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If you have it, have had it, are pretty sure you have it, tell us about it?

Have you got the virus, had it, or recovered from it?

  • I have the virus at the moment, pls post symptoms in thread ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%
  • I had a mild case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 17 11.2%
  • I had a serious case of the virus and have now recovered ..

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Someone I know has a serious case, and has not yet recovered ..

    Votes: 5 3.3%
  • Someone I know died from the virus

    Votes: 20 13.2%
  • I was tested, it was positive for the virus

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • I was tested, it was negative for the virus

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • I am still healthy, with no evidence of infection

    Votes: 79 52.0%
  • I was contacted as part of contact tracing, pls post details

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I am self isolating at the moment by my own choice

    Votes: 19 12.5%
  • I have been told to self isolate ..

    Votes: 15 9.9%

  • Total voters
A couple if know have both had it. The worst symptoms passed and its now 5 and 6 weeks later respectively and both, despite feeling well, are immediately exhausted if doing any exercise - including walking. I'm quite worried for them in all honesty.
I've had a few aches and been feeling a bit lethargic last few days. I was feeling tired by teatime yesterday but didn't go to bed until 11ish and slept for 10 hours which is very unlike me. Today I woke up with a thick head and my taste isn't quite right. Don't have a thermometer but I don't feel hot and don't have a cough or bad throat. I'm assuming this is it with very mild symptoms.

Also, eating a 200g bag of chocolate peanuts made me feel really shit. 🤔

My ex is a keyworker so got a test booked in for tomorrow morning.
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Come back and tell us the result. I am interested in the reality of those that think they have it vs if they really do because I am one who thinks they have had it.
My friend had a test today and she thinks she did ok swabbing herself but saw other cars where people were really struggling. Most I know booking tests now aren’t symptomatic.
I think I may have the 'rona
Fatigue joint pain headaches sinus pain watery eyes some chest pain and tightness

I was in contact with someone who has now tested positive: if I do have it, and got it off them its bloody easy to catch as we were outside the whole time and sort of social distancing (obvs not distant enough)

I've had nerve pain too: in both legs sciatic nerve and in my arms. Like having 4 trapped nerves
Cant edit my own post anymore so just updating for the record

I have the euphoria as mentioned by a few others 😎. Was incredibly moved by the light on the clouds for about half and hour and then very pleased by the ribbons in my my ribbon drawer [ I really like ribbons]

It would be interesting to see if the tracker app adds this "symptom". I'm going to add it on my daily tracker update.👍🏻

Euphoria was so strong that I woke up and planned to walk up a fairly steep hill behind my house to plant sunflowers in a guerrilla garden that my friend and I have started🤣. (Guerrilla sunflower gardening day today😉). Then I got breathless making a cup of tea and bringing it back to bed so I had a word with myself and revised my plans to perhaps cooking AND washing up AND having a bath all in the same day which I haven't had the energy to do.

I found it a tremendous comfort and reassurance to read other posters symptom journeys-thank you. Setting mine out below in case its useful

Day 1: unusual fatigue - needed daytime nap
Day 2: unusual fatigue - needed daytime nap
Day 3: fatigue plus mild ache and low grade temperature - thought it was probably just meno symptoms until friend told me she tested positive and I'd been with her the week before in her garden (not socially distanced enough obviously:facepalm:)
Day 4: more fatigue plus mild ache and low grade temperature and strong headache -enough to feel like maybe this was the virus not meno
Day 5: very fatigued, more temperature, more aches, sinus congested, breathing slightly effected, sleep disturbed
Day 6: very fatigued, more temperature, more aches, sinus congested, breathing slightly effected, sleep disturbed
Day 7: even more fatigued and weak, sweats and temperature, aches in all my joints, breathing more affected, sinus hard to sleep for long, pain in back of lungs
Day 8: still very fatigued, raised temperature and sweats, very achey through my sciatic nerve and carpel tunnel nerves, breathing tight, hard to get to sleep as lying down made breathing harder - some of which was real some of which was anxiety, mild pain in various parts of lungs, metallic taste
Day 9: still very fatigued, raised temperature and sweats, achey through my sciatic nerve and carpel tunnel nerves, still with breathing affected and anxiety, nausea and bad headache all day, mild pain in back/kidney area, mild pain in various parts of lungs, metallic taste
Day 10: slightly less fatigued , still with temperature, no nausea, less headache, breathing tight and still anxious , mild pain in back/kidneys area, mild pain in lung in spots, metallic taste
Day 11: first good nights sleep as I could lie down to sleep and woke with the euphoria:thumbs:, mild pain in trigerminal but that's it on pain front:). definitely on the mend today - still have to 'remember' to breath fully and to empty lungs fully, still tired enough to be in bed though, food tastes better, can taste more
So I am still ill but getting better very slowly.

It´s basically given me chronic fatigue and the worst symptoms have faded but I still have the virus. Not tested confirmed but my GP thinks so. She said latest info for some people up to 3 months to recover. I have been ill for like 7 weeks now. It´s a very trange and gruelling experience. The latest weirdness is constant tinitus... which I never had before. And on off ear pressure. My throat is loads better now though, sinuses still weirdly blocked one at a time. Have been taking some traditional chinese medicine herbs, which have helped a lot actually, and the lady sending them to me is quite
clued up with the mixes they have used in China for covid.

