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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
I honestly think maybe Ive had it. Could just be another virus though...

Still got a tight chest. Breathing feels more forced, especially at night. Kinda minty lung feeling too like when you smoke menthols and occasional random shooting aches. Had a big anxiety freak out with chest tension when trying to sleep last night... not nice.

Ive had very little fever or temperature generally.
Dry cough thats come and gone.
Exhaustion dizziness and lethargy, slept a lot and not been able to do much.
Banging headache thats come and gone.
Dehydration despite drinking litres of liquids, just been pissing loads.
Lower back/possible kidney aches (being in bed a lot?)
Joint and body aches

Been going on for 8 days now and I think im finally starting to feel better, despite it not being by any means the worst flu/virus ive had.
So do you think you had/have IT?

Its the complete lack of strength in the joints which is a bit different to normal. The back of my knees, inside of my elbows and my knuckles are all aching, and just walking up stairs or talking on phone is making me short of breath.
Work rang up, im a freelancer, so they could calculate when symptoms start and when i might be available again and they asked me how i got it (if i've got IT that is). i didnt have a clue, but just realised i taught a group on Thursday and one of them had just come back from South Korea, so that's a possibility.

ETA: Rosemary Jest just reread your first post about the light headedness,thats exactly what im feeling. I was trying to describe it to someone earlier and the nearest i could describe it to is when you've had a spliff and altho you are aware of everything you aren't quite right!

Very possible, but I wouldn't like to say for definite and that's part of the problem, how do you know unless it's worst case scenario and you get tested? It's a bummer.

Hope you're feeling better soon, get plenty of rest and food/drink.
I honestly think maybe Ive had it. Could just be another virus though...

Still got a tight chest. Breathing feels more forced, especially at night. Kinda minty lung feeling too like when you smoke menthols and occasional random shooting aches. Had a big anxiety freak out with chest tension when trying to sleep last night... not nice.

Ive had very little fever or temperature generally.
Dry cough thats come and gone.
Exhaustion dizziness and lethargy, slept a lot and not been able to do much.
Banging headache thats come and gone.
Dehydration despite drinking litres of liquids, just been pissing loads.
Lower back/possible kidney aches (being in bed a lot?)
Joint and body aches

Been going on for 8 days now and I think im finally starting to feel better, despite it not being by any means the worst flu/virus ive had.

Those symptoms are exactly what I've been feeling today. Get well soon!
All objective and subjective variables strongly suggest viral load has plummeted. Taken sub 4 days. I might try and see what test colleagues can offer me next week to post-diagnose, assuming there is sufficient spare capacity.
I honestly think maybe Ive had it. Could just be another virus though...

Still got a tight chest. Breathing feels more forced, especially at night. Kinda minty lung feeling too like when you smoke menthols and occasional random shooting aches. Had a big anxiety freak out with chest tension when trying to sleep last night... not nice.

Ive had very little fever or temperature generally.
Dry cough thats come and gone.
Exhaustion dizziness and lethargy, slept a lot and not been able to do much.
Banging headache thats come and gone.
Dehydration despite drinking litres of liquids, just been pissing loads.
Lower back/possible kidney aches (being in bed a lot?)
Joint and body aches

Been going on for 8 days now and I think im finally starting to feel better, despite it not being by any means the worst flu/virus ive had.

This sounds like what I've had
Ive had very little fever or temperature generally.
Dry cough thats come and gone.
Exhaustion dizziness and lethargy, slept a lot and not been able to do much.
Banging headache thats come and gone.
Dehydration despite drinking litres of liquids, just been pissing loads.
Lower back/possible kidney aches (being in bed a lot?)
Joint and body aches
Similar but 4 days. Really quite tame for me but I'm at the lower edge of the main killing zone and fairly fit.
I honestly think maybe Ive had it. Could just be another virus though...

Still got a tight chest. Breathing feels more forced, especially at night. Kinda minty lung feeling too like when you smoke menthols and occasional random shooting aches. Had a big anxiety freak out with chest tension when trying to sleep last night... not nice.

