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Hundreds of workers protest against Italians/Foreigners 'taking jobs'...

thats hardly a reason to cry racism at all of the strikers and push them into the arms of the fash ..
No one has, Froggy. And I've clearly stated that the strikers have to be engaged with. But that doesn't mean I'll support a strike that has reactionary employment practices as a key aim.
there's certianly some evidence of racism/xenophobia among some - SOME - of the strikers, which should be extra reason for the left to support the strike, because otherwise the bnp are going to fill that vaccuum and more left leaning workers will find themselves pretty isolated.
racism is there why?

Edited the quote to make the question clearer, a hopefully.
substitute nationalism if you like, makes little odds. Spion has decided his position on the basis of some placards that are no longer used, and one news clip - despite the explicit and obvious bias of the beeb. Either way, he isn't prepared to listen to any counter-argument

Sorry, but you're not making sense because he never said 'racism' and quite a few people discussed the connotations and origins here on this thread very openly and without any malice at all.

I think you've misunderstood what he was saying based on that news clip which featured "Kenny", which I'm thinking was Kenny the Unite Steward. If I remember rightly, that was the person that Spion quoted earlier.

I think you and dennisr and Spion have had a misunderstanding and my belief is that you're all wanting the same thing. Just a misunderstanding. Read back and I'm sure it will clear itself up.

You're on the same side, not the opposite side :)
No one has, Froggy. And I've clearly stated that the strikers have to be engaged with. But that doesn't mean I'll support a strike that has reactionary employment practices as a key aim.

But then you were never going to do the ABCs of 'engaging with them' anyway were you? (even if we ignore somewhat dubious approach you were planning to take to - theoretically - engage them)

Come on you keep shouting 'dishonest'

The reality is active working class socialists did 'engage' those strikers - you simply condemned both the strikers and those trying to 'engage' them from the start
racism is there why?

No, not racism! Possibly an insular way of looking at the situation, for which I would blame
a) the Govt, esp. Prime Minister Brown and his recycled fash-slogan from the NF (BJFBW)
b) Union 'Tops' for, since they're paid dues to look at the bigger picture and inform the rank and file what's going on in the wider world and make solidarity with other unions across Europe, nay, the World, for globalisation has been around for over 100 years.

We've got to look at it from the bottom-up, i.e. from our position as workers.
We've got to consider that it's only very recently that information about the world has been available to access to all.

Cars increased mobility and contact with other workers around the country.
Internet increases the amount of info available to us.

Before cars/internet and airtravel, information would be filtered from the top-down to workers, and workers would only be told what the Union leaders/bosses wanted them to know!.

Today, we're all better informed (thankfully) so we know when construction workers are striking in India, France, Germany, S.A., Brazil, etc and we know why they're striking!
We can find out which unions are involved in contract/agency disputes and work together. Couldn't do that very easily 30 or 40 years ago!
But then you were never going to do the ABCs of 'engaging with them' anyway were you? (even if we ignore somewhat dubious approach you were planning to take to - theoretically - engage them)

Come on you keep shouting 'dishonest'

The reality is active working class socialists did 'engage' those strikers - you simply condemned both the strikers and those trying to 'engage' them from the start

eh? are we reading the same thread?
I think you and dennisr and Spion have had a misunderstanding and my belief is that you're all wanting the same thing. Just a misunderstanding. Read back and I'm sure it will clear itself up.

You're on the same side, not the opposite side :)

I honestly cant see it as just a misunderstanding, tangent - there is a key difference behind the disagreements going on here. Yes, formally, we all want a united working class fighting to improve the position of each other and all workers. We are all opposed to racist, zenophobic and all forms of division between people. We can all see the dangers on some of the backward slogans being initially raised. We all formally share a lot of basic 'ideas and theories' in common - where we differ completely is how to apply them.

How we think a solution to those divisions (and a cutting across of backward demands) can be achieved - engaging that group of people in a way that makes those theories relevant - that point is where we take entirely different roads. That is the point were we have nowt in common.
/and MC2.5's posting up glove puppets!