Will update more when stronger and or better. Hope others going through similar can take something from this, you need to stay positive and optimistic and patient!
So glad to read I'm not the only Urbanite to have it. It's been a weird one as it seems to come and go in waves.

We had paramedics come round to test us as my wife called 111 just for a bit of advice and they blue lighted them round. I've got the cough but no fever (my wife has but it broke in a day), we have had fatigue and confusion as well. The confusion is the worst.
I'm pretty much fine now. Sense of taste back to normal. still got the odd bit of chest weirdness and shortness of breath plus an intermittently sore throat, on Friday my temp went up again but still in normal range. My mum is getting tired a lot more easily than she used to and still has a cough :(
I'm pretty much fine now. Sense of taste back to normal. still got the odd bit of chest weirdness and shortness of breath plus an intermittently sore throat, on Friday my temp went up again but still in normal range. My mum is getting tired a lot more easily than she used to and still has a cough :(
We're pretty much fine now. Looking forward to being able to go out for a waddle in a couple of days as per the guidelines that you can go out after a week.
So those who have / have had it, when do you think you contracted it and have you figured out how you caught it ?
So those who have / have had it, when do you think you contracted it and have you figured out how you caught it ?
I unwisely met up with my friend in her garden we intended to stay socially distanced but we sat closer than 6 feet and she made me a cup of tea. She works in care homes and tested positive the next day
So glad to read I'm not the only Urbanite to have it. It's been a weird one as it seems to come and go in waves.

We had paramedics come round to test us as my wife called 111 just for a bit of advice and they blue lighted them round. I've got the cough but no fever (my wife has but it broke in a day), we have had fatigue and confusion as well. The confusion is the worst.

Are you both ok now?
I rang 111cand had paramedics round yesterday and a trip to A&E for ECG after I woke with palpitations early yesterday morning (I'm ok now)

On a morbidly curious note (I wasnt morbidly curious while having squeezing palpitations I can tell you) its amazing how the virus can cause so many symptoms. I feel likes its wandered round all my body having a look in. Today I woke up with sore and crusty eyes but nothing else :thumbs:
I can confirm that even with a mild case there can be quite a long tail of fatigue and chest ache. I've had to dramatically curtail my usual exercise so as not to get knocked out by fatigue. My housemate who had it much more strongly than me thought she was better and made the mistake of going for a run - knocked her out for another day.
Riklet which TCM do you take?

Ive had various mixes made up and tweaked and adapted. 7 in total I think, taking them twice a day. Costs some money but less than id spend on booze etc normally probs! I have found it a lifesaver for easing some of the most horrible symptoms and helping me feel calm and manage the isolation and so on.

I started the herbs a month ago as I basically made myself worse in the first 3 weeks when I was stronger by trying to do exercise/yoga/walking by the river... I didnt have a bad cough or fever and treated it more like a normal illness. I ended up worn down and feeling so shit and miserable. The lady helping me has been super professional and patient and caring and the herbs arrive by next day courrier all packeted up.. PM if you want details.

I have had to almost give up using screens as they tire my eyes and make my symptoms worse. But slowly I have def improved over the last month and I cant wait to be better. It's been so hard being alone having to do everything being knackered going over every single thing ive done in my life, loads of memories and stuff coming to the surface. I have been meditating and will keep that up when im better for sure.

My friend just sent me a picture of her child who is in hospital with CV, diagnosed because he had Corona toes. I had never heard of this symptom.
That looks different from the photo of covid toes I saw before. I guess if your toes look different get it checked.
That looks different from the photo of covid toes I saw before. I guess if your toes look different get it checked.

I've seen a couple of different versions. My friend's son's don't look cracked or red but they are extremely swollen.
There is a US based peer support group for people experiencing covid symptoms
It's hosted on slack and it can take a little while for the admins to add you to the channel
Blimey, I hope everyone is on the mend soon.

What Riklet said ^^ has made me wonder about my current symptoms.
My cough is very mild now but I still feel rough in the mornings with it.
But now I have sinusitis. I assume that’s what I have anyway, I did an online GP consultation and they never got back to me but left a penicillin prescription at the pharmacy.
I’ve had ear pressure, ear pain, occasional toothache, dizziness and awful headaches which feel right behind my eyes. Saturday night I woke up from a nap on the sofa so confused and weak and upset. I went to the bathroom and couldn’t stop crying and I didn’t know why. I’ve had Mr Looby stay in the bathroom with me because I’ve been worried about falling over in the bath. I guess it does feel to a milder degree how I felt when I had glandular fever.
I just don’t feel right physically or mentally and Miss-Shelf reminded me about the sinus symptoms of corona and I wonder if maybe it is that. I guess it doesn’t matter so much to know as I’m not going out to work but after 7 weeks of working through symptoms, this has floored me. Maybe I should have stopped before.
A few pics, taken before I got told to stop it. Queue went down quick, took about 45 minutes. Carillion hi vizzers running tings.

Results came back in 48 hours. Negative.

View attachment 210237
View attachment 210581

Another negative swab from someone that was convinced they had it.

There's been LOADS of this, and people should be very wary of assuming they've had it, especially if it then makes them change their behaviour afterwards with social distancing.
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