Ive had very little fever or temperature generally.
Dry cough thats come and gone.
Exhaustion dizziness and lethargy, slept a lot and not been able to do much.
Banging headache thats come and gone.
Dehydration despite drinking litres of liquids, just been pissing loads.
Lower back/possible kidney aches (being in bed a lot?)
Joint and body aches

Been going on for 8 days now and I think im finally starting to feel better, despite it not being by any means the worst flu/virus ive had.
That sounds very similar to what I’ve had/got. Temperature on and off for 4 days and I haven’t had aches except lower back ache which I’ve put down to a weekend lounging around at home.
Like you, this is far from the worst thing I’ve had and wouldn’t be home if it wasn’t for the restrictions last week.
Fuck knows if this is it, I sort of hope it is but we probably won’t know unless we get this retrospective testing they’ve talked about.
I honestly think maybe Ive had it. Could just be another virus though...

Still got a tight chest. Breathing feels more forced, especially at night. Kinda minty lung feeling too like when you smoke menthols and occasional random shooting aches. Had a big anxiety freak out with chest tension when trying to sleep last night... not nice.

Ive had very little fever or temperature generally.
Dry cough thats come and gone.
Exhaustion dizziness and lethargy, slept a lot and not been able to do much.
Banging headache thats come and gone.
Dehydration despite drinking litres of liquids, just been pissing loads.
Lower back/possible kidney aches (being in bed a lot?)
Joint and body aches

Been going on for 8 days now and I think im finally starting to feel better, despite it not being by any means the worst flu/virus ive had.

you have just described a day in the life of someone with M.E

not the worse day either
So do you think you had/have IT?

Its the complete lack of strength in the joints which is a bit different to normal. The back of my knees, inside of my elbows and my knuckles are all aching, and just walking up stairs or talking on phone is making me short of breath.
Work rang up, im a freelancer, so they could calculate when symptoms start and when i might be available again and they asked me how i got it (if i've got IT that is). i didnt have a clue, but just realised i taught a group on Thursday and one of them had just come back from South Korea, so that's a possibility.

ETA: Rosemary Jest just reread your first post about the light headedness,thats exactly what im feeling. I was trying to describe it to someone earlier and the nearest i could describe it to is when you've had a spliff and altho you are aware of everything you aren't quite right!

Yeah a lot of this sounds like classic fever stuff, the aching joints and the slightly-stoned wrongness.

My throat feels a bit rubbish but that's possibly more to do with the fact my job involves a lot of shouting and, last week, shouting extra loud in 40mph winds all day every day. If I can make it past Sunday I'll be more than happy to get sick then, as everything will be closed and cancelled and there'll be no point being well anyway.
I honestly think maybe Ive had it. Could just be another virus though...

Still got a tight chest. Breathing feels more forced, especially at night. Kinda minty lung feeling too like when you smoke menthols and occasional random shooting aches. Had a big anxiety freak out with chest tension when trying to sleep last night... not nice.

Ive had very little fever or temperature generally.
Dry cough thats come and gone.
Exhaustion dizziness and lethargy, slept a lot and not been able to do much.
Banging headache thats come and gone.
Dehydration despite drinking litres of liquids, just been pissing loads.
Lower back/possible kidney aches (being in bed a lot?)
Joint and body aches

Been going on for 8 days now and I think im finally starting to feel better, despite it not being by any means the worst flu/virus ive had.

Sounds very like the flu I had a couple of weeks back.
I think mine was weakened by the vaccine - was properly laid up but not for the usual week or so.

If the exhaustion was worse than the cough, I'd bet flu and not the Dreaded Lurgee.
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Easy to be the critic
My missus is off to start her shift in half an hour and I'll have to look after her when she comes down with it.
I'm not trying to have a dig at people who work for the NHS. But the rest of us should be entitled to question how this is being handled by the government.
The curious thing is, I don't know anyone who knows anyone who has had, or may have, or may have had: COVID-19...

I'm late 30s and in generally good health if that helps. Rarely suffer with a cough/chest problems even when I get a cold/flu.
as i posted on the other thread, this is normal for many with M.E, etc, but with people revealing the range of bugs, chill,s low grade fevers, they are having, it indicates someting of the real true levels in the community, something i know the medical profession plays down or dismisses, I think the increase over the years is down to people being forced into work while ill or having a macho attitude wanting to go in, climate change, no real winter this year, etc.
30, healthy and fit, get ill regularly but also recover pretty easily. Ive never been laid up for 7-8 days before... possibly cos I get bored of being ill and get back to normal, where as this time I havent. But honestly Ive not had the energy to do anything productive or worky or any studying for the whole week. Tried fixing a laptop one day and that exhausted me and had to go back to bed.