You must have been on some hallucinogenic substance to infer what you have inferred from my posting of an image of a Sooty glove puppet belboid.

ffs, :rolleyes: it was my last post of the night. Never seen Sooty? He alway's signed off with "tatty bye everybody, tatty bye." :D
eh? are we reading the same thread?

Spions position was clear enough - he said he opposed the strike. If the socialists on the ground had arrived with a similar view they would have no hope whatsoever of being able to cut across the very elements of this movement he opposes.

In practice - regardless of platitudes about 'engaging' - he put himself on the other side of the line and cut himself off from the very thing he wanted to engage (engage in theory that is...)

yep, i think we are reading the same thread
I see Jerry Hicks is on Newsnight tonight talking about the current unofficial strike wave.

.....and a vid of Waterford workers.

You must have been on some hallucinogenic substance to infer what you have inferred from my posting of an image of a Sooty glove puppet belboid.
naah, just going of yours and your comrades' repetition of the bosses arguments. That was before you'd read the new Socialist Worker of course, whereupon your views suddenly changed!

ffs, :rolleyes: it was my last post of the night. Never seen Sooty? He alway's signed off with "tatty bye everybody, tatty bye." :D

I bow to your knowledge of old children's tv programmes. I always thought Sooty was shit meself.
naah, just going of yours and your comrades' repetition of the bosses arguments. That was before you'd read the new Socialist Worker of course, whereupon your views suddenly changed!

I bow to your knowledge of old children's tv programmes. I always thought Sooty was shit meself.

Good live with Harry. :D

You might want to check this post. before you come out with anymore idiocy? :)
But I'm supporting the strikers and they're humming and harring about it. :confused:

And "Izzy wizzy, let's get busy!" is not the headline either. :D

you didn't though.

Do you always need to check with your mates when you do anything?

and what is spion's game? Is he a boss?
you didn't though.

Do you always need to check with your mates when you do anything?

and what is spion's game? Is he a boss?

Personally, I think Spions over thinking it on the issue of nationalism and it's influence here, but I concur with his comments about the BjfBw slogan.

I also think it very unlikely Spion's a "boss".

You a peasant? :)

If you find a post where I've come out against this strike at anytime you win the glove puppet. Sweeps his mate. :D
or to put it another way:

he held an opinion, was told it wasn't the right one, and 'corrected' it

that's because you have to have someone else do your thinking for you tho, isn't it. ;)
no that's because you have to lie about people, and even when that lie is shown to be ridiculous, you wriggle and twist to make another equally vacuous bullshit point.

Come on tell us about your conspiracy theory about sock puppets.:D
'shown'? You have done no such thing. All you and tweedledumber have done is come along and chuck a few insults about, saying next top nothing of any use about the strike.

Oh, and you should look up what 'conspiracy theory' actually means if you are going to try and use the phrase in a sentence.

Or you could just say something about the actual thread topic.
'shown'? You have done no such thing. All you and tweedledumber have done is come along and chuck a few insults about, saying next top nothing of any use about the strike.

Or you could just say something about the actual thread topic.

Oh, the fucking irony. :rolleyes:

I've already made my position clear, what more is there to say?
Unless you trot twats have anything worthwhile to add, shut the fuck up.....:D

I indicated that it could be be worthwhile for you to back-up your claim that I was not supporting the strike, or have you yourself shut the fuck up? :)
with the deal arranged at Lindsey, it sure blows a hole in Brown's and Nl's 'flexible labour market', now hopefully other workers will take a close look at T&C and the minimum wage, etc.
Its incredible how quickly some of the Left and plenty of liberals have identified racism, xenophobia amongst the strikers, almost as if they expected it from the working class:hmm:!

well thats typical white middle class attitudes and part of the governments stragdey to undermine the striker imo

then again, at least they are discussing it, indymedia has largely ignored it, what a joke it is since FTP became its guru!

who or what is FTP?
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