to those with more severe symptoms when they get to hospital when there the treatment might depend on the test results.

There's also an argument made that testing people can cause complacency, as in, oh I'm negative and safe, and then they slacken their behaviour. It's entirely possible to contract it between getting your test done and then getting the results, which they then get as negative and wander about spreading it.

I'm not taking a position on this either way as I don't know really, but there are good clinical arguments that might not be obvious to non-medical types.
This is a thread for people who actually have had the virus, or think pretty strongly that they have / had it, did you get a test? Did you self isolate? Go to hospital? Have you recovered? Did you have a mild case but recognised it? Or did you have a more serious case and have more trouble with it?
Given that I am not sure how much potential hysteria might yet come up around this issue, I for one am not planning on publicly declaring my status, either way, anywhere.
Given that I am not sure how much potential hysteria might yet come up around this issue, I for one am not planning on publicly declaring my status, either way, anywhere.
That is fine, the poll is private though. It just seems likely to me that some people on U75 will have it at some point and this is intended to be a thread where they can tell us how it affected them.
That is fine, the poll is private though. It just seems likely to me that some people on U75 will have it at some point and this is intended to be a thread where they can tell us how it affected them.
I'll be sure to revisit the poll and vote should I find myself with an unequivocal status ;)
I had what seemed to be swine flu 10 years ago, and the main thing about it was the very quickly very high temperature. Went up to 105 over the space of a day. I was fairly delirious by then and incapable of much, though did know enough to get the Dr to send me Tamiflu. Was Ill for only a week though.

The high temperature and a headache seem to be defining symptoms of c19 in early stages of infection (first 3 days). Other symptoms do seem to carry on for weeks.

The one that originated in Mexico ? Yeah, I had that. A sudden onset very high fever and a critical week of hard core illness with a three week recovery. The first time I went outdoors to get supplies I felt like Bambi, so wobbly on my legs. It was only with hindsight that I took on that it was most likely the Mexican swine flu.

I guess it will be the same with this, looking back and realising “Oh, I guess I had it”. Unless we get the full-on immune response and get seriously ill with it.
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There are some good clinical and pragmatic arguments for not testing everyone who has any symptoms though. If a positive test takes resources and time (and maybe there are limited tests available) and then for most people there's no treatment anyway, why bother? Just tell them to isolate until things improve or deteriorate. That's one reason why they're being (or might be) restricted to those with more severe symptoms when they get to hospital when there the treatment might depend on the test results.

There's also an argument made that testing people can cause complacency, as in, oh I'm negative and safe, and then they slacken their behaviour. It's entirely possible to contract it between getting your test done and then getting the results, which they then get as negative and wander about spreading it.

I'm not taking a position on this either way as I don't know really, but there are good clinical arguments that might not be obvious to non-medical types.

Also false positives and negatives, rogue results, failed tests etc.

Added to which these odd reports that some few are testing +ve, recovering, testing -ve, then apparently “catching” it again. Is that bad testing, bad tests, no immunity, poor reporting, rumour and scaremongering, idiosyncratic anomaly? No way to know for sure, but it means that the tests aren’t 100% trustworthy and in a pandemic, any anomoly can lead to exponential outcomes,
If this is it, it's a bit boring.

Though, then I am suddenly reminded of these (supposedly) last words. :p

We’re barely at basecamp yet.

Ten weeks on eaither side of “early summer” is predicted predicted as the peak for us. Vague but gives us some notion of what’s up the road.
The one that originated in Mexico ? Yeah, I had that. A sudden onset very high fever and a critical week of hard core illness with a three week recovery. The first tim I went outdoors to get supplies I felt like Bambi, so wobbly on my legs. It was only with hindsight that I took on thatvit was most likely the Mexican swine flu.

I guess it will be the same with this, looking back and realising “Oh, I guess I had it”. Unless we get the full-on immune response and get seriously ill with it.

I caught it from a pupil at a school that I was working with doing support during lessons. They went off sick the previous week, I have my suspicions that my manager knew about it and was just waiting for anyone to show signs of infection. They sent me home sharpish. The pupil was tested positive, I didn't get tested and I isolated myself from family. Was the worst flu I've ever had by far.
I caught it from a pupil at a school that I was working with doing support during lessons. They went off sick the previous week, I have my suspicions that my manager knew about it and was just waiting for anyone to show signs of infection. They sent me home sharpish. The pupil was tested positive, I didn't get tested and I isolated myself from family. Was the worst flu I've ever had by far.

Me too. I’ve had full-on flu 4 times in my life, that was the worst for sure.

I caught it from a client whose child was in a school that had it . She told me, but only when I had to cancel a meeting the following week because I was poorly.

We all need to be really diligent and responsible about infomring each other about this currents virus. The British stiff upper lip thing will be the bloody death of us if we’re not careful.
But even then it wouldn’t be entirely accurate. You would either need an “I am about to die, and my last action before finding the answer to the ultimate question of the abyss is to post on Urban” option”

Unless you set up a kind of dead man switch. Holding your finger above the voting button so that as you draw your terminal breath the lifeless, yet still warm and capacitive finger of your corpse hits the button. ...
Contact your next of kin, to keep them unaware of conection to u75, create a ghost account which is an anagram of your user name here with the date of your joining of your persa grata.
They a coded message for your vote option
:( think I had it for whole of january and fever for 48-72 hrs in the begining of feb.