Feck knows, if it was a normal virus well im glad its fading. If its Corona Im bloomin glad I decided to isolate, been quite a long week. I think the lower back pain is kidney aches btw as its basically gone today. Would this make sense medically-minded people?

From this thread with similar simptoms it seems a fair conclusion that people may have had Corona even without a terrible cough constantly or high temperature and sweats like flu.
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Me too. I’ve had full-on flu 4 times in my life, that was the worst for sure.

I caught it from a client whose child was in a school that had it . She told me, but only when I had to cancel a meeting the following week because I was poorly.

We all need to be really diligent and responsible about infomring each other about this currents [virus. The British stiff upper lip thing will be the bloody death of us if we’re not careful.
my bosses boss was off toward the end of last week [he is never off - he had a melanoma removed from his arm and was back in in the afternoon] with a temperature and cough. Apparently he was back in the building [at least not leaving his office] coughing and looking awful. WTF?!
I decided I was working at home this week and rang up the team yesterday and let them know I would back them if they decided to teach from home. Some still went in but we're all online from tomorrow
Still, another colleague [who has had a fever and cough] was still feeling like we should run the research conference ttomorrow. NO!
But I blame ourVC for not giving out clearer messages. Straight from the Johnson playbook - 'we're starting to move online from Wednesday' is not the clear message the students and lecturers need.
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All objective and subjective variables strongly suggest viral load has plummeted. Taken sub 4 days. I might try and see what test colleagues can offer me next week to post-diagnose, assuming there is sufficient spare capacity.
Does that mean, if it is it, that you think you're becoming less infections because you're feeling better? Is that necessarily how it works ? Just unclear on this and would like to understand.
Does that mean, if it is it, that you think you're becoming less infections because you're feeling better? Is that necessarily how it works ? Just unclear on this and would like to understand.
All that means is that symptoms had subsided and likely viral load had dropped. But it has increased again since then to some degree. SpO2 is good so I'm not too bothered right now.
Developed a fever during the night, the day after ordering a thermometer online! And it won't arrive for three weeks.:facepalm: Not coughing much, aching like hell, not quite as ill as I was with flu 20 years ago. I'm not entirely sure what I have though.
Feck knows, if it was a normal virus well im glad its fading. If its Corona Im bloomin glad I decided to isolate, been quite a long week. I think the lower back pain is kidney aches btw as its basically gone today. Would this make sense medically-minded people?

Did you have the serious coughing or was it mainly the aches and lower back pain (and other joint pain) and headache and total lack of energy?

A lot of people on here reporting something v. like that. I had it a couple of weeks back and figured bog standard seasonal flu. Took about a fortnight before energy levels recovered.

Sure I would have infected work colleagues if it was the Big Bad One but everyone around me in the office has been fine. I also assumed the lack of uncontrollable coughing/breathing trouble meant it was likely something else. Though I did wake up through coughing a couple of times.
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Does that mean, if it is it, that you think you're becoming less infections because you're feeling better? Is that necessarily how it works ? Just unclear on this and would like to understand.

Currently unclear with Covid19 but apparently there is some evidence people can remain contagious for up to 2 weeks afterwards. Im presuming this is increasingly unlikely once one is "better" and not showing any more symptoms.

Im going to phone 111 and ask for advice as not sure what to do now adter 8 days. Finally on the mend, just trying not to go crazy at home.

8ball no I didnt have heavy coughing just on and off. Mainly the other factors like you say. And I felt like the illness came in various peaks, got bit better then worsened again. I have no idea if we have all just had a similar seasonal flu but the chest and breathing tension stuff for me is totally new, never had anything like it and it's been noticable from day 1, when I just assumed it was anxiety and still got it now a bit.
About a month ago - certainly prior to the full-on scare - a student of mine came in looking very peaky indeed. She said she thought it was a cold, but was keen to stay for class, though I made it clear that if she wanted to leave early, that was fine. She did, in the end.

We were discussing this whole "coronavirus" thing yesterday, and the student described her symptoms, which included some quite severe respiratory distress - enough to warrant calling an ambulance, although 40 minutes later she'd recovered enough to cancel it.

Not long after that, I experienced some symptoms which I now recognise as characteristic of this infection - weakness, fatigue, headache, what might have been a mildly raised temperature. I didn't have much trouble with breathing, but did have a bit of that "a cold is on the way" thing going on in my throat, but it's mostly come to nothing. And that was 2-3 weeks ago. So it occurs to me that I may already have been infected, and recovered.

There's no way of knowing, unless someone comes up with an antibody test, and I shall carry on operating on the basis of trying to avoid exposure. But, y'know, will sell blood for bogrolls ;)
It’s kind of weird that so many posters have had this v similar bug, but it’s not something we’d normally be talking about so much.

I really think it’s something else (there are types of influenzavirus other than the main nasties they vaccinate for) and there’s a bit of wishful thinking in thinking we could maybe now be immune and have dodged a bullet.
It’s kind of weird that so many posters have had this v similar bug, but it’s not something we’d normally be talking about so much.

I really think it’s something else (there are types of influenzavirus other than the main nasties they vaccinate for) and there’s a bit of wishful thinking in thinking we could maybe now be immune and have dodged a bullet.
Yes, I think there are so many possibilities, and it is easy to put the story together neatly, with hindsight. But I imagine, as we learn more, and testing gets better, we'll find that there were all kinds of people who caught it, barely suffered, and recovered. But it would not pay to assume that we were one of those, absent some very definite confirmation!
We have a slightly complicated situation going on here.
My daughter has had daily headaches, which start from lunchtime to late afternoon and are then very difficult to shift - she's had them every day but one out of about 16 days.
My son came home from work yesterday with a bad headache (he will be working from home in any case from tomorrow).
I have the tight chested feeling, slight sore throat, a little uncomfortable around the ears, a slight headache, a little bit nauseous and the weird foggy head others have mentioned.
I'm 49, relatively fit, apart from smoking - work on my feet, walk a fair bit etc - very rarely suffer with anything that feels so distinctly in my lungs.

All feeling a bit more knackered - have all had odd days of conking out early etc - none of us have/have had a temperature, or anything like a continuous cough (little bit of coughing, plus sneezing).

I don't feel well but I don't feel awful and we have all been going to work/school.

My problem is that we appear to have some sort of drain/sewer issue (awful smells seeping up into the living room, far from any obvious exterior pipes/drains etc). This has been going on for a couple of weeks - about as long as my daughter's headaches - and I am currently frantically trying to get it sorted, while there is still a chance to do so ( :eek: ). That currently looks like Southern water hopefully coming tomorrow, after coming today when I was at work, to have a look at the main drains out the back - but the issue with that is that they're in the gardens of houses two doors down on one side and three doors down on another, so any work they can do (or exclude from being the issue - I'm becoming worried it's more likely to be a cracked pipe just because I can't really work out why the smell would be where it is, otherwise :( ) is totally dependent on both of those houses having people home (and not self-isolating etc) to let them in!

Until then, I'm just unable to know whether it's actually the house that's making us ill (in which case, we really need to be out of it as far as possible) or not, in which case I'd really be thinking about self-isolating, as a precautionary measure etc.

I'm getting a bit stressed about it all, just because the timing of the leak is so fucking awful, in terms of getting it resolved (wtf we do if it isn't resolved in time for any period of self-isolation, or lockdown, that will undoubtedly come up?!) but also being completely unable to distinguish what to do about it, in terms of our/others health, until it is! It's doing my head in!

All of our symptoms would easily fit with the (potentially serious and increasing) health risks from a sewage leak, but if they're not, we'd be better holed up here for a bit.

Urgh - just have to hope they do come tomorrow and can get access and that it's actually something easily fixable and then I can focus on what to do/make some proper decisions with some clarity!

Has actually been helpful to hear what symptoms other people are experiencing, whether it's covid related or not, cos I'm a bit less worried about us being slowly asphyxiated in our sleep instead, for the mo. :thumbs:
I'm sick and I think I've got it. Obviously can't get tested for it.

Reasons I think I've got it...

I don't have the normal flu. That always seems to start with body aches and severe lethargy.

It's not a normal cold because that always seems to start in my nose/throat area.

Whatever I've got at the moment started directly in the chest. Just a cough for the first 24 hours but last night I woke up in a sweat and now the tiredness is creeping in. My lowerl chest feels like it's on fire but I still generally have more energy than the standard flu and I have no sneezes, runny nose or the other usual cold type systems just a horrible, burning, slightly flemmy lower lung/chest.
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