Rested, drank fluids took care not to mix too much.. still had to work thou, as many wore mask alchol hand rub etc.

Feel gulity now I should have went straight to get tested.
Rude, blunt, harsh, whatever...

People need to look at the official advice and follow that. There's a whole load of people self isolating, calling 111 or 999 (...)

It's is hardly surprising that people distrust the official advice when it inspires so little confidence:

A few days ago 111 was giving out advice that was inconsistent with the Department of Health guidelines.

While everywhere else goes into lock down, Britain tells the over seventies to cancel their cruises and the rest of us to wash our hands.

WHO officials, former NHS heads of public health and various epidemiologists regularly question a strategy based entirely on building heard immunity to a virus that may well mutate too quickly for this to work.

And one day ministers claim that the goal is to avoid it running into this winter and the next a report leaks that they expect it to continue until spring 2021.

Meanwhile their mates in the Telegraph and Spectator spout eugenicists bullshit that is only marginally more ideologically driven than the official science of behavioural economics that drives the policy, while the private health sector makes a killing on renting beds to the NHS.
:( think I had it for whole of january and fever for 48-72 hrs in the begining of feb.

Rested, drank fluids took care not to mix too much.. still had to work thou, as many wore mask alchol hand rub etc.

Feel gulity now I should have went straight to get tested.

Don't feel guilty. They wouldn't have tested you anyway. Not even sure there were tests avaliable in January. If anything you did the right thing staying away from medical places.
It's is hardly surprising that people distrust the official advice when it inspires so little confidence:

A few days ago 111 was giving out advice that was inconsistent with the Department of Health guidelines.

While everywhere else goes into lock down, Britain tells the over seventies to cancel their cruises and the rest of us to wash our hands.

WHO officials, former NHS heads of public health and various epidemiologists regularly question a strategy based entirely on building heard immunity to a virus that may well mutate too quickly for this to work.

And one day ministers claim that the goal is to avoid it running into this winter and the next a report leaks that they expect it to continue until spring 2021.

Meanwhile their mates in the Telegraph and Spectator spout eugenicists bullshit that is only marginally more ideologically driven than the official science of behavioural economics that drives the policy, while the private health sector makes a killing on renting beds to the NHS.
Easy to be the critic
Felt rough for some of the week but had a bad chest come on yesterday. Partner is also the same. She's coughing a bit but I'm not really. I never get a bad chest either. Both been feeling slightly light headed all week as well.

Getting slight hot and cold chills too.

Aching joints and no energy in my legs but not sure if it's Covid. Just hoping it doesn't get any worse, could just be normal cold/flu, but had that about a month ago.
I started feeling the same yesterday and went o bed at 4pm, was awake most of the night nd after a couple of hr sleep woke up this morning with sore throat, crippling headache and a cough. I rang work and told them i wouldn't be in for the week. It may just be a case of normal flu, but thought it best not to take the chance.
The pain in my joints is the worst bit, even my knuckles ache!
I started feeling the same yesterday and went o bed at 4pm, was awake most of the night nd after a couple of hr sleep woke up this morning with sore throat, crippling headache and a cough. I rang work and told them i wouldn't be in for the week. It may just be a case of normal flu, but thought it best not to take the chance.
The pain in my joints is the worst bit, even my knuckles ache!
Hows your breathing, are you getting out of breath?
Well I was sick as a dog feeling drained and coughing for nearly two weeks.

I thought it was my drinking and smoking habits catching up with me. Then I was off work over a weekend hot up on Monday and I was fine, back on form. Definitely not flu.
I have a colleague who is at home because he is in a genuine transmission chain with confirmed cases that came back from Italy three weeks ago and has been unwell. The NHS sent someone to his house over the weekend but didn't take swabs. He's still working through Zoom though and doesn't seem that bad.
I started feeling the same yesterday and went o bed at 4pm, was awake most of the night nd after a couple of hr sleep woke up this morning with sore throat, crippling headache and a cough. I rang work and told them i wouldn't be in for the week. It may just be a case of normal flu, but thought it best not to take the chance.
The pain in my joints is the worst bit, even my knuckles ache!

Hope you're feeling better soon. Thought I was feeling better yesterday so got up to go to work, got to the building and thought better of going in our stuffy office, just in case. Awful headache and no energy in my legs and a bit of a wheezy chest with an occasional cough. Laid back in bed now. Don't feel the worst ever, but definitely not a 'normal' case of a cold/flu that I've experienced.
Hope you're feeling better soon. Thought I was feeling better yesterday so got up to go to work, got to the building and thought better of going in our stuffy office, just in case. Awful headache and no energy in my legs and a bit of a wheezy chest with an occasional cough. Laid back in bed now. Don't feel the worst ever, but definitely not a 'normal' case of a cold/flu that I've experienced.
So do you think you had/have IT?

Its the complete lack of strength in the joints which is a bit different to normal. The back of my knees, inside of my elbows and my knuckles are all aching, and just walking up stairs or talking on phone is making me short of breath.
Work rang up, im a freelancer, so they could calculate when symptoms start and when i might be available again and they asked me how i got it (if i've got IT that is). i didnt have a clue, but just realised i taught a group on Thursday and one of them had just come back from South Korea, so that's a possibility.

ETA: Rosemary Jest just reread your first post about the light headedness,thats exactly what im feeling. I was trying to describe it to someone earlier and the nearest i could describe it to is when you've had a spliff and altho you are aware of everything you aren't quite right!
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